The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1353

"After the great joy, Jinhong can keep it well, or it can be used. For three days, the banquet will be held in every corner of the world, so that the people who can't have enough food can eat it without wasting it. It's the wealth of the Lord Rong's mansion, not the people's wealth. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

"But But such a move is still too shocking Night light warm road.

"A thousand years ago, the young master of Yun nationality married the princess of blue snow state, which is the same. It is not without examples in ancient times. " Yung King Road.

The night was light and warm, and his voice was lost.

There was a moment's silence in the hall. Night Tianyi looked at Rongjing and said slowly, "according to the ability of King Shizi, it won't take three months so long?"

"The Regent looked up to Rongjing. I can't wait for three months. "

"How long did the young master of the cloud clan prepare to marry the princess of blue snow? Not long? " Asked Ye Tianyi.

"How many people have been there since ancient times? The scenery is as good as it can be Rong Jing light smile, "I can do, but also in March." After that, he added: "maybe it would be better if the Regent and the little prince dye were willing to help. Maybe they could not tell in advance."

"King Shizi doesn't need to belittle himself. You're as good as Yun Shaozhu." Ye Tianyi's eyes were cold and said: "if King Shizi can rest assured and let me help, I can really help."

"If the Regent said so, you're welcome to see what you need."

Ye Tianyi nods and stops talking.

Night light dye looks at Rong Jing, "weak beauty, you marry a little girl with such great pomp. I'm afraid that you will pour out all the wealth of Rongwang's house, just for her. You are not afraid of the world spread that she is your beauty disaster? At that time, Yunshao's Wanli Jinhong married the princess of blue snow country. Later, she abandoned the country for her sake. Some people said that blue snow and red beauty were a disaster. Aren't you afraid that some people say the same thing, little girl? "

Rong Jing picked a eyebrow, "pour out the wealth of the Rong Wang Fu, the Regent and the little prince dye can rest assured of me, can't you?"

Night light dye narrowed his eyes, "Rong Wangfu is so rich that once you pour out, what do you want to do? You give her such a big show, do you want her to marry to the Rong Wang mansion to drink

Rong Jing said with a low smile, "the little prince ran was afraid that I couldn't afford my wife. You don't need to worry about it. Although Prince Rong's house dissipated all its wealth, it was also a good thing to win the Regent and ranxiaowang's comfort. The emperor's defense against me all these years is just because of the family wealth. What's more, Rongjing is not an incompetent person. After dispersing his wealth, he can still raise a woman. "

Night light dye no longer speak, turn to look at the cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue glared at Rongjing and said in a funny way: "you'd better not let me drink from the north and the west, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Rong Jing looks at the cloud and the moon with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon light hum a, on his such as jade matchless face, still way: "marry chicken with chicken, marry dog with dog!"! I married you at that time. What else can I do? "

Rong Jing looked at her with gentle eyes and soft voice. "Don't worry, the world is covered with red flowers, and the banquet will be held for three days. After that, although there is little money left in the house, it is enough to support you and your children. "

Cloud shallow moon face red, angry Rong Jing one eye, smile no longer speak.

The two were so affectionate in public that no one seemed to get in between them. For a moment no one spoke.

Cloud old lord broke the silence, "come on, continue to discuss."

Let the scenic spot nod, take the joy fold, and continue to discuss with the cloud old lord. The two are still as before, seemingly unaffected by the three outsiders, and are not afraid to expose their marriage affairs and arrangements.

There is no one to talk about night Tianyi, night light dye and night light warm.

The rest of us listened quietly.

Two hours later, all matters were decided one by one in the discussion between Rongjing and the old lord Yun. It was already late.

The old lord Yun ordered people to prepare a banquet. The three men, namely, night Tianyi, yeqingran and yeqingnuan, did not leave and joined them. The three people can be regarded as witnesses to the auspicious day of Naxi's employment.

Although the dinner was not lively, it was peaceful. Without your sarcasm and sarcasm, there were no words with guns and sticks. There was nothing wrong with the three people, namely, night nature, night light dye and night light and warm. It seems that it is really just for the new year's day, and by the way, I watched a Naxi ceremony.

After the dinner, they left the palace.

When leaving, the night light warm suddenly to Nanling Rui way: "second prince, I always think you are some familiar."

Nanlingrui picked up his eyebrows, and his natural charm was at a glance. He raised his lips and laughed, and said in a soft voice, "I've heard a lot of words from the night princess. Although the little princess of night is very beautiful, my prince is very fond of flowers. I can't bear to travel thousands of miles to the East China Sea

Night Qingnuan stares at nanlingrui for a moment and shakes his head. "The second childe misunderstood me. I am concerned about the emperor of Nanliang, and I have no other thoughts. I just think that the second prince and the southern Liang emperor are similar. "

South Ling Rui raised eyebrows, "so it is! I said that since I came to Tiansheng to see the princess Yexiao, why did she stare at the prince all the time? I thought the princess fell in love with him at first sight. It was because of the emperor of Nanliang. " He said with a smile, "if you have a chance, I also want to see this romantic emperor who is as famous as me."The night is light warm nod, light voice way: "he is not romantic actually, those red pink gorgeous thing is just rumor."

"Then he is not worthy to be as famous as my prince! The prince prefers red and pink, and does not like state affairs and government affairs. I think we can't speculate on our words, let's not see them. " Nanlingrui's voice turns.

"I don't think the second prince is really fond of red and pink." Night light warm stare at the eyes of south Ling Rui.

Nanling Rui raised his voice and laughed, as if he had heard some funny joke. After a long time, he stopped laughing and said to the night, "little princess of the night, you can't be sure of a man."

With a smile and no longer arguing, nanlingrui is invited to say, "tomorrow is the third day of the third day of the lunar new year. There is a horse race in the north mountain. Is the second prince going to play?"

Nanling Rui touches his chin, "my prince's body is thin, in case..."

"It's just that the brothers and sisters who live in Beijing play together. Don't worry about it. It's not fierce. " The night is warm and smiling.

"So there are many beauties to see tomorrow?" Nan Lingrui's eyes are bright.

"That's it." Night light warm nod.

"Well, I'll play tomorrow." Nan Lingrui readily agreed.

"I'll come to the cloud Palace tomorrow to pick up the second prince." Night light warm road.

Nanlingrui nods.

Jade Qingqing at this time frowned and said, "Xi'er, when you come, your father told me that I specially looked at you and didn't allow me to come foolishly." , the fastest update of the webnovel!