The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1366

Cloud light moon dark scolded the dead child.

Rong Jing sniffed the speech and chuckled, "that's right! I'm afraid of the inside. "

The night is light and warm, crisp voice says with a smile: "if brother Jing says this, sister cloud can be powerful!"

Jade son evening with a flower basket sighed: "can marry to the month elder sister such a woman, I am also willing to fear."

Rong Jing glanced at Yuzixi.

The night is light and warm and funny way: "second prince, don't think about it. How many people want to marry sister Yue but can't do it. Brother Yi and my brother are going crazy for the moon. " Then she said, "eh," isn't that Yi brother and his brother? Six elder sister and cold little prince are also here

Yunqianyue hears the speech and looks along the direction of the light and warm night. Sure enough, ye Tianyi, night Qingnuan, six princesses and Leng Shao Zhuozheng walk out of the corner. In addition to four people, there are cangting Pavilion and blue Yi, which has not been seen for a long time. She thought that such a sea of people, can meet, really people do not look for trouble, things are looking for people. She took a look and said nothing.

Rong Jing also saw a few people, eyes light light, also did not speak.

Yuzixi is a smile, not waiting for the night light warm mouth, he first raised his voice and cried: "regent, dye little prince, good to meet you!"

Ye Tianyi and ye qingran have already seen four people. They come to this side and come near. Ye Tianyi's voice is quiet, "it's my pleasure to meet you, second prince."

"Whose daughter sent this orchid, the second prince is very lucky!" Night light dye picked eyebrows.

Jade son evening romantic smile, "the heavenly saint's woman is too warm, this prince some cannot live."

"The passion of the heavenly Saint woman is also divided to whom. Only when the second prince is famous in the world can he have such good fortune." Night light dye sees to cloud shallow moon, "little girl, you are finally willing to leave the mansion today."

"I can't stay in the house all the time." Cloud light moon road.

Night light dye looks at Rong Jing, "weak beauty, how are your wedding preparations? I don't see how you act these days. "

"Little Prince dye is very concerned about our big marriage." Rong Jing raised her eyebrows.

"It's natural. I was your witness by the Yuanyang pool." Night light dye road.

"When it's time to have a wedding reception, I can't afford to invite you." Rong Jing's eyes turn to LAN Yi, "where does the blue master enter Beijing today?"

LAN Yi nodded, "not long ago."

Yunqianyue looks at Lanyi and sees that she is thinner, but the expression between her eyebrows and eyes is excellent. There is no intimacy between her and Cang Pavilion, but it is not strange. Her childhood is like this. There is always a tacit understanding that no one else can get in.

"Since we met, we happened to travel together. Jingmei, would you not disagree?" The night light dye asks the Rong Jing.

"The seven princesses want a mandarin duck lamp from mother-in-law Meng Yung King Road.

"Brother Jing, you have said less than one. Not only seven elder sisters want it, but also me." The night is light and warm.

"Well?" Night light dye Leng for a moment, "ah" ground a smile, "this is a coincidence, our side these two blue family master and six princess also want Meng mother-in-law's lamp. Mother Meng only has two lamps a year. Now these four people want it. How can they live well? "

Yun Qianyue looks at Princess Liu and sees her beside Leng Shao Zhuo. Although she and Leng Shao Zhuo stand side by side, there is a person's distance between them. She doesn't see the joy that her daughter's family should have when she wants to marry. Obviously, this marriage is not like the legend, saying that the sixth princess is happy. This woman has always been higher than the top used to cold Shao Zhuo although the prodigal son turned back, but in her eyes afraid or a weak master, she did not look up to. She looked at the six princesses, and the six princesses also looked to her. She didn't have the expression of hatred in the past, which made her look numb. She moved away from her eyes and looked at Leng Shao Zhuo, who nodded slightly to her. She took her eyes back and said nothing.

"How can you live? Who got it? Whose! Six elder sister and blue family master are good, but I can't give up. " The night light warm immediately way: "elder brother, I am your own younger sister, you help me not?"

Night light dye rebukes night light warm one, "the trick that makes a fool of the world, make money woman son just, do you believe she does?"

"Brother, mother Meng is said to be the reincarnation of menpo in the underworld. Even master Lingyin says her divination is effective. How can she fool the world?" Night light warm dissatisfied ground stare night light dye one eye.

"Then you can marry by your own skill, don't use me to help you." The night is light and warm. I'm not going to help you.

Night light warm hum a, angry way: "after I come back, you train me day by day, really not like my brother." After that, she grabbed the sleeve of Ye Tianyi and said, "brother Yi, you help me, right? Sister Yue doesn't want to help her. Brother Jing will help her. They are sure to win. LAN and Cang Shao master have excellent martial arts. They have a good grasp. If my brother doesn't help me, I won't be helped. I'm weak. If you don't help me, I'll lose. "

Ye Tianyi took a look at the light and warm night, swept the cloud and shallow moon in the corner of his eyes, and nodded, "good!"

The night is light and warm, and the girl's face is bright.

Night light dye rebukes the night light warm one, the party no longer lingers, walks toward the human sea depth.

It was originally Yuzixi and the night light warm walk after Rongjing and yunqianyue, but now there are more than six people, Rongjing and yunqianyue are at the back of the crowd.Such a group of people, all of whom are Tianyi's noble sons, are nothing but the most eye-catching. Even in the sea of thousands of people, it is difficult for them to get crowded. The crowd was photographed by the gorgeous and noble spirit of a group of people. They all avoided the road and retreated a little.

Walking about a street, I came to a grandstand surrounded by a sea of people. From the stage below, you can see a white haired old woman sitting alone on the stage, about 100 years old. She hung two lights from left to right. They were two pairs of extremely exquisite and peculiar winged mandarin ducks.

Under the grandstand, there are nine floors of wooden steps. Her grandstand is also built strangely. From a distance, it looks like a nine fold palace.

The party stopped and looked at the high platform.

At this time, some people around the platform looked at Rongjing and ye Tianyi. They were all surprised and knelt down one after another, "regent, thousand years old! Jing Shizi, Da'an

After several people opened their mouths, they woke up and immediately fell to their knees. The stands surrounded by thousands of people suddenly came out. The old lady on the stage raised her head and looked down. She did not move in her chair.

"Today, all the people celebrate together. If you don't pay attention to etiquette, please do not pay attention to etiquette." Ye Tianyi waved her hand quietly.

People on their knees got up. Although they were in the capital, they had little chance to get close to them. For a time, the people were excited, especially the eyes focused on Rongjing. Jing Shizi went out by car or by bus. This opportunity of hiking appeared in the crowd once in a century.

"Granny Meng, has your riddle come out this year?" The night is light and warm to ask mother-in-law on the stage.

Mother in law Meng took a look at the night, and the old voice replied, "this little girl wants to guess a question?"

"It's not just me, we all guess." Night light warm road.

Granny Meng nodded, "this year's puzzle is set by luck. If you pass the nine hurdles, you can get one question, and if you get a lamp from three questions, you have to go through three nine passes. Little girl, you weigh up your ability. Do you want to guess. These people just wanted to guess. After hearing me say the riddle, they all stepped back. So far, no one dares to guess. "

Night light warm a Leng, "so difficult?"

"Yes, it's so hard!" Meng Po Po said.

"What is meant by heaven?" The night is light and warm.

"Fortune is destiny." "My old lady has been sitting here for 30 years. This year, she has the courage to ask for the fate of the world."

Night light dye smell speech, eyes squint, looking at Meng Po Po said: "what is the fate of heaven is how, where round get who out to ask? Granny Meng, you openly want to ask about the destiny here, but you are taboo and want to be guilty. "

Mother Meng's mother-in-law heard the speech and laughed, and the old voice said, "Little Prince dye, my old lady has only one bone left. Since I sit here and dare to ask the fate of God, where are you afraid of any guilt? I don't believe it. You are not curious about the destiny. The two mandarin duck lamps in my hand are not ordinary lamps. They are different from those in previous years. They are magic lamps that gather the happiness of all the people in the world. Not everyone can come to my old lady to ask about fate

"Why does mother-in-law ask for the destiny of the world?" Ye Tianyi asks in a deep voice.

"My old lady was born in the dust and is good at it. She has been telling people fortune for 30 years. She never dares to ask the fate of heaven. Before I die, I dare to go against the weather. The common people in the world are suffering, and the people are in dire straits. This destiny is placed on any people with conscience, and they want to ask about it. " Meng Po Po said.

Night light dye pick eyebrow, "mother-in-law at home to ask fate is, why to come here to ask destiny?"

On hearing this, mother-in-law Meng looks at ye qingran and others with a furtive look. Her eyes seem to rest on Rongjing and yunqianyue for a moment. Her old voice says, "once the dragon and Phoenix come out, the destiny is as good as it is. My old lady's thatched cottage, how can there be a dignitary? Naturally, if the mountain does not come to save me, I will come out to save the mountain. Instead of asking about the fate of the world's common people, we should naturally ask the real dragon and Phoenix. "

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