The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1370

Cloud shallow moon is surprised by the sudden action of Rongjing, just about to speak, and his soft voice is swallowed by him. Wide sleeves cover two people, lingering kisses swept over.

Cloud shallow moon reaches out to push, Rong Jing is motionless, she can not bear, the body a soft, can only let Rong Jing do what she wants.

It was quiet all around, a sea of thousands of people as if no one was there.

The lingering kiss to the bone will cloud shallow moon kiss several want to suffocate, Rong Jing just slowly let go of her, stick in her ear, low voice gentle way: "don't think of other irrelevant people. Do you hear me? "

Cloud shallow month ground ground ground ground beat him, annoy way: "overbearing!"

"I'm a bully. Do you like it?" The burning breath of Rongjing sprays in the ear of cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon Mei eye such as silk ground glared at him, intentionally way: "don't like."

"Well?" Rong Jing bowed his head to kiss again.

Cloud shallow month can't bear him again, quickly beg for mercy way, "like."

Rong Jing's mouth slightly hook, proud to pick eyebrows, such as jade's hand will be a wisp of her hair smooth to the ear, eyes gentle indulgence.

Cloud shallow moon think of this man, he is proud and arrogant to this point, around are people, he completely ignored. In this way, she turned her head slightly and saw that there was no figure of night lightness and warmth around her. Ye Tianyi looked at the high platform without any expression. Ye qingran was looking at her and the scene with a gloomy face. She did not blush and did not speak.

Night light dye cold hum a, first open a way: "little girl, you to completely ignore and, in broad daylight..."

"It's dark." The moon stopped him.

Night light dye is interrupted, angry way: "black sky is also on the street, you are so immoral..."

"Wang Ye, we don't care about us The voice of Rongjing is warm and cool.

Night light warm stare Rong Jing one eye, "later you intimate, less let me see."

"As long as you hide from us, you can't see it." The scenery is neither salty nor light.

Night light dye is angry, still want to say what, night Tianyi suddenly turned around, looked at Rong Jing and cloud shallow moon without expression, to night light dye way: "look at Cang Pavilion solution is what?"

Night qingran's anger is stopped. She turns back to look at the high platform and urges her skills to see it.

Rong Jing suddenly stops night light dye.

"Weak beauty, what do you stop me from doing?" Night light dye originally a stomach angry, now see Rong Jing stop him, completely angry.

Rong Jing said faintly, "what's the meaning of knowing who's destiny? Little prince dye, you are here to see others. Later you go up, others will see you in the same way. Would you like to? "

Night light dye face Yin cold, "I don't remember cangting and you have any friendship."

"It's not friendship." Rong Jing's voice was dim, "he doesn't care about me, but the people he cares about can close me."

Night light dye a choke, swept cloud shallow moon one eye, indignant ground stopped a hand.

Rong Jing slowly withdraw his hand, pale complexion.

Although the two men competed with each other in an instant, they separated the crowd and erected a barrier automatically. The common people did not feel any sense of it and were not affected. They looked at the high platform curiously.

Cloud light moon in Rong Jing and night light dye the gap between the hands, activate spiritual power, roughly swept the Yuanyang lamp out of the puzzle. After they stopped, she stopped.

Ye Tianyi didn't say anything about the two people's movements, but just looked at the high platform.

"Where's sister Qingwen?" The voice of the sixth princess suddenly rang out.

Cloud shallow month looks to six princess, see her face to recover a few minutes, already need no one to support, stand beside Leng Shao Zhuo.

Night Tianyi and night light dye smell speech turn back, four under a glance, there is no night light warm figure around, all Qi Cu frown. Ye Tianyi asked after him, "where is the little princess? Can you see it? "

"Back to the Regent, the little princess has just left, and there are hidden guards following her." In the dark, the Lord of the Royal Guard answered.

Ye Tianyi nods and turns.

Night light dye eyes flash, as if thinking, also turned back, swept the Rongjing and cloud shallow moon one eye, did not speak.

After a while, there were two "HISHI" sounds coming from the high platform, and the two magic lamps had fire coming out, which were directly facing the Cang Pavilion. Cang Pavilion face color a change, immediately Dodge, but the fire light follows him like a shadow.

Night Tianyi sees immediately to hand, but he just uses Gong, then the face shows painful color.

"If you've got an internal injury, you'd better not use your merits. I'll save him." Night light dye quickly to stop night Tianyi, an instant to save the Cang Pavilion on the platform.

Yunqianyue hears the speech and looks at night Tianyi, thinking that no wonder he just wants night light dye to see the fate of cangting Pavilion. It turns out that he was injured internally. In these days, nothing big happened in Beijing, and no one was against him or did anything with him. How could he get hurt?

Ye Tianyi feels the sight of the cloud and the moon. Turning back, she looks at her eyes. Her eyes are shining in the deep sea. The color of pain is so obvious.

Yun Qianyue's heart palpitates slightly. She takes back her sight and thinks that there are few people who can hurt Ye Tianyi. In addition, there are night light dye and royal hidden guards. Ordinary people can't get close to him, and Rongjing has never dealt with him. So it's no doubt that he hurt himself. As for the reason, she thought it was unnecessary to explore.Rong Jing did not stop the night light dye this time, swept the night Tianyi one eye, the complexion is light.

Night light dye spectrum a hand, god lamp spurts out the fire light to withdraw back, Cang Pavilion some embarrassed ground to stand firm body shape, facial expression some white.

Granny Meng looked at Cang Pavilion and said, "Cang Shao Lord, the master of blue family just cracked it by force and suffered internal injury. But you added a more word than her. The lamp asked for life and asked for fate. Fate to, fate to, fate is not to be forced. If you ask for it, you will be attacked by the lamp. "

Cang Ting tightly pursed his lips and did not speak.

"Cang Pavilion, come down!" Night light dye slowly withdraw hand, to cangting road.

Cang Pavilion looked at the magic lamp, silent for a moment, nodded, and walked slowly down the platform.

The night light dye looks at the magic lamp, the eye light changes for a time, turns to ask night Tianyi, "Tianyi, can you go up?"

Ye Tianyi's eyes are far away, and her voice is a little cold. "I promised to ask for a magic lamp for her, which should go up."

"Today, the mandarin duck lamp is different from the past, asking about the destiny. You go up and ask about your destiny, it has nothing to do with her. You don't have to pay attention to her. " Night light dye frown way.

Ye Tianyi slightly pursed her lips and said in silence, "in this case, it's not necessary! I don't have to ask about destiny. My destiny is predestined

Night light dye frown, did not speak.

"Regent, your destiny is not your own. Now that the new emperor is too small, you bear the fate of heaven saints and common people. It's up to you to accumulate happiness for the world. " Mother Meng suddenly said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!