The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1347

Outside, Qingchang heard the voice of the room, and asked happily, "son of the world, is Miss shallow moon awake?"

"Well, she's awake." Rong Jing nodded.

"The maid is going to take the dinner? The medicine has stewed the soup for a long time, waiting for miss Jianyue to wake up and drink it. " Qingchang asked.

"Well, bring it." Rongjing ordered.

Qingchang went down at once.

Cloud shallow moon red face push Rong Jing, "stay away, I wear clothes."

"In fact, I think you don't need to drink tonic. It's so powerful to push people. You can get tired again in the evening. " Rong Jing looks at the cloud and the moon, slowly and leisurely.

"Rongjing, you are over indulgent." Cloud shallow month glared at Rong Jing one eye, push him aside, "I want to go back to cloud palace tonight to sleep."

"No way!" Rongjing immediately shook his head.

"Then you must not tire me again." Cloud shallow moon takes the opportunity to ask.

Rong Jing "um" a, seems to be thinking, "depending on the situation."

Cloud shallow moon horizontal he one eye, begin to dress.

Rong Jing saw that she had to get up and grabbed the clothes to help her wear them.

Within a moment, dressed properly, yunxiaoyue got up and got out of bed. As soon as her feet stood on the ground, she was too soft to support and fell to the ground. Rong Jing immediately reached out and helped her, frowning, "have you been sleeping for a day? Haven't you recovered yet? "

Cloud shallow month leans in his bosom, Yin Yin ground anger way: "turn you over to turn over in the past, fold dozens of times, you sleep a day to give me a try?"

Rong Jing lost his voice for a moment, and then apologized after half a ring: "I've endured too long..."

Cloud shallow month raises an eye to look at him, originally some fire, looked at him really take the self reproach appearance, also some funny, strained face way: "you wash my face, comb my hair, feed me."

Rong Jing nodded, "good!"

Next, Rong Jing helped Yun Qianyue to come to the water basin. If she really washed her face, she was very serious, like a child. Yunqianyue stood quietly, feeling his hands stained with water, touching her face, cleaning carefully, she suddenly felt very happy. In the past, if people asked her what happiness was, she couldn't say it, and didn't know it. Now she knows, it turns out that she is sleeping in her beloved's arms and watching her do things for her, even if it is a trivial matter.

After cleaning her face, yunqianyue sits in front of the mirror, and Rongjing stands behind to comb her hair.

Yunqianyue looks at herself in the mirror. It seems that overnight, she has a different change. In the past, Qingli is now like spring peach watering the rain and dew. She looks at herself with astonishing beauty. She looks at herself in the mirror for a moment, and is not sure, "is this me?"

Rong Jing smiles, "naturally it's you."

"Well, it's strange." The clouds are shallow and the moon is low.

Rong Jing bowed down her head and kissed her neck. She said in a soft voice: "peach blossom is in full bloom. Your blooming is more beautiful than peach blossom."

Cloud light moon face red, is more gorgeous can not square things, she is slightly angry, the beautiful eyes in the mirror flow. She no longer looked at herself, looked at Rongjing, and saw him gorgeous. She felt more comfortable. It was not just herself that changed. Are men in full bloom? It's funny to think about it.

Qingchang came in with the dishes and said, "congratulations to miss shallow moon!"

Cloud shallow month looked at green dress, slant head asks Rong Jing, very serious, "should I appreciate?"

"Rong Jing chuckles," is the reward. "

"What's the reward?" Cloud light moon asks Rong Jing.

Rongjing put his hand on the belly of yunqianyue and said in a warm voice: "if there is a child here, please give it to her."

Qingchang's smiling face suddenly became bitter, but she was overjoyed, "I'm happy! Thank you very much She turned and went out happily.

Cloud shallow moon to Rong Jing stare, "nonsense what?"

"It's not only the people in Zizhu courtyard, but also the people in the palace of King Quanrong. Well, or not only the people in the Rong palace, but also all the people in the cloud palace Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon raises eyebrow, "you this is announce the world?"

"It's not like telling the world. People who should know about it have known about it! Always let people know. " Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow month no longer speak, reach out to embrace the waist of Rong Jing, low voice way: "Rong Jing, I feel very happy."

Rong Jing embraces her with a gentle face, "me too. Very happy. "

Cloud shallow moon smile vine open, although tired, but this happiness and the past is different. Two people finally become one, thoroughly familiar with each other, let each other become a part of each other's body. The best language in the world, all the beautiful words about happiness are hard to express.

For a moment, Rong Jing had a meal with the moon in her arms.

The dinner was sumptuous, exquisite and nourishing.

Cloud shallow month to the evening meal rolled several white eyes, then let Rong Jing feed to eat.

After dinner, yunqianyue lazily nestled in Rongjing's arms, looked out of the window and said, "this flower is blooming too timely. Rongjing, how can you calculate just right?"

Rong Jing said with a smile: "because I am the one who was cultivated, so naturally I have mastered its advantages."This means something, just like her, from small to large, she is actually in her grasp. Occasionally off track, he can still pull her back.

Cloud shallow moon smiles to look at him, no longer speak.

Rongjing also looks out of the window and enjoys the beauty of silence.

On the first day of the first day of the first month, the lights are still bright. This year is more than half past today.

Rong Jing whispered to Yun Qianyue: "tomorrow I will go to the cloud palace with betrothal gifts."

Cloud light moon blinks, "tomorrow to go?"

"I wanted to go today, but after a day's sleep, it was postponed." Yung King Road.

"Tomorrow's new year's day, right? It's a little too urgent. " Cloud shallow month thinks big first month next betrothal gift, such thing is very few!

"Or now? I'm not too tired to see you anyway Let's talk about it.

Cloud shallow moon angry him one eye, "you can be really impatient. I've become your man. What's the hurry? "

"I'll marry you back as early as possible." "If there are children here, I can't let you worship with a big belly."

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, suddenly said: "Rong Jing, are we not suitable to have children now?"

"Well?" Rongjing looks at her.

"After the new year, I'm afraid there are more things." Cloud shallow moon light voice way: "isn't there a kind of afterwards contraceptive?"? How about me... "

"No Rong Jing's face suddenly sank.

Cloud shallow month looks at him, "this is expedient, lest I become your burden."

"I'm not afraid of the burden. The more the burden, the better. I enjoy it." Rong Jing hugged the cloud and the moon, "what are you afraid of when there are more things? What are we afraid of? You don't want to drink that medicine when I'm here. We let it be. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!