The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1358

Zizhuyuan peach blossom in full bloom, dongnuange spring than peach blossom.

The cloud shallow moon sleeps day after day in the tenderness of the scene's crazy volume, quite a bit of this evening I don't know what's going on.

In a flash came the seventh day of the first month.

On the seventh day of the seventh day of junior high school, after Rongjing went to the imperial court, Yun Qianyue held the quilt lazily and thought that she could not go on like this again. Otherwise, she would go to the sedan chair with a child in her arms.

Will oneself tidy up, cloud shallow moon will green dress to call, to her account, "prepare car, send me back to cloud palace."

Qingchang looked at the cloud and said immediately, "Miss shallow moon, do you want to go back to the mansion? When you leave, you are asked to have a good rest. "

Cloud shallow month hums a, "rest enough to wait for him to come back tired me?"

Qingchang's face turned red, and she quickly and timidly said, "the son of heaven missed you so much that he would I don't know how to control. "

"You know he's not in control." Yunqianyue is a little depressed. Trying a wedding dress can make her sleep for a day and a night. It can be seen that this man's ability is not 1.30. If she goes on like this, she will become the God of sleep. She waved her hand and didn't want to say more. She urged, "go and prepare the car."

"When the son of heaven comes back to see you off?" Qingchang is still fighting for her son.

Yunqianyue rolled her eyes, "it's strange that he can let me go back! Don't be afraid of him if you don't

Green dress see cloud shallow month determination already made, hesitated for a moment, "that slave maidservant holds small emperor to follow you."

Cloud shallow moon nods.

After a while, Qingchang ordered people to prepare the carriage. Ling Lian and Yi Xue naturally follow, a group of people from the Rong Wangfu road back to the cloud palace.

After the new year, the streets are very busy, and the pedestrians who come and go are all dressed up and put on spring clothes too early.

On the way, a familiar voice came from outside the carriage, "moon?"

Yun Xiaoyue was originally in the car to tease the night gift in Qingchang's arms. The little guy stretched out two small hands and waved in the brocade quilt, which made Qingshang, Linglian and Yixue laugh constantly. Suddenly heard the familiar voice outside, the cloud light moon slightly a meal.

"The son of Rongfeng!" Qingchang immediately said.

Yunqianyue stretched out his hand to open the curtain. Looking out, he saw a carriage coming from the opposite side. In the car, the same curtain was opened. It was Rongfeng. She thought that she had not seen Rong Feng for many days, and had not spoken to him for many days. She then gave him a smile and said, "what is this for?"

"I just came back from a trip to Xishan military aircraft camp and was about to return to the military department." Rong Feng is also a smile to the cloud light moon, and her elegant face has some warm color. She asks, "are you going back to the cloud palace?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rong Feng slightly pick eyebrows, "go back to the house to see grandfather cloud?"

Cloud shallow month light cough a, "just not go back to see bad old man, I am to go back to live."

Rong Feng looked at her face, which was so red that she could not block the red trace on her neck. Her eyes flashed and she said with a smile, "Jing Shizi seems to be a different person these days. When people are happy, they will change."

Yunqianyue's face is even redder. These days, the scene is full of spring breeze. Compared with her withered eggplant, he is like the sun.

"It's still early now. Since you're back in the house, go back quickly!" Rong Feng said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon nodded, Rong Feng fell down the curtain, saw his carriage just about to leave, she suddenly thought of something, immediately called him, "Rong Feng!"

Rong Feng opens the curtain again, looks at the cloud shallow moon to ask with the eyes.

"I haven't seen you for days. Let's talk! The teahouse opposite is good. " Yunqianyue thinks that it's on the street, and some words are not convenient to say.

Rong Feng micro Leng for a moment, thought through, know cloud shallow moon must have something to look for him, nodded, said with a smile: "good!"

Cloud shallow month to coachman command a, carriage stopped in front of teahouse opposite.

Cloud light moon first got off the car, green clothes holding night Tianci also jumped out of the car, Ling Lian and Yi snow guards behind them. On the other hand, Rong Feng also got out of the carriage, followed by Yun Xiaoyue and his party into the teahouse.

The teahouse is very large, spacious and elegant. The fragrance of tea is curling inside. There are several women singing on the big platform in the middle. Pipa sound, music smooth, graceful style, have a kind of leisure taste.

Cloud shallow moon just entered the teahouse, the shopkeeper recognized her at a glance, and rushed to meet her.

Cloud shallow month to the shopkeeper's smile, "come to an elegant room, I and Rong Feng Shizi sit for a moment."

The shopkeeper looked at the cloud shallow month, followed by the Rong Feng one eye, quickly nodded, with a group of people to go upstairs.

The light in the teahouse was dim. All the people in the building were listening to the music on the stage. A few people noticed Rongfeng and yunqianyue, so they did not make much noise, so they went to the elegant room on the third floor.

Come to the elegant room on the third floor, the shopkeeper with the person put on the tea, Rong Feng and cloud shallow moon are seated.

Qingchang, Linglian and Yixue didn't disturb their conversation and avoided some with the gift of the night.

"King Shizi is really nice to yue'er, and she looks good." Rong Feng tasted a mouthful of tea, smiling at the cloud shallow moon road.Cloud shallow month hums a, now she and Rong Jing's matter, is an open secret, in front of Rong Feng, she also need not be embarrassed. "Stare at Rong Feng one eye," you see where I look good? Well, shall I use it back to the house? "

"Rong Feng chuckled," this world rarely let Jing Shizi disorderly discretion. "

Cloud shallow month coughs a, this she is agreed.

"We can't stay here too long, or you won't be able to return to the cloud palace if Jing Shizi comes." Rong Feng said with a smile.

Yun Xiaoyue lies on the table without bones, and the faint music from downstairs is very leisurely. Being in such a place, she can relax her whole body. She waves her hand, "don't worry about him."

Rong Feng smiles and sips her tea, no longer urging her.

After listening to the song for a while, yunqianyue suddenly whispered: "Rongfeng, do you know the dark dragon?"

Rong Feng tea action, micro invisible nod.

"Is the dark dragon in the hands of night Tianyi or night light dye?" Cloud shallow moon asks in a low voice, "do you know?"

Rong Feng thin lips pursed up, and did not immediately answer.

Yun Qianyue is waiting for him, thinking that since he knows dark dragon, he has been living with Ye Tianyi and ye qingran for a long time. He has been in contact with the things in the military aircraft camp. He is regarded as a new rich man in the imperial court and has always been in the center of power. With his intelligence, he should be aware of it.

Silence for a moment, Rong Feng whispered: "in the night light dye hands."

Cloud shallow moon thought, as expected.

"Is Luo Yu in the hands of night light dye? Do you know? " Cloud shallow moon asks again.

Rong Feng shook his head, "I don't know this."

The old emperor had always been in favor of night Tianyi, but he gave the dark dragon to night light dye. If the Dark Phoenix was really in the hands of night light and warmth, then it means that both dark dragon and Dark Phoenix have been left in Deqin palace. The old emperor was really open-minded, although the German prince's house and the royal family had always been one. But in this respect, the old emperor was magnanimous. He was not afraid of seizing the imperial power by virtue. Dark Dragon gave night light dye, is it because night Tianyi is too persistent to her, so the old emperor will be so, let night light dye restrain night Tianyi? , the fastest update of the webnovel!