The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1354

"Auntie, it's just a race. I will not disgrace Donghai and my father Nan Lingrui immediately guaranteed.

The night was light and warm, and he said, "aunt Qing, you know, it's just the ordinary play after Spring Festival every year. If we get together, we'll have a good luck in the coming year. Nothing will happen. If you are not at ease, let sister Yun go with you. "

Rong Jing said with a smile: "yunqianyue is going to get married tomorrow. Aunt Qing hasn't returned to heaven for many years. If she doesn't trust the second prince, she will go with him. "

Jade Qingqing shakes her head, "I'm old, I don't want to join in any excitement."

"Aunt Qing is still young." Rong Jing said with a smile.

"Yes, auntie, you are young. Come with me! In case you go back and sue me in front of my father, Prince and brother. " Nanlingrui immediately said.

"Aunt Qing, you haven't come back to Tiansheng for many years. So am I. I heard that horse racing today is different from the past. It's only once a year. It's a pity that you don't go there. You're still young. If you go with sister Yue, maybe everyone thinks it's a pair of Sister Flowers! " Night light dye pretty smile way.

Yu Qingqing chuckled, "little girl's mouth is really sweet. OK, don't persuade me. I'll follow you tomorrow. Xi'er and ziluo, two children of a mother, are born with strange temperament. A woman has been running in a man's clothes for years, but now she is lost. For a long time, he provoked some red and pink affairs, which broke his father's heart. Violet can't be found now. Xi'er is brought out by me. He can't have an accident. I'd better follow him. "

"The night is light and warm, and then I will pick up aunt Qing and the second prince tomorrow."

Yu Qingqing nodded and happily left the cloud palace.

Lingye and ruanye are not talking with each other.

After three people left, Yu Qingqing said in a low voice: "the night is light and warm, this little girl is really sensitive, has suspected Rui son."

"It's a dark Phoenix." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Yunqianyue thinks that the night is light and warm. Even if her mother changes nanlingrui's whole body up and down with her spiritual skills, she still feels something, which makes her really unable to guess the little girl's mind. If she doesn't really like nanlingrui and is deeply in love with him, she is sensitive to her talent and can understand things that ordinary people can't understand.

Cloud old Wang Ye frowned and looked at Nan Ling Rui, "you should be more careful tomorrow."

After Nanling Rui left in the night, he lay on the chair like a big shrimp, with his legs cocked and indifferent: "what are you careful about? The more careful she was, the more skeptical she was. What if she guessed me? " The words fell, he weighed the seal channel that jade Qingqing gave her the second prince of East China Sea: "this can't be fake. If she had guessed, she would have done nothing for me

"I can't help you, but I'm in trouble. The dragon and phoenix of the night royal family are not decorations. " Jade Qingqing words fall, look to Rong Jing, "Xiao Jing, what method do you have to dispel that little girl's doubt?"

"Aunt Qing, don't worry about it. I have already discussed this matter with Prince Yu of Donghai. It is true and false. Tomorrow you go to Beishan for horse racing. Brother Xiaorui doesn't have to hide and be careful. You can do whatever you want. " Yung King Road.

Yu Qingqing thinks it's reasonable and nods.

Nothing else, Rongjing and yunqianyue left the cloud palace.

Sitting in the carriage, yunqianyue suddenly asked Rongjing, "did you have an arrangement? What is false and true, true and false? Did you bring the real Yuzixi

Rong Jing hook lips a smile, cloud shallow moon embrace into the arms, "what also can't hide you."

Cloud shallow month originally guessed, now obtained confirmation, startled, "he came, what does that elder brother do? Can't two Donghai second princes? How do you arrange it? Can't he be found? Isn't night light dye picked a few niangs to arrange the dark pile? "

"I learned that when brother Xiaorui came to Beijing and sent a message to Aunt Qing, Prince Yu and I negotiated and arranged for him. Although the second prince of Donghai is one step behind aunt Qing, it's time for these two days. " Rong Jing said: "although aunt Qing's hidden pile has been selected, there are still mine. He has gone through my hidden pile and secret road. After he came, he replaced brother Xiaorui to stay in Tiansheng, while brother Xiaorui took my secret route and sent him to the East China Sea."

Cloud shallow moon smell speech stare at Rong Jing to see half a ring, spit out a sentence, "it is really cunning. You're in the middle of a plan, out of plan, in a chain. It's used in the middle of the game, out of the game, in the ring game. "

Rong Jing chuckles and hugs the delicate soft body of cloud shallow moon, corrects a way: "I am not old."

Cloud shallow moon think you are not old, the heart is black and old.

"I can't help it. In order for us to get married smoothly, I can marry you to be a bird in the purple bamboo forest. I have to rack my brains." Rong Jing said, "besides, I can't do it alone with the help of the jade prince. But it's no waste for me to marry you with his help for many years. "

Yunqianyue gave Rongjing a funny look and warned him, "you have an affair with Prince Donghai. Be careful that one day, you will arouse public indignation. The people will not love you any more. "

"That's all right. It's enough for you to love me." Rong Jingrou's voice.Cloud shallow moon beat him for a while, deeply sighed that Rong Jing this man talks sweet words, how to capture so easily?

The carriage returned to King Rong's mansion.

Under the moon, the carriage stopped slowly.

Cloud shallow moon blinks in Rong Jinghuai, looks up at him, "after your arm replaces my foot?"

Rongjing gave a "yes".

Yunqianyue yawned in Rongjing's arms, closed her eyes, and said, "do they believe that I told them to get married in three months?"

Rong Jing lowered his head and looked at the moon with a smile. He asked in a soft voice, "are you afraid of their destruction?"

"I've only got married once in my life, and naturally they can't destroy it." Cloud shallow moon nods, "how can they also expect to marry the matter also can lie! You will believe it

You can't judge what's normal in other people's eyes

"So they don't believe it?" Cloud light moon frown.

"They probably don't believe in the understanding of you and the sensitivity of the night's lightness and warmth to you." Rong Jing said, "because no matter you, me or grandfather Yun, you can't wait three months."

Yunqianyue was a little frustrated and said in a quiet way: "it's just getting married. How can it be so difficult. God wants me to get married? It doesn't make sense

With a low smile, Rongjing rubbed his face against Yun Qianyue's face, and said in a soft voice, "don't worry. I want to marry you. I thought about it ten years ago. I want to make the world beautiful and red, and put the world into a water banquet. I thought about it ten years ago. I prepared for ten years. How can they destroy it? "

Yunqianyue opened her eyes and looked at Rongjing with bright eyes. "Ten years, is that to say, if you get married tomorrow, it's ok? Or get married tomorrow

Rong Jing chuckled and nodded the forehead of the cloud shallow moon, teasing the way: "you can't wait."

Cloud shallow moon face a red, angry way: "can only blame childe is too black heart, with ten years to make a big net to trap me, I am now in the cage, people are your, soul son is also your, can not fly out of your palm, can only be content with your arrangement, stretch out the head is a knife, shrink head is also a knife, can't wait."

Rong Jing was funny and looked at her and said, "it's obviously a matter of happiness. It seems that it's very pitiful to be said by you."

Cloud shallow month also immediately smile, "I was free, now by you control, really pitiful."

Rong Jing shook his head with a smile and said in a soft voice, "I'm under your control! I was the biggest in the Rong Wang mansion, but after you go in, you become the biggest. I want to listen to you. "

Cloud shallow month smell speech immediately smile to look at him, reach out to touch his face, "Rong childe, after your reputation in front of add a prefix, know what it is?"

Rong Jing looked at her with a smile and asked, "what is it?"

"Afraid of the inside!" Cloud shallow moon spits out two words.

Rong Jing laughed and nodded affirmatively, "no way, I'm really afraid of my family. This reputation is bound to be carried."

The cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow triumphantly, in the Rong Jing bosom hums the song. It's a happy song today is a good day.

Rongjing holding cloud light moon to go inside, listening to her joyful song, eyes warm and gentle.

Back at the Zizhuyuan, Qingchang, Linglian, and Yixue greet each other, congratulating Rongjing and yunqianyue. The ceremony of Naxi was so smooth that they were naturally happy.

Back to the room, Rongjing goes straight to the darkroom with cloud in her arms.

Yun Xiaoyue yawned and said, "young master, do you want to wait on me to rub my back?"

"Miss Xiaoyue, if you have any request, you must answer the scene. It's not just back rubbing. What do you want me to do, what I do. " Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon hears speech, eyes a bright, immediately way: "then I want you..."

Without finishing her words, she was immediately kissed by Rongjing, with her lips and teeth entwined. After a moment, she was gasping and powerless. Rongjing's voice was hoarse: "if you want me, I will give it to you immediately. Today, let's try the mandarin duck bath you used to say

Cloud shallow moon "um" a, want to protest, but can only make a monosyllabic voice.

Rongjing carried her to the hot spring water, and their clothes were broken into pieces by his fingers. He pressed on the soft and smooth body of the cloud and the moon, and kissed her clear and snow like skin. His eyes were charming and tender, full of strong lust, "I don't know what I don't know. I don't know about the mandarin duck bath. You should teach me well today..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!