The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1364

Cloud shallow month looks at that pile of mountain like invitation cards, listen to Rong Jing's words, again speechless.

What is called a mountain higher than a mountain, placed on Yuzixi and Rongjing, at this time, we can see the difference.

Yuzixi had been drinking tea, but almost a mouthful of tea gushed out. He pressed the pressure, then stabilized the tea. Looking at the stack of invitation cards as high as the mountain, he said to Rongjing: "there are so many people outside. My brother-in-law may not be able to take care of my sister. I'm behind you. What can I do to help you?"

"What about these hearts? Where to put it? " Rong Jing looks at those invitation cards and raises her eyebrows slightly.

"Place it where it should be! How can these hearts be more important than the safety of my sister Yuzixi immediately said.

"Since you take care of your sister so much, it's natural to fulfill your wishes." Rongjing mouth slightly hook, slowly said: "your sister usually shopping most like to buy some small things, you will be responsible for her basket."

Yu Zi Xi looks at the clouds and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon in the heart roll white eyes, when does she go shopping love to buy things? With a smile on her eyes, she could only nod to Yuzixi, "well, I prefer clay figurines made with mud. When I get them back, you are responsible for holding them for me."

Jade son Xi Mou light flashed, gladly agreed, "good!"

Three people made a decision on this, so they threw a pile of mountain invitation cards aside and ignored it.

The sky will be ten minutes later, Ling Lian says outside, "Miss, the little princess is coming. Please go to watch the moon and enjoy the lantern with you."

Cloud shallow moon think night light warm, don't you give up? Also think that Yuzixi is nanlingrui's? Stopped for a few days, and came back to verify it again?

Rongjing seems to have expected, smell speech Yurong no mood.

Jade son evening pour is "ah" ground a smile, "this night small princess arrives is an interesting Lord son."

Cloud shallow moon looks at jade son evening.

"Sister, since brother Rui doesn't like her, what should I do if I accept her?" The jade son asks the clouds and the moon in the evening.

Cloud light moon slightly frown, if night light warm is a pure broken little daughter, he doesn't mind jade son Xi to her move to accept the mind, but this night light warm is night's childhood raise Dark Phoenix, receive her is not so easy thing. If you can't take it again, it may be poison. She doesn't answer for a moment.

"Brother in law, what do you say?" Yuzi asked about the scene in the evening.

"The little night princess is really an interesting master. There are not many women like this in the world." Yung King Road.

"So you agree?" Yuzi asked about the scene in the evening.

Rong Jing glanced at him and said casually, "you are still so young. You want to close the door so early, and you will hide all the fragrance. It's a good spring, but you'll spend the winter all your life?"

Yuzi coughed in the evening, looked at Rongjing, and then looked at Yun Qianyue, and said, "you are so young. How could you close your door so early, lock thousands of households, and hide the fragrance of the masses? It's a great spring, but spend your whole life in winter? Married sister Yue alone

"When I was seven or eight years old, I had no choice but to look at her." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon eyelid rolled, should be helpless is she? When she was so young, for the first time in the palace where the old emperor was forty-five years old, he had a black heart and a black lung to her. He forcibly robbed her of his first kiss, which made her want to peel off his skin. Who would like to fall into his trap step by step. Ah It's hard to say!

Jade son evening smell speech touch chin, some melancholy, "brother-in-law this helpless, I see but sweet ah!"

"Well, after ten years of helplessness, it is still worthwhile to have a happy life." Yung King Road.

"Jade son Xi blinks an eye," this night small princess I also just feel some meaning just, can't help but want to compete with her. However, if it is said that I can't do anything about it, it's still far from enough. I don't know if it's feasible to train them. "

"That depends on how to adjust. The Dark Phoenix of Yeshi is not easy to teach." Yung King Road.

"That little girl almost cheated me. Don't drop yourself in!" Cloud light moon reminds Yuzixi.

Yuzixi "Oh" a, nodded, three points of fun, three points of interest, three points with a challenging way: "you might as well try. If I have to, I will cut off her hands and feet and let her into my cage. If not, I will abandon her

"It's also possible!" Rong Jing can spit out a sentence.

Yunqianyue wants to take a look at the world, and there are few women who can make her look at each other. This night's light and warm is definitely No.1 person. So she didn't comment. Xiao Qi's younger brother will not be weak. If he wants to play, he can play.

"Let the little princess wait a moment, and the second prince will go out." Rong Jing gave an order to the outside.

Linglian smell speech should a, out of the shallow moon pavilion to the gate to reply.

Rongjing and yunqianyue are ready, Yuzixi follows them, and the three leave the house.

As soon as they got out of the shallow moon Pavilion, they saw Yunli come in a hurry and meet them. After seeing Rongjing and Yuzixi, they said to Yun Qianyue, "your sister-in-law likes a mandarin duck lamp made by an old woman. It is said that she makes two Yuanyang lamps every year. Your sister-in-law is pregnant and can't go out of the house. There are too many people outside. She is afraid that she will be crowded. So she asked me to come and ask her sister to get a lamp for her"Is that mother-in-law Meng?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Well!" Yun Li nodded, "your sister-in-law has always wanted to get her a lamp."

Cloud shallow moon smile, "sister-in-law turned out to be so superstitious, do you want to listen to her divination? I know that mother Meng's lamp is not easy to take. It's no less than finding the bald monk Lingyin, a famous monk in the world, to make a divination. "

"With King's son and her sister's intelligence, your sister-in-law begged you." Yunli looked at Rongjing with a smile.

"Are you sure you'll take a lamp from that mother-in-law's hand?" Cloud shallow moon partial head asks Rong Jing.

"You can have a try." Yung King Road.

"All right! Brother, go back and tell your sister-in-law that if granny Meng is easy to deal with, we'll help her get a lamp. If it's not easy to deal with, it's not my fault if we can't get it. " Cloud shallow moon smile way.

Yunli nodded, "in fact, I don't believe in this divination, but recently your sister-in-law can't sleep safely. She always dreams constantly. She wakes her up several times. She likes Yuanyang lamp, so she wants to take the opportunity to divine and see if it's a dream or a good omen, so I'll follow her."

Cloud shallow moon frown, "sister-in-law state is very bad?"

"The doctor said that women's pregnancies are mostly tortured in this way. If they are unhappy in the first few months, they naturally can't sleep well. When the month is bigger, it will be better. " Cloud from some helpless way: "really did not expect, get a child, so difficult." , the fastest update of the webnovel!