The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1365

Yunqianyue looked at Yunli with a funny smile and found that he had lost a lot of weight. He must have been struggling with the seventh princess. He also had a bad rest. He said with a smile, "it's not easy to get a child. Are you going to be in peace? We're done with a dough? There has to be a process. In my opinion, my sister-in-law is still light. Some women have to take medicine every day until the baby is born. "

"What else? Then she is really light. " Yunli was surprised.

Rongjing has been silent, listening quietly, eyes light as if thinking.

"Brother in law, don't let your sister get pregnant so early. She will be separated by the villain and her time for you will be shared. Do you think, compared with the person who is only you, does it not feel very good?" Yuzixi close to the scene, whispered.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and then it gave a gentle "um" sound.

Yunqianyue naturally heard Yuzixi's words and gave him a funny look. He thought that Zishu had taught his younger brother everything, and he could also tell him what he had done.

"You go! It's getting late now. " Cloud from the road, no longer delay three people.

They also stopped talking and went to the gate of the cloud palace.

When I came to the gate of cloud and moon, I saw that the light and warm night was waiting there. The red cape, like a flame, wrapped her pretty body in the red, with the beauty and beauty of her daughter's house, which was dazzling.

Yuzixi saw that the night was light and warm, the corners of his mouth curved, and his peach blossom eyes were blooming. He was very romantic. He said first: "I haven't seen you for a few days. The little princess has become more and more spring. I have been waiting for a long time. I didn't see the little princess. I thought the little princess would not come, which made my prince sad for a day

Cloud shallow month thinks this coax woman's mouth also is Zi Shu teaches him? When the child's mouth is sweet, it's not worth killing the dead.

He looked up and down at Yuzixi and said, "I can remember that the second prince didn't want to see me. He didn't see me for a few days. How can I say this? I'm afraid it comes frequently. If I'm tired of it, I dare not come. On the fifteenth day of today, the lanterns on the street are very good, especially those of mother Meng. How can I get one of them? I think that the second prince is not familiar with Tian Sheng, and this kind of excitement is only once a year, so I would like to invite you there. I don't want you to go out with brother Jing and sister Yue. "

"Why don't you wait to see you? All beauties, I think it's Yanfu. However, the identity of the little princess is not low, which really makes my prince flinch from the flowers! " Yuzi's romantic smile made her face somewhat enchanted. Her voice turned and asked, "does the little princess want a flower lamp of Granny Meng?"

"I'm not the second prince's love, but the second prince came to Tiansheng from a long distance. Brother Yi and his brother have many things to do, so they can't distract themselves from taking care of the second prince, so they give me the order. I will treat the second prince well. " Night light warm words fall, spit out tongue, smile way: "I want a Meng mother-in-law's lantern."

"Oh, it turns out that I, the king of Xiang, intended that the little princess of the night had no intention. It seems that my prince is doomed to suffer a heartburn." Yuzixi looked at the light and warm night with a smile and hooked his lips, "it's a coincidence. Just when we came out, the seventh Princess asked sister Yue to ask for a lantern for mother Meng."

The night is light and warm, smell speech to see to cloud shallow moon, surprised way: "cloud elder sister, seven elder sister also want a flower lamp of mother-in-law Meng?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Granny Meng's lantern is very popular every year, but she is really tricky and makes some problems. In recent years, few people broke her question and got lantern. Sister Yun, in addition to taking a lantern for the seven sisters, do you naturally want to take one? " The night is light and warm.

"I don't want it myself." The moon shakes her head.

The night seemed to be relieved and said happily, "that's good. I'm also worried that sister Yun took two of them at once, one for you and one for seven sisters, so I won't have anything to do with me. Now you don't want it. It happens that my seven sisters and I want one each. "

"Are you sure you'll get the lantern?" The moon looks at her with a smile.

I'm not sure, but you can always help me with brother Jing, sister Yue and the second prince, aren't you

Rong Jing smiles but does not speak.

Cloud shallow month smiles to nod, "that is. Let's go

Night light warm immediately nodded, a line of four people left the gate of the cloud palace, on foot on the street.

It was not dark, and the streets were crowded with people. Lanterns were lit in every street, and vendors took the opportunity to set up their stalls. In addition to a variety of lanterns, the most popular are clay figurine stalls and Lantern Festival stalls.

"Ah, I forgot to carry my basket when I went out." Yuzixi looks at the clay figurine stall.

Yunqianyue looked back at him with a smile and asked, "what do you want to do with a basket? You want to buy clay figurines? "

Rong Jing said in a warm voice, "buy a basket!"

Yuzixi was not difficult. Happily, he quickly took out a ingot of silver and bought a basket. The peddler wanted change. He waved his hand with great wealth. The peddler immediately accepted the silver and quickly praised him.Yuzixi took a big basket of flowers and asked yunqianyue, "sister, do you think this is enough to install the clay figurine you want."

Yunqianyue nodded with a smile, "that's enough. This is a gold basket. "

"If you want a clay figurine for your sister, you need the most expensive basket." Yuzixi put the basket on the next door, which was a bit of a jerk, but he didn't feel half silk, and he was elated.

Yunqianyue thinks about Zishu. This younger brother is really a treasure. How can he educate him? It's much more popular than Luo Yu's little girl film brought up by her parents.

Night Qingnuan looked at the basket on Yuzixi's arm, and her eyes flashed a little bit. However, in a flash, she laughed and joked: "second prince, I think your basket today is not filled with clay figurines. I think you will put back a basket of flowers."

She said, on both sides of a few women in the hands of flowers just dropped into the basket of Yuzixi.

Yuzixi picked a eyebrow, peach blossom eyes according to those women's faces, swept a glance, alluring, several women immediately crazy, he hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe After that, he suddenly asked Yun Xiaoyue, "sister, do you think I'm more popular or brother-in-law more popular when you walk in the street like this."

Yunqianyue took a look at the flowers in his basket. It was not easy for those women to hold orchids in their hands in the winter. Obviously, they were waiting here because she saw the paper paper used by xiangbou's daughter in the flower cluster. She said in a funny way, "your brother-in-law is not as good as you in attracting bees and butterflies."

"I don't think he is inferior to me. He has a female tiger at home." Yuzixi road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!