The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1367

As soon as mother-in-law Meng said this, there was silence in the sea of thousands of people.

Night Tianyi eyes light slightly a sink, the voice is also low, "true dragon and Phoenix?"

"Yes, what a dragon and Phoenix!" The mother-in-law Meng affirmed: "the real dragon dominates the heaven, the true Phoenix dominates the earth, and the heaven and earth are the masters. It is the blessing of life."

Ye Tianyi stares at her mother-in-law tightly, and her eyes are sharp, "so she knows who is the real dragon and Phoenix?"

Granny Meng laughed, "the Regent flatters my old lady. She has been telling people fortune for 30 years. She has never dared to go against the sky or reveal any of the secrets of heaven. Now and then, she has figured out that she is going to die, and that's why she dares to ask the fate of heaven. Who are the real dragons and phoenixes? It depends on the destiny of heaven. "

Ye Tianyi no longer talks.

Night light dye cold hum a, "the new emperor inherited the auspicious omen of heaven, he is the destiny of nature. How can you make a fool of the world by playing tricks here

"Dye little prince, the new emperor is the new emperor, and the destiny is the destiny. I dare not comment on the happiness of the new emperor, but this destiny is related to the happiness and misfortune of the common people. The common people, who have the ability, have the right to ask about their safety. " Meng Po Po said.

Night light dye no longer speak, look to Rong Jing.

Rong Jing's face was light and silent, and he could not see any emotion.

Yun Qianyue's eyes fell on the two Yuanyang lamps, and it was found that the two lamps were indeed different from those she had put out in previous years. At this time of the past year, she was in the capital, and had visited the lanterns, but she just looked around and looked at the flowers. She has never been very fond of fortune tellers, and she will not stop here. She just knows that there are many people here in previous years, and there are more people around here this year than in previous years.

Most of the ancients believed in destiny and superstitious about gods and ghosts. In the past year, Tiansheng has been suffering from natural disasters and man-made disasters. People are always worried about safety. Therefore, mother-in-law Meng asked about the fate of heaven here. People under the stage can see that this move has won the support of the people.

Even if ye Tianyi and ye qingran are not allowed to be taboo about this, they may not be able to resist the voice and protest of the people if they really question and take down mother-in-law Meng.

Therefore, mother-in-law Meng has decided on her destiny today.

"Little girl, you just said you wanted to guess. Now you can come up and have a guess?" Seeing that there was no sound under the stage, Mrs. Meng asked the first person to speak.

Night light warm bite lips, as if in hesitation, looking at the two lights hanging on the high platform did not speak.

"The little girl has stepped back? I dare not? " Mother Meng asked again.

The night is light and warm, slightly coagulates eyebrows, and slants his head to the cloud shallow moon way: "cloud elder sister, don't you want to ask for a lamp for seven elder sisters? Are you going up now? "

Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, decisive way: "do not go up!"

Night light warm a Leng, "don't you ask for a lamp for seven elder sister?"

"I can't joke about it. My sister-in-law will understand me." Cloud light moon road.

"But I want it." The night is warm and soft.

Cloud shallow moon smiles at her, "then you go up!"

"If you have to go through three or nine tests, you will be able to solve 27 problems." Night light warm uncertain way: "with my tiny skill son, certainly can't answer."

"That's not sure." Cloud light moon road.

Night light warm looking at cloud shallow moon, "cloud elder sister, if you go up, with your talent, you will be able to crack."

Cloud light moon but smile not language.

Night light warm see cloud light moon really give up don't want to solve the problem, take the lamp, turn to night Tianyi way, "Yi elder brother, I still want the lantern, you help me solve?"

Ye Tianyi takes a look at the little face that night is looking forward to. Without speaking, he looks again at the mandarin duck lamp hanging on both sides of mother-in-law Meng.

When the night is light and warm, he does not answer, and he makes it difficult to speak any more.

For a moment, the place was quiet.

"Let me guess!" In silence, there is a familiar voice.

Yunqianyue goes to see the sixth princess. She leaves the crowd and steps on the wooden ladder to the high platform. The sixth Princess stood out first. She was not surprised. She had Qin Yuning as a companion in recent years. In fact, she was proud of her talent. She is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. She is also outstanding among royal children, but her arrogant personality covers her talent.

Six princesses on the high platform, night Tianyi frown, but did not stop, night light dyed complexion covered a layer of shadow, also did not stop.

"This is Six princesses? " Granny Meng looks at the sixth princess.

"Mother in law has good eyesight." Six princesses nodded, "I'll guess the riddle. Is it ok now?"

Mrs. Meng looked up and down at the six princesses and shook her head, "she was born in the golden chamber and died in the snow and ice sky. Cold clothes can be wrapped in one's body. The sixth princess's life is too hard and her Yin Qi is too heavy. You can't solve the riddle if you can't get close to the magic lamp. "

The sixth princess's face changed, "why can't I get close to the magic lamp? Mother in law, are you really fooling the world, just as the little prince ran said

"I've been telling fortune for 30 years. I've never said a thing or two. If the six princesses do not believe, they will approach the lamp to see if you can get close to it. All the puzzles are on the two magic lamps, but if you can't get close to them, you can't solve them. " Meng Po Po said.Six princesses anger swept across the eyes, "then I must try."

"I have sent a divination to the princess. The princess is a thousand gold. She is stubborn. If you accumulate yourself, you will be hurt. You can't blame me." Mother Meng has a word in advance.

The sixth Princess snorted coldly and went to the magic lamp.

Thousands of people under the stage looked at the six princess, all eyes focused on her body.

"Sister six, forget it!" The night was light and warm, and suddenly opened his mouth. He flew up to the high platform. He grabbed the six princesses who approached the magic lamp and said to her, "if you want a magic lamp, you are just seeking a divination. Now that your mother-in-law has given you a divination, forget it!"

The sixth princess was furious, "what's her divination? There is not a good word! "

"Sister six, since she doesn't do divination, you forget it. Don't touch the magic lamp. " The night is light and warm to persuade her.

"You let me go. I'm going to try today. It's just two lights. How can I not get close to it? " The sixth Princess pushed aside the light and warm night that stopped her and stubbornly approached the two lamps.

Night light warm see her determination so, look at the night nature and night light dye.

Ye Tianyi doesn't speak, but night qingran says to Leng Shao Zhuo: "Leng Xiaowang, since the six princesses have given you marriage, even if it's your woman, you let her go alone. If something goes wrong, it's your responsibility."

Leng Shao Zhuo smelled the speech, his face changed. In a moment, he called out to the six princesses, "six princesses, come back!"

Six Princess steps a meal, look back to Leng Shao Zhuo. This is the first time that Leng Shao Zhuo spoke to her since they were married several days ago. He turned her head and looked forward without a look. , the fastest update of the webnovel!