The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1371

"The Regent All of a sudden, the people were shouting.

"The Regent One person's voice is small, two people's voice is loud. We can imagine the high voice of ten thousand people.

Ye Tianyi's thin lips are pursed up, silent for a moment, and she walks up to the high platform.

There was a cheer in the crowd.

Yun Qianyue looks at Ye Tianyi. His back is straight. Half of the people's voices are still fond of Ye Tianyi, the Regent. After returning to Beijing, he managed the flood. After the death of the emperor, he was granted the Regent and carried out a lot of policies to pacify and benefit the people. Most of the people still respect him. No matter how many dark things he did in private that were hostile to Rongjing, the things on the surface were still well done.

Night Tianyi goes to the Yuanyang lamp, and suddenly the fire comes out of the lamp.

Night light dye is shocked and flies to the high platform, so he has to rescue Ye Tianyi.

"You don't need to worry, you can see clearly that this fire is not a devouring fire." Mother Meng's voice stopped the night light dye.

Night light dye a Leng, see ye Tianyi not to avoid, although the fire, but turned into a dragon, around night Tianyi around a circle, and then perched on his head. In the glittering light, dense words appeared on the Yuanyang lamp. Because the fire was shining brightly, the handwriting could not be concealed, so that tens of thousands of people could see clearly.

Yunqianyue was stunned at the stage. Her eyes fell on the fire dragon on the top of Ye Tianyi's head, and looked at the subtitles of Yuanyang lamp. She had just looked at it. The fire dragon on the platform flew back into the Yuanyang lamp, and the subtitles disappeared in an instant.

This scene can be described as a spectacle, changing too fast.

Tens of thousands of people together issued a deafening cry of surprise, some people have knelt down, shouting: "dragon, real dragon!"

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing, but Rongjing looks at Ye Tianyi and the two mandarin duck lamps that are silent without any expression. She reached out and took his hand.

Rong Jing turns his head and smiles at the moon. He doesn't speak. He calms down a little.

"King's body and life! The Regent should take good care of your health. " Mother Meng's old voice uttered a word.

Ye Tianyi nods and goes down the platform without saying a word.

"That's not right! Granny Meng, you said you had to solve three questions before you could ask about the destiny of heaven. Now this is a flash in the pan, for what? The Regent has not solved the problem. " Night light dye voice inquiry.

"Ordinary people naturally want to solve problems. How much wisdom and ability they have depends on how many lives they have. Just like the little princess of the night, like the Lord of the blue family, like the Lord of cangshao. The Regent's destiny is noble, and the magic lamp is on the scene. There is no need to solve the problem. This is not what I can control. It's just a matter of luck. " Meng Po Po said.

Night light dye no longer talks.

"Just now, little prince dye, you help save the little Lord. The magic lamp lets you let go. It can be seen that the noble spirit is extraordinary, and the magic lamp appears. You can come on stage? " Meng Po Po asked to light dye at night.

"I don't believe in God or Buddha. If my heart is not sincere, I don't want to go up." Night light dye has no emotional tunnel.

"If you don't believe in gods and Buddhas, you can also ask about fate." Meng Po Po said.

"I'm in charge of my fate, don't ask me!" Night light dye road.

"Although the little prince Ran is not more noble than the Regent, he is also a virtuous prince in charge of military power. If you want to move in the future, it will be a great event for the common people. Even if you don't ask yourself how to use your skills, it's your duty to ask about the destiny and well-being of the people. " Meng Po Po said.

Night light dye frown, do not speak.

"Let's go up, dye!" There was a renewed outcry from the crowd.

The night light dye hears the high voice all around, suddenly smiles, slants the head to see to Rong Jing, "weak beauty, you can go up?"

"If I don't go up, I don't need to pay attention to it. Like the Regent, he is entrusted by all the people, so it's hard to say if I don't go up." Rong Jing light way.

"If I go up, no one else will see my destiny. You don't look at my destiny, do you? " Night light dye road.

"The fate of little prince dye is not worth my efforts." Rongjing didn't care.

Night light dye hums and walks to the stage.

Yunqianyue looks at night light dye and thinks Rong Feng says he is a dark dragon, so is it like the night and nature show the dragon body? Just now, the spirit consciousness in Yuanyang lamp evaded one step when he took a move, which showed that his destiny was higher than the night light warm, cangting and Lanyi in front of him. I don't know what kind of magic he is.

She is thinking, night light dye suddenly turn back, to cloud shallow moon way: "little girl, I won't let others see. You're surprised at my luck, aren't you? Then come up with me? Look behind my back and see where I can see clearly. "

"I'd rather peep than go up." Cloud shallow moon says bluntly.

Night light dye suddenly a choke, stare cloud shallow month one eye, maliciously way: "that you had better see some clearly."

Cloud shallow moon hypocritical place nods, on the face is angry to death person not to pay for life's expression.

Night light dye hums a, some angry ground walks toward Gao Tai. After he got on the high platform, he immediately urged his skills and wrapped himself in thick fog. People under the stage can only see a thick fog, not his people.Everyone opened their eyes hard.

The cloud shallow moon stares at the high platform, urges the spiritual power in the hand.

Rong Jing stopped her and said in a low voice, "don't look!"

Cloud shallow moon puzzled to see to Rong Jing.

Rongjing whispered to her: "just now you have used your spiritual power. Now it's OK. There has always been an established destiny for the destiny of God. If you get this, you lose that; if you get that, you lose this. You have seen the destiny of night light dye today, he may come back to see your destiny in a short time. The fate of the world, there are causes and results. I don't want people to see your destiny. "

"The cloud shallow moon laughs," you speak every word is the way, no wonder can and spirit Yin discuss Dharma. It's a pity not to become a monk! "

"I have no relationship with Buddha." Rong Jing smile at her, eyes indulge, "only with you."

Yun Xiaoyue took a look at him and said, "since we don't look at their fate or our own, we don't want these two magic lamps. What are we doing here? Let's go

Rong Jing nodded, "good!"

Cloud shallow moon pulls Rong Jing's hand to turn around and walk out of the crowd.

"King Shizi, Miss shallow moon, you two came here once, didn't you just leave like this?" Seeing that they were leaving, she stood up suddenly.

Rong Jing stopped, slowly turned back, and said with a faint smile, "the heart of Rongjing can't fit all the people in the world. It's only a cloud light moon.". It is a blasphemy to ask for life. "

"As a woman, my greatest desire is to help my husband and my son. Xiang's husband is Rongjing, and his children are only his children. In my heart, I can't hold the world, only he. I don't have to ask about fate. It's blasphemous. " Cloud light moon road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!