The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1361

Cloud shallow moon looks at Rong Jing, he accompanies her to live in shallow moon Pavilion, can she say no?

Rong Jing sees cloud shallow moon to look at him, to her pick eyebrow, thin Phoenix Mou bright shine.

Cloud shallow moon look at his eyes know can't, so helplessly nodded, warning: "now live in my territory, you can listen to me, more rules."

Rong Jing nodded obediently, "there must be rules."

Yunqianyue no longer bothers him about where he lives. She briefly tells her story of meeting Rong Feng on the way back to the cloud palace and Leng Shao Zhuo and cangting in the teahouse.

After hearing this, Rongjing looked lazy and said casually: "the filial piety Prince's house has been loyal to the Ye family for a hundred years. In those years, he was the most powerful seller in the matter of Yeshi's ancestor and empress Zhenjing. This is the only way to go. Leng Shao Zhuo It's just a different number. It can be changed or unchanged. "

Cloud shallow moon quietly ponders, does not speak.

"If he is a variable, that variable will only appear in you. If he is not a variable, he can only be the second filial prince. " Rong Jing said faintly: "no matter which kind, Leng Shao Zhuo has no ability to turn the palm of heaven and earth. So you don't have to worry about him. He is what he should be. "

Cloud shallow moon shakes his head and sighs slightly, "I just read his affection after he corrected his evil ways. I always feel that one can be saved. "

Rong Jing took a look at her and said with a smile, "you have this idea. It's enough to save me. Other people don't need you to do that yet. "

Cloud shallow moon slants his one eye, some amusing, this person, is everywhere is cutting peach blossom.

"As for cangting, according to the news, a group of old men of Cang family and a group of old men of blue family intend to marry. They have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. If brother Xiaorui didn't put in a scam in the middle, maybe Lanyi would be better than cangting if he had retired from Fengjin's marriage, and then set off some waves, and this matter was delayed and delayed." Rong Jing said, "so, cangting has no other thoughts for you. Don't feel very good about yourself." Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, she is oneself feel very good?

"Your mind can be safely put in my place, waiting for the big marriage. These irrelevant people and things don't need you to work hard." Rong Jing touches the head of cloud shallow moon, gently coax a way: "good."

Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to beat Rong Jing and said angrily, "do you treat me as a child?"

Rong Jing chuckled, "I wish I could hurry to a child to tie you."

Yunqianyue doesn't pay any attention to him. She stands up and walks to the wardrobe. She comes to the wardrobe and takes out a brocade box from it and throws it to Rongjing.

Rong Jing took the brocade box, raised eyebrows to the cloud shallow moon and asked with a smile, "what is this?"

"You can see for yourself." Cloud light moon looks at him unnaturally.

Rong Jing Mou Guang took a gentle look at her, and slowly opened the brocade box, which was neatly folded with a bright red Royal costume. He opened his clothes from inside. It was a man's bright red brocade robe. As soon as the spectrum was taken out, the whole room seemed bright and bright several times. He looked over it, looked up at the cloud and asked softly, "when was it done?"

Cloud shallow moon looked at him, "you guess?"

Rong Jing lowered his head and looked at the fine knitting on the red silk brocade. The patterns outlined by Xiangyun were all double-sided embroidery. He looked at it for a moment and said in a low voice: "when you embroider mandarin ducks for me to play in the water."

Cloud shallow moon thinks, guess really accurate.

"So you wanted to marry me then." Rong Jing sighed softly, "if I had known, I would not have delayed so long."

"Try it on yourself after the screen to see if it fits." Cloud light moon urged him.

"Good!" Rong Jing nodded, got up, got up and went behind the screen.

Yunqianyue stood in front of the cupboard door and looked at the dim shadow reflected in the screen. His action was very slow, very slow. He would tie a button for half a day. She was suddenly very moved. Rongjing is a man who has been sharpening his sword for ten years. What others see is that he is scheming everywhere and knows everything. But only she knows that he never dares to ask for too much. She's the best he's ever wanted. She suddenly wanted to see him put on the bridegroom's wedding dress she had made for him, so she walked up to the screen. She walked quickly, and a few steps went behind the screen.

He was dressed like jade. He was wearing brocade and red silk. He was gorgeous all over the world. These two kinds of the world's top color appear on his body, do not show half silk abrupt.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly crazy.

Rongjing originally lowered his head and was fastening buttons. When he saw the moon suddenly breaking in, he slowly raised his head and looked at her eyes. There was a certain emotion in his eyes, soft and continuous, which was more than several times as touching as he always looked at her tenderly.

Cloud shallow moon is looked at by this kind of eye light, breath slightly smothers, uncontrollably walks to him, asks softly, "is it appropriate?"

"Nature is appropriate." Rongjing reached out and hugged Yun Qianyue's slender waist, and put her head on her shoulder. Her voice was hoarse, "I always thought that you didn't treat me as much as I did to you. Now I finally understand that you treat me just as I do to you. "

Cloud shallow month is infected by his emotion, discontented ground murmurs, "you wronged me, I was originally very good to you.""Well, you are very kind to me. In this world, no one but you loves me so much. " The voice of Rongjing is very low.

Yunqianyue couldn't bear Rongjing's satisfaction and happiness. He passed this feeling to her, which almost collapsed her mood. She put out her hand to beat him and said angrily, "I should have loved you. Who else do you want to love you? Dare you

Rong Jing chuckled, and Zhiran's mood slowly faded away. He shook his head and said, "I dare not. I don't want anyone except yunqianyue."

Cloud shallow month contentedly pick eyebrow, reach out to push him away.

Rong Jing hugged her and said in a soft voice, "hold her for a while."

Cloud light moon can only be held by him.

After a moment, Rongjing lets go of him and continues to dress. Yunqianyue took off his hands and helped him wear them. After a while, he was dressed properly, pulled him out of the screen and came to the mirror. The man in Beijing had a long body and a jade tree with chilanyushu. He was elegant and elegant, and his eyebrows were picturesque.

Cloud shallow moon looks in the mirror, again infatuated.

Rong Jing said in a warm voice, "it's a pity that you didn't bring your wedding dress from the Rong palace. If we bring them here, we will worship today. "

Cloud shallow month partial head smile looked at him one eye, urge a way: "flash blind my eyes, quickly take off."

Rong Jing looked at himself in the mirror, thinking for a moment, and stopped talking. He quietly withdrew his Xi clothes, folded them up neatly and put them into the brocade box. After waiting for cloud shallow month to collect, then to outside order, "green dress."

"Son of a bitch!" Green clothes came in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!