The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1363

Before the wedding of Prince Rong's jingshizi and miss Xiaoyue's appointment to the throne was over, there was a great joy for the prince Xiaoqin and the sixth princess. The two happy events were together, and the people in the capital, who had been suppressed for a long time, suddenly became boiling. Two days later, the ten families of the Cang family and the blue family simultaneous interpreting the good news of the Lord of the Cang family and the blue family. Because Cang Shao is in Beijing, the blue family leader will come to Beijing soon. Naxi and the wedding are held in Beijing.

As soon as the news of this great joy came out, the capital, which was originally busy, rose again.

Yunqianyue, after a good rest in the shallow moon Pavilion for two days, hears the good news from the Cang family and the LAN family, thinking that since cangting and Lanyi are childhood sweethearts, this is also a good marriage.

LAN Yi that woman, although not pleasing to her, but also unapt disgust. A few days passed in a flash, and this day came to the fifteenth day of the first month.

The fifteenth day of the first month is Shangyuan Festival. Also known as the Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival. It is a festival handed down for thousands of years, which is several times more lively than the new year's eve of the Spring Festival. All over the world, this day is called the biggest festival.

According to the tradition of the ancient system, on this day, thousands of lanterns and colorful lanterns were lit all over the world to celebrate.

In the daytime, all kinds of lanterns were arranged in Tiansheng capital. People began to rush in the street early in the morning, waiting for the arrival of the evening.

In the early morning, the people in the cloud palace made a lot of colorful lanterns hanging all over the courtyard.

Yunqianyue has been in the pavilion for a few days, but Rongjing hasn't made much trouble to her these days, which makes her in good spirits. Although she doesn't go out of the house, she is also infected by the noise outside. She asks Rongjing, "let's go out to enjoy the moon, watch the lanterns and go on a tour in the street this evening."

Rong Jing saw her full of interest and nodded with a smile, "good!"

Two people are agreed to come down, Yuzixi into the shallow moon Pavilion.

These days, Yuzixi became a frequent visitor to the pavilion of shallow moon. From that day on, he easily dismissed the light and warm night. He would come to the pavilion every day for a turn. Rong Jing deals with things, and he accompanies Yun Xiaoyue to talk with him or play chess.

He has a good conversation and is full of humor. He doesn't like nanlingrui who is always angry with her. Therefore, yunqianyue is very fond of this white brother and likes it as well.

Whenever the cloud moon shows appreciation and love, Rongjing will look at Yuzixi more often. Yuzixi winks at Rongjing, and continues to call for her elder sister.

As the saying goes, rarity is the most valuable thing, which is also applicable to people. The rarity of people is also valuable. Yunqianyue has a large number of elder brothers, and this younger brother has become a rare thing, and is also a sweet little brother. Therefore, although Yuzixi has not been here for a few days, he and yunqianyue are familiar with each other.

Now that Yuzixi is coming, and people haven't entered the house, the voice of yunqianyue spreads out, "Zixi, you're just in time. In the evening, we'll go out to see the lanterns. Let's see what's the difference between Tiansheng's Lantern Festival and Donghai's Lantern Festival."

Rong Jing glanced at the cloud and the moon, and the voice was not high or low, not light or heavy, and said: "cloud shallow moon, I have indulged you too much these days. Make your life too easy

Yunqianyue's smiling face is stiff. The first signal from the brain is that this guy is jealous. It doesn't matter if you are jealous. What matters is whether she is tired or not. She quickly raises her face and admonishes him: "what do you eat at random? He is still a child

"Child?" Rong Jing raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuzixi, who approached the shallow moon Pavilion in the sunshine. His posture was elegant and graceful, and he was also a figure that could be recognized at a glance. He said slowly: "the child could have stepped on the water to make a poem of colorful lotus for a lady of a family, which made the young lady abandon her spring boudoir, and would like to serve as a servant in the second prince's mansion? Children can win the beauty, and a poem was cited as a wonderful talk by scholars and scholars in Donghai? The child can once throw 100000 gold for a singer girl in the brothel one night, so that she is an ugly woman, and she is very popular in the East China Sea overnight? Can the child fall in love with an honest and upright official in the imperial court at the same time, who is enchanted by his romantic love and does not hesitate to resign from his promising future, and is willing to live in the second prince's house instead of being a man

The moon coughed.

"These are not things that children can do." Rongjing reminds cloud of the moon.

At this time, Yuzixi came in, and they had not avoided his words. Naturally, he heard them. The Pearl curtain opened, and his peach blossom eyes were slanting high. He said with a smile to Rongjing, "my sister has no choice but to use Jing Shizi. Why is Jing Shizi so worried?"

Rong Jing glanced at him lightly and said carelessly: "my peach blossom is too prosperous, so I have to stop it."

Cloud shallow moon good spirit and smile to stare at Rong Jing one eye.

Yuzi Xi laughed, "no wonder when I left, the prince brother told me to get closer to sister Yue. He said that once I got close to sister Yue, I could see Jing Shizi change his face. His face has not changed for thousands of years. It's hard to see it. It's a great landscape of heaven. It can't be cherished."

Cloud shallow moon smell speech speechless, this is what Zi Shu said? She looked at Rong Jing and saw that his face was dark. She had to admit that it was indeed a rare sight to allow young master to change his face.

"It seems that you live well in Tiansheng." Rong Jing said a word to Yuzixi.With a wink of an eye, Yuzi said in a quiet way: "I've traveled thousands of miles for the marriage between my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law. My brother-in-law should thank me for being. Otherwise... " He stopped and said in a long voice: "the prince brother said that I can't make a trip in vain. I always have to move some money back from the Rong palace to reward him who is worried about his younger brother thousands of miles away."

Cloud shallow moon again speechless, think how a pair of brothers and sisters Gong! Zishu is a man who gives advice thousands of miles away. It's hard work for him.

Let the scenic spot nod, very agree, "naturally should thank." He said, "but I has the final say."

Yuzixi immediately smile romantic way: "send me two beauties, I don't mind."

Rong Jing especially cooperate, "when time comes, I'll send you a car of beauties."

Yuzixi immediately bowed to Rongjing, the most sweet way: "thank you brother-in-law."

Rong Jing hooked the corner of his lips, and his brother-in-law seemed to be very helpful. The earlier jealousy has already gone far away.

Yunqianyue holds the quilt and looks at the roof of the shed, silently thinking whether the Shangyuan Festival today can play any new tricks than in previous years. Now it was still early, and she had been looking forward to it.

After lunch, the cloud palace received a wave of invitation cards, which rolled into the shallow moon Pavilion like snowflakes.

The invitation is not for the scenery or the moon, but for the second prince of the East China Sea.

The second prince, who was young, had a unique style. His jade appearance, which was somewhat similar to that of the jade prince, was much more gentle and distant than the jade Prince's.

In those days, the little princess of deqinwangfu had been running to the yunwangfu. All the women felt that the little princess had no hope of asking the southern Liang emperor again. They were afraid that she was confused by the second prince of Donghai, who was about the same age as her. She was first-class in terms of family, appearance and talent. No one could compare with the princess of the royal family The little princess of the night scrambled for the limelight, but after a few days found that the little princess didn't go to see the second prince in the cloud palace. There was no follow-up news between them. I'm afraid it didn't work. Today is the Shangyuan Festival. The women have been waiting for a whole morning. There is no news from the Deqin palace that the little princess of the night goes to the cloud palace to invite the second prince. So the women can't sit still. They send out invitation cards and invite the second prince to enjoy the moon and watch the lantern.

Although the second prince of Donghai has a reputation for being romantic, there are few people in the world who are so elegant and elegant in Tsinghua University. The younger girls in Beijing are all at the age of spring dreams, and there are no outstanding figures in Beijing. However, those outstanding characters are not attached to their own hearts, such as the scenery, the night nature and the night light dye, or the romantic thoughts, such as Rongfeng and Shen Zhao and so on, so the new black horse became the protagonist in the whispers of women in Beijing after dinner.

Yuzixi, the second prince of Donghai, was in the pink circle in Beijing, and had no influence for a time.

When he came to Beijing with the romantic Prince of Nanliang, he charmed the women, went up to the boudoir, went down to the Hualou, rode on the slanting bridge, and filled the floor with red sleeves. In the wind, it's hard to tell.

Yunqianyue looked at a pile of invitation cards piled on the table, like a hill. She was speechless for a moment and asked Yuzixi, "Zixi, which woman do you want to answer?"

Yuzixi was very interested in reading those invitation cards over and over. After reading them one by one, he put down his face to the cloud and said to the moon, "elder sister, didn't I answer you earlier?"

Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

"When I first came to the moon Pavilion, you asked me to watch the moon and watch the lanterns with you, but now I forget it? That won't do. " Yuzixi blocked yunqianyue's mouth and Rongjing's mouth by the way. "To be a man, you should be faithful to what you say and do what you say. This is what brother Taizi taught me. Sister Qianyue, you will not go back on your word! My brother-in-law is committed to discipline you. He won't let you go back and be a man of no faith, will he? "

Cloud shallow moon for a moment no sound, look to Rong Jing. Thinking that he is worthy of being the younger brother of Zishu's father.

Rongjing hook lips a smile, "you said well, to be a man, you must be faithful. I also promised to give you a car of beauties. Since these ladies are so enthusiastic, all these invitation cards should be answered , the fastest update of the webnovel!