The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1357

Rongjing seems to have done nothing in the past few days, but in fact he is bigger than anyone else. It's just hidden in the deep water. Ye Tianyi and yeqingran may control one day and one night. From the secret letter of Mo Pavilion, we can see that he is in charge of the overall situation of the world.

Grain and forage, military planning, salt road, iron ore, shops, Yinzhuang, farmland and so on, all involved in the livelihood of the people's livelihood, all of which were dominated and mobilized by him.

Cloud shallow moon looks at the secret letter of the ink Pavilion, and sighs in her heart. If she did not believe that Rongjing could have a good command of the universe before, she now believes it. This man has always been able to do what ordinary people can't.

While sighing, she chose the things she could handle and annotated them one by one.

It was very early in the day, except for a few secret letters about important matters, she handled the rest properly. She saw that Rong Jing had not yet woken up, so she took a few unofficial secret letters and looked at them carefully.

After watching it twice, she found that in addition to the Mo Pavilion, there was a powerful force in the dark against the Mo Pavilion of Rongjing. That force is very secret, such as deep water, which almost makes people feel it, but they often block the scene at a critical time, so that he can make some things difficult and circuitous.

The two forces are like flipping pancakes. He turns them over and he turns them over again.

Cloud shallow moon eyebrows wrinkled, thinking of the world who can compete with Rong Jing so secretly? Nightlife? She shook her head at the thought of nightlife. She didn't dare to say that she knew everything about yetianyi, but she also knew 70% or 80% of it. The foundation of nightlife is not so deep.

Yuzishu? No, Zishu's influence in the East China Sea will not be so closely spread all over Tiansheng.

So who else? Night light dye? Can it be him? Or is it a warm night?

She was thinking, Rongjing woke up, opened her eyes, saw her eyebrows frown tightly, he moved his arm, the voice has the initial awakening of low hush, "what are you thinking?"

"Who is against you in the dark?" Cloud shallow moon slants head to look at him to ask.

Rong Jing eyebrow tip moves, looked at the book in her hand, "you see?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, although buries deeply, but also cannot conceal her eye. At first, she didn't see it. She just thought something was wrong. Rongjing didn't allow anything wrong to exist. Therefore, she could find out by looking at it twice.

"Night's dark dragon." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, "night nature Yi?"

Rong Jing shakes his head, the voice is dim, "it is not known whether night nature is easy."

Cloud shallow moon eyebrow frown tight, "is night light dye?"? Night's dark dragon in night light dye's hand? The old Emperor didn't give the dark dragon to Ye Tianyi? Isn't he the emperor he appointed? "

"It's just a designation. Not necessarily. If he was the new emperor, how could he have the gift of night? " Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon one time silence.

Rongjing reached out to remove the secret letter in her hand and gently pulled her. Her body was pulled into his arms. He covered her shoulder which had been cold for a night with a quilt. He said in a warm voice, "there is no need for you to frown with me."

Yun Xiaoyue yawned and said, "MMM".

"Sleep Rongjing reaches out and pats her.

Yunqianyue also felt tired this night, and closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Seeing that she did not take a moment, Rongjing fell asleep. She reached out and took some of the secret letters that she had picked up. After reading them, she read them again and ordered Qingchang to take them out.

Qingchang came to the door with the secret letter in her arms. She thought of something and reminded her back, "son of God, the seven day holiday is over. You should make an early court today."

Let the scenic spot nod, Qingchang out of the door.

When the door is closed, the light outside the window is already slightly bright. Rongjing looks down at the cloud in his arms. The mood in his eyes overflows. He can't help but kiss her delicate lips. The man in his arms is disturbed and says "Oh" discontentedly. His mind swings and he doesn't want to leave.

At the end of the month, the cloud was awakened. His eyes opened and looked at Rongjing. He murmured: "today you want to go to court?"

"I don't want to." Rongjing kisses her.

Cloud shallow moon brain think of that sentence "spring night bitter short day high, from then on the king not early Dynasty." The poem, looking at the scene, the sleepiness faded some, some funny.

"Are you not sleepy?" Rongjing looks at her.

Cloud shallow month glared at him, think you make me so, where can I get sleepy?

Rongjing stares at her for a moment. She turns over, presses the cloud light moon under her body, kisses her and says, "if you're not sleepy, let's do something..."

His words fall, cloud light moon thin clothes are peeling off, soft tent by him set off thick spring.

Yunqianyue thinks that he doesn't know whether the animal, which is called man, has the ability to taste meat and fish for the first time.

After a cloud rain, the cloud shallow moon sleeps sleepily, and the scene is not enough to get up and go to the court. The morning of this day was destined to miss the hour.

Night Tianyi see Rongjing spring breeze, mouth has been hanging light shallow smile, his face heavy.

Night light dye looked more at the scene, eyes light heavy.

On the first day after the seven day vacation, the officials were a little loose. Ye Tianyi is obviously not in a mood. After dealing with several memorials in a hurry, he scattered the dynasty.After scattering the court, the people went to the meeting hall, but Rongjing did not go to the meeting hall, but went outside the palace.

"King Shizi!" Ye Tianyi calls for Rongjing.

Rong Jing stopped and turned back to ask Ye Tianyi, "what's the Regent?"

"Jingshizi, don't forget that you are the assistant prime minister." Ye Tianyi reminds Rongjing that it means something.

Rong Jing smiles. "Naturally, Jing dare not forget. Yesterday's things have been handled properly. In the next three months, I will start to prepare for the wedding. The Regent is a little more accommodating! If you can't be flexible, king can only ask the regent to replace me with a good minister. "

Night Tianyi thin lips, no longer words.

Rong Jing turns back and continues to walk outside the palace. The purple bamboo with double-sided embroidery on the crescent white robe is very eye-catching in the light of the morning, cooperating with his elegant steps and competing with the sun.

Night light dye stands by Ye Tianyi's side. Seeing that Rongjing has disappeared, he says in a deep voice: "yesterday, Qingnuan didn't find any flaws in Yuzixi, but she thinks Yuzixi is not right."

Ye Tianyi did not speak.

Night light dye says again: "we should believe in the light warm, she is naturally alert, can appreciate the things that others can't understand."

Ye Tianyi is still silent.

Night light dye said two words, did not see night Tianyi answer, he frowned, "he and the little girl have already made a boat, night Tianyi, you can't still can't let go?"

Ye Tianyi takes back his sight and takes a look at the night light dye. The blood in his eyes can still be seen clearly by him. He raises his eyebrows lightly, "even if the boat is done, can you let go?"

Night light dye lost its voice for a moment.

Ye Tianyi stopped talking and turned to enter the Council hall.

Night light dye a person stands outside the conference hall, the light of the morning hits him, his dark robe, some dim dark color. After standing still for a long time, he turned and entered the Council hall.

Rongjing went out of the palace and went straight back to the palace by carriage.

Yunqianyue slept for half a day. When she woke up, she saw Rongjing sitting at the head of the bed with a volume of books in her hand. She was stunned and asked, "did you really not go to the court?"

"Gone and back again!" Rongjing looked up at her.

Cloud light moon smell speech to look out of the window, see the sun hanging, she curled her lips, "Rong childe, you really don't take the position of prime minister seriously."

"It only shows that Miss shallow moon is so charming." Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon angry at him one eye, turned over, ready to continue to sleep.

Rong Jing came over and said in a soft voice, "the wedding dress was sent to the mansion today. Do you want to have a look?"

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, immediately turn back, look to Rong Jing, "wedding dress?"

"Well!" Rong Jing nodded, "your wedding dress."

"So soon?" Yunqianyue looks at him.

"After half a year's work, it was only good yesterday, but it was delivered today. It's not fast." Rongjing Wensheng asked again, "would you like to have a look?"

"Nature wants to see!" Cloud shallow moon Teng to sit up, neatly dressed.

Rongjing reached out and pressed her hand and said in a soft voice, "I'll let Qingshang bring the wedding dress. If you want to try it on later, you don't have to

Cloud shallow moon think is also, throw clothes aside, holding quilt to wait. She wants to see what her wedding dress looks like. No woman expects nothing of her wedding dress.

Rong Jing gave an order to the outside, and Qingshang happily answered. Shortly after, she came in with a tray, which was neatly folded with wedding clothes. As soon as she came in, her hands were as bright as a flame.

Yunqianyue's eyes were shaken.

Rong Jing took over the tray, and Qingshang happily retired. He unfolded his wedding dress and said in a soft voice, "I'll help you wear it."

The cloud shallow moon looks at the unfolding wedding dress, such as a piece of fiery red auspicious cloud sliding on the horizon. The brocade is gorgeous and gorgeous. The silk is surrounded by pearls and jades, and the fine brocade can be seen between the seams. Such a wedding dress can not be made overnight. She raised her eyes to see Rongjing, who was gentle and smiling at him. The flaming red overflowing brilliance of Yan Hua hit his face like jade. This face, in this moment, covered all the men in the world. She nodded and stretched out her arms.

Rongjing dressed her.

With her wedding dress on her body, the original beautiful and refined appearance of yunqianyue changed suddenly, and her gorgeous crown was the most beautiful in the world.

Rong Jing looks at her, breathes heavily, and leans forward uncontrollably. The red wedding dress spreads out on the colorful cloud bed. The clouds and rain begin to rest at dawn, and the clouds and rain come again at noon.

The sunlight hides in the clouds, the Pearl curtain and the green curtain block the spring. , the fastest update of the webnovel!