The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1352

It was only an hour from accepting the appointment of King Yun's residence to exchanging birthdays in the hall to agree on the date of marriage. In the end, the wedding date was set for Rongjing to prepare a month's preparation for the three-day banquet of Rongjing.

After the wedding date was set, several people in the hall began to agree on the wedding. It is mainly aimed at the details of the two governments.

In the middle of the discussion on the grand wedding, a loud cry came from the gate of King Yun's mansion, "Regent

The sound was so loud that the people in the hall who were discussing marriage heard it clearly. They stopped talking and looked at the door.

Cloud shallow moon slightly frowns, thinking about what night Tianyi is doing now. Is it to stop it? She thought about it for a moment and looked at Rongjing.

Rong Jing was pale and said in a warm voice: "the Regent was happy at the banquet. He drank too much wine. He woke up today and came to pay a new year's visit to grandfather Yun."

The moon does not speak.

Mr. cloud snorted.

Yuqingqing and nanlingrui sit still in their chairs. Yunli and the seventh princess have a look at each other. They say to Yun Laowang, Rongjing and yuqingqing: "grandfather, King's son, mother's concubine, let's go out to meet the Regent."

Jade Qingqing gentle place head, "go!"

Yunli and the seventh Princess walked out of the room. When the Regent comes to the cloud palace, the old lord Yun, Rongjing and yunqianyue, yuqingqing and Yuzixi all have their own identities. However, Yunli and the seventh princess can't stay away. Ye Tianyi is the elder brother of the seven princesses, and they naturally want to welcome them out according to the etiquette.

After they left the hall, Mr. cloud waved his hand, "continue to discuss, I don't believe he can stop it today."

Rong Jing nodded, so the old and the young continued to discuss.

Cloud shallow moon also no longer pay attention to outside, listen to two people discuss.

After a cup of tea, there are footsteps outside. After a while, people have come to the door. The sound of jade bracelet greeting rings, and then the bead curtain is lifted, and night Tianyi comes in.

Night Tianyi is not only one person, he is followed by night light dye and night light warm.

Yunqianyue raised her head and looked at the three people lightly. Yetianyi seemed to have lost a lot of weight overnight. The snow blue robe on his body was a little loose. When I was in the street, I changed my clothes when I was in the cold. The night is light and warm. Today, I put on a red cloak, which makes me very happy.

Three people behind, followed by the welcome out of the cloud and seven princesses.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed as soon as the three people came in.

"Uncle Yun Da'an, aunt Qing Da'an!" Night Tianyi to cloud old Wang Ye and jade Qingqing slightly a courtesy, light mouth.

Night light dye and night light warm follow night Tianyi behind, also is to see a gift for two people.

"Regent Wang Da'an! Dye little prince and night princess Yu Qingqing stands up with a smile.

Mr. Yun raised his head, looked at Ye Tianyi, and impolitely preempted him, "Ye boy, you are not here to destroy my old man's eagerness to cherish his grandson? If not, stay and listen to the ceremony. If so, get out of here. "

Ye Tianyi glanced at the joy fold in Rongjing's hand, and his voice was cool, "grandfather cloud is worried about it! I'm just here to pay you a new year's day. " After saying this, his eyes fell on Yun Qianyue's face, shrunk tightly and pursed his lips: "moon and I are no longer in love, but the past benevolence and righteousness are still there. I'd like to be polite to her Naxi

Cloud light moon on the night of Tianyi line of sight, did not speak.

"As long as you're not here to make trouble, sit down!" Mr. Yun's tone was no longer so fierce, he waved his hand.

The jade bracelet comes to the stool, and night Tianyi sits down slowly.

"Grandfather Yun, the great mourning of the first emperor and the Empress Dowager is not enough for the day. Can't we have a good time? What is the cloud palace doing? " Night light dye looks at the red book on the table as well as the joy fold in Rongjing's hand, picking eyebrows.

The old king of cloud glared, "the first emperor and the Empress Dowager are greatly bereaved, and the birth of the new emperor is a great joy. In case the evil spirit of the former Emperor and the Empress Dowager collide with the new emperor, the capital will have a big happy event to protect the new emperor's Anping. The smelly girl is taken care of by the empress dowager, and her great joy can best be transmitted to the new emperor's person. Dye boy, how old has my old man lived? He has eaten more salt than you have walked. Don't tell me that in front of my old man. Although there are rules and regulations, there are special cases in every case. "

Night light dye suddenly smile, "cloud grandfather is worthy of three dynasties." He stopped talking and turned to sit on one side.

The night is light and warm, walking happily to yunqianyue. She reaches out and takes her hand and says with a smile: "sister Yue, congratulations. Since I was a child, I think elder brother Jing is excellent. I don't know which woman in the world will be lucky enough to marry him. I think about all the women who are about the same age as brother Jing, but I don't think of you. I think anyone can, but you can't. Because you are destined to marry the royal family

"It's not believable to say it's meant to be." Cloud light moon light smile, let night light warm pull her hand.

"The world is changing all the time. Fate is not credible. What I like most is sister Yun and elder brother Jing. Seeing that you are very happy now, I feel very happy for you even though I feel sorry for Yi brother who broke the engagement with you. " Night light warm tone sincere, see cloud shallow moon smile look at her not language, she pulled her sleeve, smile asked: "cloud elder sister, you now agreed on the next marriage date?""Well, it's agreed!" Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

"So fast? Didn't brother Jing come to Naxi today? The date of marriage has been set? When was it? " Ask immediately when the night is light and warm.

"Three months later!" she said with a smile

The night is light and warm. She looks at yunqianyue and Rongjing with a smile on her face. She looks back and asks suspiciously, "sister Yun, isn't brother Jing eager to marry you? Why did you set such a late time? Three months is a hundred days, isn't it

"He said that he would spread the whole world with bright red flowers and feast for three days. It takes so long to prepare. " Cloud shallow moon says with a smile, the eye light streamer overflows color, reveals the color of happiness.

She said, night Tianyi eyes light, night light dyed a black, night light warm is a big surprise.

"Brother Jing, do you want to marry sister Yun like this?" After the night is light and warm, he looks at Rongjing and asks in surprise.

"I have loved her for ten years. She is unruly for me. It's not too much for me to give her such a big marriage. "

"But However, it would be a waste of money and money to spread the whole world with red flowers and water for three days. " Night light warm look to night nature Yi and night light dye, see they do not speak, she tries tunnel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!