The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1351

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her in the future." Let's have a gentle smile.

Yu Qingqing nodded and gently said, "get out of the car! Everything in the house is ready, and the matchmaker is here. It's a good day to hire Naxi today. We'll discuss the big wedding by the way. "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly heard four words of big marriage, suddenly surprised, look to Rong Jing, so fast?

Rong Jing looked at her gently and said with a smile, "the sooner the better."

Cloud shallow moon think is also, the sooner the better, so there is no opinion, do not speak.

Rongjing slowly got out of the carriage, stretched out his hand and pulled the moon out of the carriage. Standing in front of Yu Qingqing, he saluted Yu Qingqing slightly and said in a warm voice, "aunt Qing is right. Today is a good day. You can agree on the date of marriage."

"This is the best! If you marry this stinky girl early, I don't have to be angry with her Mr. Yun agreed, and was obviously satisfied with the arrangement.

Cloud shallow moon is also too lazy to be angry with this old man again, do not answer a word.

Nanlingrui looked up and down at the cloud and said in a low voice: "my sister is like a flower, but it's a pity that she will grow up in someone else's house."

Cloud shallow month raised a foot to kick south Ling Rui a foot, to him low voice way: "don't want your Luoyao open in other people's home, hurry East China Sea to find her."

The mention of Luoyao seems to arouse nanlingrui's sadness. He doesn't escape. He is actually kicked by Yun Qianyue. He says helplessly: "do you think it's so easy to find her? After yesterday's incident, how could the Tiansheng's few people let my mother and I leave for the East China Sea so soon? "

"You can't walk away with your mother's ability?" The cloud and the moon glanced at him.

"Do you know what ye qingran did yesterday? It's not hunting, but riding out with his black clothes, which he never shows up, to check the hidden piles and secret passages. He has chosen several of the hidden piles arranged by his mother these years South Ling Rui some angry way: "night light dye this guy, did not see, unexpectedly so have ability."

Cloud shallow month Leng for a moment, "originally he is to check dark pile? How many arrangements have he chosen over the years? "

"No, don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, ask your mother. " Nanlingrui immediately said.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Yun Qianyue's lips. With his ability and intelligence, she suddenly appears in the snow capped mountains and the royal family's hidden Wei Tian Long and Feng. He can't find out the weakness and omission beyond the tight control. If you find these places, you can find the hidden piles and tunnels arranged by her mother. Five years ago, he went to southern Xinjiang by himself, and seized the king of ten thousand curses in the stomach of crimson snake from the hands of the king of Southern Xinjiang and ye Qian. She knew that he could not be ignored. Such a thing is not unexpected, but she did not think of it.

"The little prince dye is really smart. He has chosen several dark piles that he has arranged to go in and out of heaven for 30 years, and they are the key points. We can't leave for a while. " When Yu Qingqing heard the whispering conversation between her brother and sister, she interposed, "but you and Xiaojing have a good time. It's OK for us to stay longer. Luo Yao loves rui'er and can't see others in her eyes. I can't run. But we'll have to wait a few more days. "

Cloud shallow moon nods.

South Ling Rui no longer speak, at this time, cloud from the mouth with a smile, "congratulations to my sister! At last I got it. "

Cloud shallow month looks to cloud to leave, see he is really happy for her, eyes are smiling, she opened the corner of her mouth, released a big smile to him, "thank you brother!"

"Look at my sister's happiness. It's worth the effort of Jing Shizi to warm a peach blossom." The seventh princess said with a smile.

Yunqianyue looked at the seventh princess. Her abdomen was slightly raised. The month was still shallow. It was not obvious. It was so small and plump, but it was more elegant. She said with a smile: "Rongjing warmed a peach blossom in the Zizhuyuan, and my brother planted that peach blossom into the heart of her sister-in-law, and now it is sprouting."

The seventh princess's face was flushed, and she was so ashamed that she was angry with the cloud. She looked at her and said, "as expected, she is a smelly girl. I'm not ashamed to say that. "

Cloud left the face also a red, sighed: "as expected, as the mother said, only king Shizi can manage you."

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow triumphantly.

Rongjing touched the head of yunqianyue and jokingly said, "why don't you think my flower has actually moved from the yard to your heart?"

Cloud shallow moon face a red, think of the stomach may also have a small bud, suddenly did not refute the words.

Cloud old Wang Ye saw cloud shallow moon eat GA, burst out laughing brightly.

For a moment, all the people at the gate of the cloud palace laughed.

In the happy atmosphere, the people of cloud palace surrounded by Rongjing and yunqianyue, welcomed into the cloud palace. Uncle Meng directed his servants to unload the betrothal gift of Naxi from twenty carriages.

Cloud palace from top to bottom, are in a lively atmosphere.

After the party entered the hall and sat down one after another, Rongjing took out a red fold and handed it to Mr. Yun. Mr. Yun took a look at it and handed it to Yu Qingqing. After Yu Qingqing read it, he handed it to Yunli. Yunli nodded and gave the same red fold to Rongjing. Rongjing looked at it and nodded with a smile.

Yunqianyue glanced at the red fold. It turned out that it was the betrothal gift of the Lord Rong's house and the dowry prepared by the cloud palace for her.After the two sides read it, there was no objection. The happy media came forward and exchanged the eight characters of their birthdays.

Yunqianyue is close to Rongjing and takes a look at it again. All the auspicious and festive words are full of auspiciousness and happiness. It seems that she and Rongjing are rarely seen in the sky and there is nothing on the earth. If this marriage is not successful, everyone will be indignant. She looked at Xizhe with a funny smile. She looked up and saw Rongjing staring at Xizhe very seriously. The corners of her mouth were slightly cocked up, and her eyes were full of strong smile. She looked at him in a funny way, this man

After the exchange of birthdays, both parties were very happy and began to discuss the date of marriage.

According to Mr. Yun, he will marry tomorrow.

Cloud shallow month speechless looking at cloud old lord, can see how he can't wait to kick her out of the cloud Palace door. Is there anyone who is engaged by Naxi today and will be married tomorrow? There seems to be no such thing in this era.

As Mr. Yun said, Nan Lingrui first objected, "no, it's too urgent! You can't get married in a hurry. "

Jade Qingqing also felt inappropriate, "father-in-law, this is not a joke, too fast."

Yunli also said, "grandfather, although our two governments have already prepared for the wedding, but some small things have not been finalized, so the hasty meeting etiquette is not comprehensive."

Seven princess also immediately said: "yes, grandfather, King Shizi loves her sister, and certainly wants to give her a beautiful wedding ceremony. Although we need to be faster, so as not to dream too much at night, we can't be too eager to be perfect."

Several people agreed that they could not be so anxious.

Mr. Yun got everyone's objection and felt that he was too anxious, so he looked at Rongjing.

Cloud shallow moon also looks to the scene. See him slightly low head, seem to be considering the feasibility of this matter. She thought of her grandfather's words, which were right in Rongjing's heart. If he said that he would marry today, he would also consider it.

Several people no longer speak, all look to Rongjing.

After half a sound, Rongjing raised his head and said to old king Yun, "although I also want to marry her tomorrow, we will marry her once in our life. I will spread red silk all over the world to meet her. The world will hold a water banquet for three days and celebrate our wedding together. Tomorrow is not enough. It's a bit of a rush. "

As soon as he uttered his words, not only the cloud was startled, but all the people sitting there were startled.

It's a great joy and preparation to cover the world with red silk and hold a water banquet for three days. Since ancient times, emperors and generals have only one person who can do it. It is said that two thousand years ago, the young master of the cloud clan married the princess of blue snow and laid a grand banquet of flowing water. There was only one person in ancient times.

Such a celebration will certainly surprise the whole world.

For a moment, there was no sound in the hall.

Rong Jing's eyes swept one by one from the faces of the crowd, and finally settled on Yun's face, he said softly to her: "although you don't mind such worldly etiquette and don't want to ask for such complicated ostentation, I want to give you a big marriage that I will never forget. Naturally, I can afford to be a woman. "

In the last word, there is a quiet arrogance in the warmth.

Although yunqianyue's heart has been moved countless times, she finds that it is far from enough. Whenever this happens, there is only one sentence in her mind that a man like Rongjing comes to burn her. With him, everywhere heart.

"In that case, how many days do you need to be ready?" Nanlingrui asks Rongjing.

"A month." Yung King Road.

"Don't I want to stay here for a month? No, it's too long. " Nan Lingrui immediately objected.

Yu Qingqing patted nanlingrui's head and scolded: "a month is short enough. If Xiaojing can do it, how long can you do it

South Ling Rui frowns to think for a while, a bit discouraged, "half a year."

"That's it Yu Qingqing glared at him and looked at the old king, "what do you say? How about a month? "

Cloud old Lord looked at Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue and nodded, "I didn't expect that king would like to marry a stinky girl like this. This is the blessing of stinky girl. A month is a month. " Words fall, he asked cloud shallow moon, "smelly girl, do you say?"

"I don't mind." The cloud and the moon made a statement.

Rong Jing smiles and decides with one stroke, "then this matter is settled like this! A month later, get married , the fastest update of the webnovel!