The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1350

The heart is wrapped in dense silk screen, airtight, but she feels happy, is the harbor she has always wanted.

Yunqianyue opened her eyes and looked at Rongjing. Her voice was the same as that of him. Her voice was tender and penetrating into her bones. "Ten years ago, I saw that you were badly hurt. I hated that you were too small to stop it. Five years ago, when I saw the family of LAN's family had been destroyed, what I wanted was to do what I could, and not let the house of Lord Rong be the end of LAN's family. I couldn't let the purple bamboo forest be destroyed. Half a year ago, under Lingtai temple, I was in a state of arousal. My mind was dim, but my heart was clear. I only hated you. I swore secretly that I would get you one day and make those golden Buddha statues me After you eat the money you pay. "

When Rongjing heard this, she raised her eyebrows and raised her voice. "Did you want those golden Buddha statues? At that time, you wanted to eat me? Will those golden Buddha statues be the payment after you eat me? "

Yun Xiaoyue nodded, "no, you think I really love money so much?"

Rongjing's beautiful thin lips gently pulled, slightly hooked into a crescent, staring at her for a moment, supporting her forehead and saying, "why didn't you say that at that time? If you said so, I could have satisfied you then. "

Cloud light moon had recovered a little bit of color, and it was a red, slightly hummed, "at that time, you were as weak as a withered eggplant, even a Buddha can't move, I can't bear to start."

Rong Jing seemed to think about it seriously and asked, "have I ever been so weak?"

Cloud shallow moon hummed.

Rong Jing looked at her, word by word: "cloud shallow moon, you originally doubted my ability so early."

Yun Xiaoyue felt that this sentence was not right. She even said, "at that time, you did look..." Speaking of this, he immediately stopped his eyes and said, "I didn't doubt your ability, but I didn't have the heart. Well, the broken place is full of dust. Where is your room good?"

"No, it's not as good as the bed in my room." Rongjing corrects her.

Yun Qianyue's face was burned with fire again. He felt that the problem could not be entangled any more. He immediately stopped talking and continued: "later, I relieved the Phoenix robbery and restored my memory, just like you think. Rongjing, I've always been here for you

Rong Jing looks at her, gentle smile, such as jade fingers in her face gently depict her facial features, with infinite tenderness.

Then the carriage stopped.

The voice of string song sounded outside. It seemed that he had tried his best to restrain it, but he could not help but show his excitement and joy, "the son of the world, Miss moon, the cloud palace is here."

Rongjing "um" and withdraws his hand.

Yun Xiaoyue sat up, put his hands on his cheeks, and asked Rongjing in a low voice, "how can I go out like this? I blame you. "

"It's as beautiful as spring flowers and as beautiful as peaches and plums. You should be like this now. If you are not, grandfather Yun should not believe that he has been looking forward to it for so long that you have finally made him realize his wish. " Rong Jing said with a smile.

Yunqianyue understood Rongjing's meaning. The old man had long thought about how she and Rongjing were. Now, he would be very happy. She murmured unnaturally, "this crazy old man is not respected by the old man."

Rongjing chuckled and said in a soft voice, "get out of the car!"

Cloud shallow moon nodded and stretched out his hand to open the curtain.

When the curtain opened, a group of people stood at the gate of the cloud palace. Led by Mr. Yun, Yu Qingqing supported him and stood beside him. Nanlingrui stood beside him. Yunli and the seventh Princess stood on the right side of Mr. Yun. After that, there were hundreds of servants and servants of various houses and courtyards of Lord Yun's residence.

Cloud shallow moon is frightened, immediately to cloud old Wang Ye to ask, "bad old man, such a big battle, what is this to do?"

Cloud old Wang Ye glared at cloud shallow month one eye, hum to her: "smelly girl, grown-up also impolite, have no rules, even grandfather also don't call."

The moon turned her lips and changed her address. She said, "grandfather, what are you doing with such a big battle? Welcome the new emperor? Or to welcome me back to my house? "

The old lord Yun couldn't stand the sticky voice and gas of Yun Qianyue. He took a step back in disgust and said, "dead girl, I don't like talking at all. The new emperor is a bean sprout, and I don't deserve my old man's coming out to meet him. I'm going out to see the new uncle who will be hired by Naxi to marry my daughter of Lord Yun's house."

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "the family has not accepted Xi, you this new uncle also called too early?"

"Early what? Who is so shameless that she has to live in her house even if she is not married. Now she comes back with her husband and is hired by her husband. How old is she? She still sits in the car and says that she doesn't blush at all. " Cloud old Wang Ye scolded.

Cloud shallow moon think she is blushing, but he was so big battle suddenly scared out, and now he said to the face, where does she have any face in? Inside all have no, have no face inside, still blush what? Simply also did not have shyness, angry way: "I don't know shame, what's the matter? If you want to say one more word to me, believe it or not, I'll go back to my house and honor my grandfather. If I have a great grandson, I'll show it to him alone, not to you. "Cloud old lord was killed in pain feet, immediately angry, "Stinky girl, don't forget who is your grandfather, don't forget that you are the daughter of the cloud palace, have not married, the arm and elbow first turn outside."

Yunqianyue snorted, "I've been the daughter of the cloud palace for more than ten years. I've already been enough of it!"

Cloud old Wang Ye was so angry that he raised his beard and picked up his crutches to greet him, "you stinky girl."

Before the crutches fell on Yun Xiaoyue, Rongjing held out his hand and gently stopped him. He said with a smile to the cloud Lord who was blowing his beard and staring at him: "Uncle Yun, stop being angry. She is ashamed. If you beat her again, she will turn back to the Rong palace. I will always listen to her with my wife as the guide. In this way, be careful that you don't really pay attention to your grandchildren in the future."

Cloud shallow moon smell speech to stare at Rong Jing one eye, again angry and funny. Is wife the key?

The old king of cloud immediately stopped his anger, withdrew his crutches, looked at Yun Qianyue carefully, and hummed: "it's right to be shy! Stinky girl, don't you get off the bus? Waiting for my old bone to carry you down? "

Cloud shallow month immediately smile, "you this big bone still has the strength to hit me, how to have no strength to hold me?"

Cloud old Wang Ye snorted, turned his head to Yu Qingqing and said, "this is your good daughter!"

"Father in law, Yueer is not sensible. Today we will marry her out, and Xiaojing will take charge of her. Xiaojing is such a wonderful child that she can change her temperament gradually. " Yu Qingqing said with a smile.

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