The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1359

"I don't know whether Luo Yu is in the hands of night light dye, but I know one thing." Rong Feng low voice way, "night light warm before returning to Beijing, once went to Nanliang."

Cloud shallow moon thought move, look at him.

"After she left Nanliang, the king of Nanliang was hypnotized and unconscious." Yung Fung Road.

Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed, "so she did what the king of Nanliang did?"

"Probably." Rong Feng said: "time is too coincidental."

"How did you learn about it?" Cloud shallow moon asked Rong Feng. She remembered that she had come back from Nanliang and was unconscious. Three days later, she learned that the night was warm and she had returned to the capital. I never thought about it. With such profound hypnosis, she would never have imagined that it was she who made her uncle unconscious if she had not known that the night was light and warm.

Rong Feng whispered: "I accidentally saw her return date from Nanliang."

Cloud shallow moon nods.

They stopped talking and were silent again.

After a moment, Rong Feng said softly, "moon, you should be careful. Where do you go in the future, it's better to be accompanied by Jing Shizi. You're safer with him. Night light dye him... " His words are enough.

Cloud shallow month looks to Rong Feng, see his eye light has faint melancholy, she understands the meaning that he did not say after, nod.

Ling Lian came over and said in a low voice, "Miss, the cold little prince has also entered the teahouse."

Yunqianyue turns back to open the window and looks downstairs. As expected, Leng Shao Zhuo also enters the teahouse. She asked Rong Feng, "what is Leng Shao Zhuo doing these days? What day is it today? How could he have the leisure to come here? "

"The day before yesterday, in order to marry the little princess, Prince Xiao and Leng Shao Zhuo and his son had a very hard time. Prince Xiao beat Leng Shao Zhuo for the first time. " Rongjing also looked downstairs.

"To marry a little princess? Whose daughter? Does Leng Shao Zhuo disagree? " Asked the moon.

Rong Feng looked at her and whispered, "six princesses."

"How could it be her?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is frowning.

Rong Feng shook his head. "I don't know. The only thing I know is that the king of filial piety seems to agree with the six princesses and let him marry. Leng Shao Zhuo doesn't marry, which makes him stiff. Now he's probably in a bad mood. "

Cloud shallow month again turn head to look downstairs, as expected, Leng Shao Zhuo's eyebrows see a gloomy color, she said to Ling Lian: "you go down, please cold little Lord come up here."

Ling Lian answered and went immediately.

"Prince Xiao has always followed the emperor of virtue. The king of filial piety is actually an old fox. He is no more stupid than anyone else. He has lived in Beijing for decades. How can he not know what the sixth Princess looks like. Now let his beloved son marry the sixth princess. It seems that the middle thing is not simple. " Cloud light moon road.

Rong Feng slightly nodded, "about this is also a kind of attitude!"

Cloud shallow moon eyes squint, yes, the Royal adult princess, now suitable for marriage leave on the six princesses. Leng Shao Zhuo married the sixth princess, which was a kind of obedience of Prince Xiao to Ye Tianyi, royal family and Deqin palace. Leng Shao Zhuo is also a smart man. He is not stupid. He naturally understands the things in the middle.

Rong Feng nodded.

They stopped talking.

Not much time, outside the sound of footsteps, Ling Lian pushed open the door to come in, followed by Leng Shao Zhuo. Although Leng Shao Zhuo tried to be energetic, he still showed a trace of bitterness when he saw the moon. After greeting Rong Feng and her, he sat down.

"Because Prince Xiao asked you to marry the sixth princess?" Cloud shallow moon looks at him, put forward to the point.

Leng Shao Zhuo didn't seem to think that yunqianyue was so direct. He just sat here, and her first sentence was this. She looked at her, saw him smile, looked at him, nodded, "Hmmm!"

"You don't want to marry?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"No!" Leng Shao Zhuo did not hesitate.

Cloud shallow moon poured him a cup of tea, "people live a lifetime, live is a happy. The prince of filial piety has the consideration of the prince of filial piety. The prince of filial piety thinks that what he has done is right. Maybe tomorrow is wrong. You don't want it today, maybe you have to think about it tomorrow. As the world changes, no one can tell what is right or wrong. You have to think about it carefully, and then talk about whether you want to or not. "

Leng Shao Zhuo looks at her.

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks. She thought that was enough. Prince Xiao lived most of his life in the imperial court. Naturally, he had a thorough understanding of everything. Rongjing, yetianyi and yeqingran had been in opposition to each other in the light and in the dark. Sooner or later, he would fall apart. This is something that everyone can predict. It is impossible for Xiaoqin palace to be reconciled under the collision of the two regimes. Naturally, he wants to choose one side. Now that Leng Shao Zhuo marries the sixth princess, he makes it clear that he chooses the royal family.

"I don't want to marry. It seems that I can't help it." Half ring, cold shaozhuo bitter tunnel.

Yunqianyue looks at him.

Leng Shao Zhuo took a sip of tea and continued: "from childhood to adulthood, no matter what it is, even if it's killing people and stealing goods, my father always follows me and dotes on me. Only this time, he no longer depends on me, and he will not marry the sixth princess."

Yunqianyue thinks that it seems that Prince Xiao's determination is still very big. Is it yetianyi and yeqingran that exert some pressure on him? Or what information did he get that made him feel that Rongjing was bound to fail?"What can you do? The father even said, no matter whether I agree or not, the six princesses are married. Today he has asked the regent to give him marriage. " Leng Shao Zhuo looks forward to the moon.

Cloud shallow month looks at him, Leng Shao Zhuo's eyes are gloomy and deeper, she moves her eyes, to see to Rong Feng.

Rong Feng sat aside, no words.

"Today, my father has ordered someone to take care of me. I come here, and there are hundreds of hidden guards outside. I have no martial arts skills. All my hidden guards are given by my father. I found for the first time that my father really wants to be tough. I can't even resist half a silk. " Leng Shao Zhuo said bitterly: "in these years, others have skills in their hands. I am the only one who has achieved nothing. Now I am restrained. It's really Live a failure. "

Yun Qianyue sighs secretly that Leng Shao Zhuo repents too late. All his life comes from Prince Xiao. Prince Xiao has been spoiling him and spoiling him to heaven, making him think that Xiaoqin palace is his. But now he finally has one thing to let him know that xiaoqinwangfu belongs to Prince Xiaoqin.

"There is no way, is it?" Leng Shao Zhuo looks at the moon.

Cloud shallow month thought for a while, pick eyebrow to ask, "you really don't want to marry six princess?"? In any case, I don't want to? "

Cold Shao Zhuo shakes his head, disgusted way: "don't want to."

"Even if the house of filial piety is eradicated because you don't marry, such as destroying the gate, you don't want to marry the sixth princess?" Cloud shallow moon stares at him to ask again.

Leng Shao Zhuo was stunned, his face turned white, "how could..."

"You have too deep feelings for the filial piety Prince and the filial piety palace. Maybe you can't bear the consequences after the resistance. Since the prince of filial piety has ignored your wishes for the first time, it seems that he has made up his mind to do it. In that case, you'd better marry Cloud light moon road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!