The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1368

"Is this your royal upbringing? If you haven't married into the house of filial piety, you won't respect your husband's instructions, or keep your husband's principles? " Cold Shao Zhuo see six princesses do not listen to what he said, cold voice way.

Six Princess steps again, turned to look at Leng Shao Zhuo, "cold little prince, you finally admit that I am going to marry you."

Leng Shao Zhuo said with a straight face: "if you don't want to marry me, repent now. After destroying the marriage, I can't control you. But now that you have my hat on your head and you are my person, you should listen to me."

The sixth Princess looks a little blue.

"Come back!" Leng Shao made a deep command.

The sixth princess was angry in her heart, but thousands of people looked at her. She was restrained by the dogma of the Royal Princess. Naturally, she could not refute in public and not give Leng Shao Zhuo a face. Although she is the body of a princess, she still has to comply with her husband. Unable to move forward a step, but her heart was unwilling to pull up the hairpin on her head and threw it at a magic lamp.

All the people under the stage could see it clearly. They all exclaimed, thinking that the magic lamp might be destroyed, because the six princesses had great strength. Although she does not practice martial arts, but royal women are strong body, learn archery, more powerful than ordinary women.

The mother-in-law of Meng did not sweep the six princesses, but sat there, as if she had not seen them, but remained motionless.

When the hairpin was about to approach the magic lamp, a flame sprang out of the lamp, and the golden hairpin was immediately wrapped by the flame. In a moment, "pa" to fall on the ground, the original good gold hairpin appearance a piece of black. When the golden hairpin fell to the ground, the flame returned to the lamp.

The crowd exclaimed again.

The sixth princess was scared to be bloodless. If it was not the hairpin but her that was just near the magic lamp, her face would be burned by the flame. As soon as she is soft, she will fall to the ground.

The night was light and warm, and immediately reached out to hold the six princesses.

"Your husband's son-in-law is a noble man. He saved you today." Meng Po Po said.

The sixth Princess couldn't say anything for a moment. The light was shining on her face, and the fright on her face was so obvious.

"Cold little prince, you come up and help the six sisters down!" The night is light and warm to the cold Shao Zhuo road under the stage.

Leng Shao Zhuo pursed his lips and walked up to the platform. He picked up the six princesses from the night and walked down the stage.

"Although the six princesses can't get close to the magic lamp, Leng Xiaowang can get close to the magic lamp. Do you want to have a try Mother Meng asked suddenly.

Leng Shao Zhuo stepped back and looked at mother-in-law Meng, looked at the two magic lamps and shook his head, "Shao Zhuo thinks that he can't solve the three problems, so don't try."

Meng Po Po nodded and stopped talking.

Leng Shao Zhuo helped the six princesses to go down. When he got off the platform, he took a look at the six princesses who were still soft in his arms, and told his descendants, "come, help the six princesses!"

A woman appeared in response and held the six princesses.

This incident made people who had been suspicious of the two mandarin duck lanterns completely believe in the power of the magic lamp. The word of destiny has also entered the hearts of all. Tens of thousands of pairs of eyes have just seen the lamp self overflow, the flame burned the golden hairpin. Unmanned, and the future wind, for a time have thought of these two magic lamps, as mother-in-law said, infused with God's instructions.

"Mother in law, can I get close to the lamp?" The night is light and warm and asks mother-in-law Meng.

Mother in law Meng nodded, "the little princess of the prince's house, naturally."

Night Qingnuan took a deep breath and went to the magic lamp. Everyone's eyes moved away from the six princesses under the stage and looked at the night light and warm.

Yunqianyue also watched the night light and warm, and saw that she easily walked to the magic lamp. The lamp did not emit fire like the six princesses, but hung there quietly, without any difference. She looked at the magic lamp for a moment, and asked Rongjing, "can you see what's strange about this lamp?"

"These two lamps are ancient sacred lanterns, which are said to have gathered the aura of heaven and earth. They can be used to activate the mind and ask the destiny of heaven." Rong Jing's voice was very low, "I didn't expect it was in the hands of mother-in-law Meng."

"Is this really a magic lamp?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Rong Jing looked at her with a smile, "don't you believe it?"

Cloud shallow moon frown, "is not how to believe, there is such a magical thing? There must be something strange in it. "

Rong Jing smiles and shakes his head and says, "this is indeed an ancient magic lamp. You can ask about the fate of heaven. It is said that it is a relic of the Tian family and has the same life with the cloud family. If it's weird, it's not true. It's just that it's infused with spiritual power by a great master of Tongtian mantra. The lamp is originally a dead thing, but with one's mind and spiritual power, it becomes a living thing. "

"So it is!" Cloud shallow moon nods, no wonder since she came to feel the urgent flow of aura in her body. It turns out to be infected by the aura in it. She saw the night light warm standing in front of the magic lamp, asked: "what's the title on it? Do you know? "

Rong Jing shook his head. "The reason why the magic lamp is called the divine lamp has the ability to open the destiny of heaven. The most important thing is that it can interpret the fate of all things in the world. Everyone stands in front of the magic lamp, and the mystery on the lamp is different. If anyone can solve all these puzzles, he will know his destiny. "Cloud light moon blinks, "so magical? Is there so much spiritual power in there? "

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, "the spiritual power of the cloud family is broad and broad. The magic lamp was originally a spiritual thing. More than 2000 years ago, the young master of the cloud clan was gifted with extraordinary talent. After the completion of the Tongtian mantra, he loved all things and benefited the whole world. He used the Tongtian mantra to inject the spiritual power into the two mandarin duck lamps. Once the magic lamp had spiritual knowledge, he could ask about the destiny of heaven. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, "such a divine object, how can it be a mandarin duck lamp? Is it not that the affairs of Fengyue have never been able to reach the hall of elegance? How can the guardians allow it to exist? "

Rong Jing said with a smile: "this is called the lamp of God of love. If it's not a mandarin duck lamp, it won't be favored by Yun Shao Lord. He'd like to give it spiritual power to please blue snow princess. "

Cloud light moon suddenly, the original two mandarin duck lamp still have such a good story. She looked at Rong Jing, "how do you know so much about the cloud clan?"

"In order to learn from the experience of some predecessors, I am not only clear about the affairs of the cloud clan, but also about the ancient affairs of the moon and the wind."

Cloud shallow moon is silent for a moment, angry Rong Jing one eye, this person, he is telling her, in order to pursue her, he has spent a lot of effort to study other people's affairs?

While they were talking, they saw that the night was warm and they had already solved the problem with a pen.

Looking at the light and warm night, yunqianyue thought of the mystery and destiny of the night on the magic lamp. She suddenly wanted to see it. Thinking of this, she turned to Rongjing and asked in a low voice, "can I have a look with spiritual power?"

"The Regent and the dye prince are very keen. If you use your spiritual power, you will not be found by them." Rongjing reminds us. , the fastest update of the webnovel!