The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1355

In the hot spring pool, the water mist is thick, and the pool is full of spring.

Cloud shallow moon by Rong Jing toss a few want to faint, whole body sour and weak, in the heart secretly scold, where does he not understand? He had a good time in the mandarin duck bath. Obviously, he knew it very well.

When she couldn't bear it, she hugged him with her arms and begged, "it's good to tolerate the scenery. Excessive indulgence is not good for the body..."

The face of Rong Jing Ruyu is gorgeous and enchanting in the water mist. Looking down at the cloud and the moon, I can see that her face is delicate and soft to the extreme. If peach blossom has accepted the baptism of rain and dew, it has made the world beautiful. As long as he takes a look at her, he will be out of control. His eyes are covered with lust, and his feelings are strong. He sticks to her closely with a low voice, "how can I Don't you think it's bad for your health. "

Cloud shallow moon in his eyes in full swing for a moment aphasia. He doesn't really feel that way.

"I'm so happy that I can't control it. What can I do..." Rongjing looks at her.

Cloud shallow moon pulled the corner of the mouth, or no voice. She didn't know what to do. If she had known, she would not have served meat. The ability of a man can't be doubted. It's really terrible.

Rong Jing Ruyu's hand touched her face and looked at it carefully. After a moment, she sighed softly, "tomorrow, you can sleep another day."

Cloud shallow moon has not yet opened her mouth, his love tide has flooded her.

The moon is hidden in the stars, the night is deep, and the spring scenery of the hot spring pool is back and forth.

Cloud shallow moon until the whole body collapsed, the arm can no longer lift, Rongjing just stopped, holding her out of the darkroom. Cloud shallow month body stained with the rich brocade bedding, immediately fell asleep in the dark.

Rongjing hugged her and lay quietly, looking at the sleeping man. Every part of her body was covered with his kissing marks. Under the light in the room, she was like a red plum blossom after another. The whole person was blooming with charming colors. He just looked at her, and his heart was filled with nothing more.

He didn't tell her that he had been preparing for ten years, and nightlife had also prepared for it for ten years. He also has a big marriage in his hands. He is lucky enough to be more elegant than the night and anyone in the world. God had treated him so well that she lay in his arms.

In this life, she is the only one who cherishes most. Jiangshan is just her cornerstone.

After watching for a long time, he slowly dressed up, got out of bed and pushed the door open.

"Son of a bitch!" The voice of green clothes rings.

"Look at her don't kick, the quilt caught cold, I go to the study." Rong Jing gives orders to Qingshang.

"Yes Qingchang answered immediately.

Rong Jing walks to the study.

This night, the study of Prince Rong's mansion lit up all night, and the secret letters which had not been processed for several days snowballed into the mansion, and were annotated by the jade like hands and passed on one after another.

The next day, as Rongjing said, the cloud was shallow and the moon was full of sleep. When she woke up, it was already night.

Cloud light moon opened her eyes, there was no one in the room, she got up lazily and opened the door.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue heard the voice and immediately welcomed them, "miss! Are you awake? "

Cloud light moon face red, nodded, "well, Rong Jing?"

Ling Lian covered her mouth with a smile and joked, "Miss, the first word you wake up every day is to find the king Shizi."

Yi snow also immediately laughs at cloud shallow moon, "be! In the young lady's heart, Jing Shizi is the most important. "

Cloud shallow month light cough a, stare Ling Lian and Yi snow one eye, of course way: "I naturally want to look for him."

Ling Lian said with a smile: "Jing Shizi is in the study! He stayed in his study for one night yesterday, and another day today. Miss, if you don't wake up, I think it's time for jingshizi to live in the study again. "

Cloud shallow month hears speech frown, "he has been staying in the study?"

Ling Lian nodded, "yes!"

"A lot of things?" Asked the moon.

Ling Lian shook her head and nodded, "the maids don't know. Jing Shizi hasn't dealt with things these days. There are a lot of things that should be accumulated! What's more, Naxi was hired yesterday and agreed on the date of marriage. King Shizi is going to prepare for it! "

Cloud shallow moon nods, "I go to have a look."

Two people immediately give way to the road, cloud shallow moon lift step to the study of Rong Jing to walk.

Come to the door of the study, cloud shallow moon just want to reach out to push open the door, the door opens from inside, Rong Jing stands at the door, asks her with a smile, "wake up?"

Cloud shallow month looked at him carefully, see his eyebrow to see some tired color, she frowned, "last night to today, you did not rest?"

Rong Jing reached out and rubbed his forehead, "it's not too tired. Are you hungry? Let's go back to dinner. "

Yunqianyue glanced inside and saw a large number of secret letters and memorials piled on the desk. She drew back her eyes, took down his hand, rubbed his forehead with her own instead of his hand, and said, "tomorrow you are no longer tired, I can't get up, I can help you. It's a matter of two people. How can you stand alone? "

Rongjing chuckled, reached out and hugged Yun Qianyue's slender waist, sniffed at the delicate fragrance of her body, and whispered, "but I can't help but not tired you. What should I do? I just want you to get out of bed, what to do? "Cloud shallow moon face a red, angry, "you can't bear some?"

Rong Jing shook his head, "I also want to bear it, can't help it."

Cloud shallow month horizontal he one eye, "or I return to cloud palace to live?"

"No way!" Rongjing immediately objected, holding on to yunxiaoyue. "If you live here, I still miss you so much. If you don't live here, don't I want to move my family to the cloud palace?"

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

Rongjing let go of the cloud and the moon, holding her hand to go to the room, seemed to have some helplessness for her being so sticky, and said in a low voice, "I'll try my best to restrain myself."

Yunqianyue thinks that as long as you restrain yourself. Otherwise, she would have nothing to do with such a day-to-day lethargy.

"But Uncle Yuan said that it is necessary to know the taste of the pith when he has tasted the delicious food. Although it is hard, it will not hurt your health in a short time. I don't have to be too restrained to give you more tonics. You are in poor health. " Rongjing's voice changed.

Cloud shallow month hears speech big roll white eye, annoyed way: "my father he is how old disrespectful!"

Rongjing smiles.

Cloud shallow moon glared at Rong Jing, also some funny.

Two people returned to the room, Qingchang has arranged the dinner. After dinner, yunqianyue does not wait for Rongjing to talk, so she catches him up first. Rongjing looks at her with a smile and goes to bed meekly. But do not sleep, eyes light gently looking at the cloud shallow moon.

Yun ordered him, "sleep."

Rong Jing shook his head, "I can't sleep without holding you."

Cloud shallow moon sat by the bed, stretched out his hand to cover Rongjing's eyes, "I've slept all night today, I'm not sleepy, you should sleep first."

Rong Jing stretched out his hand around her waist and said in a soft voice, "you are not sleepy but also with me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!