The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1360

Leng Shao Zhuo's face changed, "you said I married six princesses?"

Cloud shallow month to her a smile, "a woman just, married to marry, marry back you don't like, can marry again."

Cold Shao Zhuo shook his head, "I may not marry again in this life. If I really marry, I only want to marry a woman with the same heart. The sixth Princess hates her. How can I marry her

Cloud shallow moon holds cup, no longer speak.

Leng Shao Zhuo turned to Rong Feng, "Rong Feng, do you think I should listen to my father's words and marry that woman? No one wants her, she's going to fall into my hands? Why should I accept her? "

Rong Feng put down the tea cup and said slowly, "because you are the prince of filial piety. The prince of filial piety needs to make a statement. When it comes time to make a statement, it is a kind of attitude to marry the sixth princess. "

Leng Shao Zhuo's face became cold. "I don't understand why my father chose the royal family..."

"When the first emperor got the empress Zhenjing, Prince Xiao helped a lot." Rong Feng reminds Leng Shao Zhuo.

Leng Shao Zhuo looks white and looks at the moon.

Yun Xiaoyue smiles at him and says in a relaxed tone: "yes, Prince Xiao helped a lot in those years. Otherwise, the king could not have lost the empress Zhenjing. "

Leng Shao Zhuo shivered slightly and looked at Yun Qianyue. "Yun Qianyue, after I have corrected my evil, I swear that I will not be the enemy of you any more. If I marry the sixth Princess I You... " What he wanted to say seemed to stop his voice and could not say it.

Yun Qianyue looks at Leng Shao Zhuo. Naturally, she doesn't want Leng Shao Zhuo, who is a little friendly with her after her reform, will one day stand opposite to her and become an enemy. But some things are meant to be. For example, when the country was in turmoil, the government and the public collapsed, a new political power rose, and the flames of war broke out everywhere. The identity of the Murong clan of Rongjing would be made public to the public. The Ye family would seize people's land and steal fame from the world, and they would always be exposed to the public. At that time, the sword blade blood rain, filial piety palace may be the first flag, cutting off not only the feelings, but also human life and soul. With a sigh, she said faintly, "Leng Shao Zhuo, I remember your affection. The current situation is here, and all the things are put here. In fact, you have a thorough understanding of everything in your heart. You can choose by yourself."

Leng Shao Zhuo lowered his head and stopped talking.

Cloud shallow month stands up, to Rong Feng way: "here also delayed for a long time, I returned to the mansion!"

"I'll sit a little longer, and you'll go back." Rong Feng nods his head.

Cloud shallow moon no longer stay, out of the elegant room, downstairs. Qingchang, Linglian and Yixue all follow her.

Out of the teahouse, I met Cang Ting at the door, and was coming in with a folding fan.

The cloud shallow moon steps a meal, did not speak, Cang Pavilion first opens a mouth, "shallow month miss is not in the warm Pavilion of Rong Wang mansion, every day spring song, how can you have leisure to come to this teahouse today?"

Cloud shallow moon ground swept Cang Pavilion one eye, "I have no leisure to come here, it seems that Cang Shao is not in charge."

"Miss shallow moon is right. I really can't control it." The day of fame and the moon Pavilion is not a matter of ridicule. It's a good example for women all over the world. I don't know if you are the first one, I don't know whether I will save the ceremony of Naxi in the future? "

The cloud shallow month hears the speech to look at Cang Pavilion coldly, the eye light is like ice like a sword, "Cang Shao Lord, if my skin is thin, I will not live in the Rong Wang's mansion. Your words will not have much influence on me. However, I don't understand. You can't see me everywhere. Just hide from me. But repeatedly appear in front of me, I can feel that you have other thoughts on women like me

Cang Pavilion eyes light slightly heavy.

Cloud shallow moon no longer pay attention to him, around him out of the teahouse. The carriage stopped at the door. She jumped on the carriage and the curtain fell. She did not look at the cangting Pavilion again.

Qingchang, Linglian and Yixue took a look at cangting Pavilion, and then they got on the carriage and left the teahouse to go to the cloud palace.

Cang Ting watched the carriage go away. He stood at the door of the teahouse with a good posture. The sun beat down, making his face half bright and half dark.

When she returned to the cloud palace, the carriage stopped, and Yun Xiaoyue got off the car lightly. She saw the black carriage of Rongjing stopped at the gate of the cloud palace. She looked at the sky, and the sun was still high. She asked, "how did your son come to the cloud palace?"

String song immediately said: "the son of the world said that you will certainly come back to the cloud Palace today. You will also come to the next Dynasty."

Cloud shallow moon rolled eyelids, some speechless, a moment later asked, "which Yard did he go to?"

"As soon as the son of heaven came, he was called by the man of old lord Yun." The string song says.

Cloud shallow moon nodded, no longer asked, straight to the shallow moon Pavilion.

Qingchang holding night Tianci and Ling Lian, Yi Xue with a smile, follow the cloud shallow moon behind. Qi Qi thought that Jing Shizi had a thorough control of Miss Xiaoyue's mind. He knew that she had returned to the cloud Palace today, and came to the cloud palace after going to court. Wait.

The servant girls and servants in the cloud palace saw the moon coming back one after another. They were respectful and warm.

Back in the pavilion, Zhao's mother, listening to the snow and listening to the rain came up. They didn't see the cloud and the moon for several days. Obviously, they thought about it very much. For a time, they gathered around her and chattered and talked. What you said, I said was extremely lively.Night Tianci bone Lu with a pair of small eyes, curiously looking at the people around the cloud shallow moon, also with babbling what.

After a lot of excitement, yunqianyue enters the room and sees nanlingrui dressed Yuzixi lying on a soft couch, knocking on melon seeds. The skin of melon seeds is spread on the ground. It is obvious that she has been eating for a long time.

Cloud shallow month comes in, kick kick his leg, "you arrive at leisure."

"Little girl, can't stand Xiao Jing's torture and escape back?" Nanlingrui spits out a melon seed skin, picking eyebrows on cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon face a red, do not admit, "it is not, do not know how happy, I am back to see you free hair."

"Hard mouth." Nanlingrui snorted.

Yunqianyue sits down against him.

Nan Lingrui spat out a few melon seed skins again and said, "little girl, follow me to the East China Sea? How about it? "

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow to look at him.

"Xiaojing is now in the stage of starving wolf. Do you think she won't catch you if you run back today? You go with me to the East China Sea, cool him for a while, let him long lesson. When he comes back, he doesn't dare to bully you every day. " Nanling Rui road.

"I want to get married." Cloud light moon reminds him.

"I'll wait for you to get married again! False false, so that night Tianyi and night light dye can not touch when you get married South Ling Rui to cloud shallow moon idea, "our brother and sister have a companion all the way."

Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, stand firm, "no, although Rong Jing says January, but perhaps a few days ahead of time big marriage. How can I leave? Of course, it's up to him. "

"South Ling Rui hate iron is not steel," you so what matter all depend on him? No wonder he's eating you to death. You're almost gone. "

Yunqianyue looked at him coolly, "when you and Luoyao got married, I also took Luoyao to run away secretly, so that you can't find anyone. What do you think of this idea?"

South Ling Rui immediately no sound, half ring scold way: "dead girl, it is really not good to fool."

Yunqianyue gave him a hard look. Why did she want to abduct her sister and run away from her brother-in-law? Should she reflect on her parents who gave birth to him, or should she reflect on her sister-in-law, or should Rongjing, the brother-in-law, offend this brother-in-law?

Yunqianyue is thinking about it. When the door is pushed open from the outside, the matchless face of Rongjing Ruyu appears at the door. He smiles at Yun Qianyue first, and then gently waves his hand. Nanlingrui's body is stiff. He points at the acupoint and listens to his command behind him, "come, send him away."

Outside came a man who had been away for a few days with his uncle in southern Xinjiang. See green shadow come in, to cloud shallow month a gift, after carrying nanlingrui, twinkling of an eye disappeared in the room.

Rongjing walks in slowly.

Yunqianyue looked at Rongjing and asked, "are you going to send him to the East China Sea today? Is Yuzixi already here? "

Let the scenic spot nod, "well, Yuzixi is coming. But not to send him to the East China Sea, but to Nanliang. "

"Back to Nanliang?" Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

"Uncle yuan has two identities in Nanliang. How can he go to the East China Sea to find a woman to enjoy his life when he works so hard instead of him." Rong Jing, sitting beside the moon, said in a leisurely way: "what's more, after the Spring Festival, some things should be opened. Let's let him go first

Cloud shallow moon looks at Rong Jing, "can you send him to Nanliang? Why didn't you deliver it early? "

"I wanted to leave him to see you and my wedding ceremony, but I don't want him to abduct my daughter-in-law." Rongjing said: "his role was to make him act as his substitute to shock some people before Yuzixi arrived. He asked you to terminate the engagement earlier. I was hired. You and I got married as soon as possible. Now that Yuzixi is here, it is no longer useful for him to stay here. Naturally, he will send it back. "

Yun Qianyue's mouth jerked. His unreliable brother angrily wanted to abduct her to look beautiful. Unfortunately, he was used in the end. Now Rongjing does not send him to Donghai to find Luoyao beauty. Instead, he is sent back to Nanliang. Now he sees that Qingying's sending him is not the way to the East China Sea, but the way back to Nanliang More nausea. She looked at the scene speechless, spitting out a sentence that she had chewed through thousands of times, "what a black heart!"

On the black heart, who is the enemy of Rongjing?

Rongjing chuckled and reached for the slender waist of yunqianyue. He said in a soft voice, "you are in my heart. Don't fool him. I should reward you. Since you are tired of living in King Rong's mansion, after today, I will accompany you to live in the shallow moon Pavilion! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!