The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1346

Even if she had done enough preparation, yunqianyue still had tears in pain. Her small face wrinkled into a ball and reached out to beat Rongjing.

Let the cloud light moon beat him.

Cloud shallow month's fist falls, has no strength, she withdraws back, reaches out to take, he covers her eye hand, annoyed way: "how so painful..."

Rong Jing looked at her with a slight sweat on her forehead, which reflected his poetic and jade like face. He said in a hoarse voice, "Uncle yuan told me before he went to Nanliang, saying Well, for the first time, it seems to hurt a little, and then it will be better... "

Cloud shallow moon trembles for a while, "my father tells you?"

Rong Jing nodded, "Hmm!"

Cloud shallow moon is speechless, how old is his father after all disrespectful! How did he tell Rongjing about such a thing? How does Rongjing listen? Don't they feel embarrassed?

Rong Jing bowed his head to kiss off the tears of yunqianyue. His voice was dumb and charming, "darling, you can bear some I want our unforgettable... " The words fall, he clings to her tightly, clasps her hand, does not let her move minute, he actually Get up.

Yunqianyue has some difficulties. She wants to push him, but she is suppressed and unable to move. She wants to talk, but he kisses her. Finally, she has no choice but to endure such unforgettable memories.

It's really unforgettable!

It's in the bone!

It's too deep to be profound!

This is the conclusion of yunqianyue after several times of fainting and waking up again!

The red candle burned out overnight, and the day was bright. Rongjing was still not tired and satisfied. He broke up the cloud and the moon, as if to make up for his suffering and endurance for a long time.

"Rongjing You are still not a human being... " Cloud light moon breath is weak, the arm is too sour and soft to lift up, the sound is also like a mosquito, extruded from the red and swollen lip, more like a whisper.

Rongjing said, "well," Banzheng's face is dry and overflowing with tears. A small face is as gorgeous as a peach and plum. It is in full bloom. No matter how many times you look at it, you can burn his eyes and let him out of control. The delicate brocade under her body, even if it has been held for several months, is even more obsessive and uncontrollable today. Like the peach blossom that he covered and opened, it was blooming slowly under him. It was so beautiful that it couldn't be square. He knew that once she was in full bloom, it was extremely beautiful. All the flowers in the world were inferior to her, but after blooming, it was beyond his expectation. Let him be a man of restraint, but he will not be satisfied.

"Rongjing It will kill people... " The cloud is shallow and the moon is hustling weakly for mercy.

"No..." Rong Jing shook his head, "cloud shallow moon, I haven't enough..."

"Why not When you're done I'm really dead... " Cloud shallow moon thoroughly experienced this person's ability. She would not dare to say that he could not bear to die later.

"Seventy two spring is no use yet..." Rong Jingrou's voice.

Yun Qianyue stretched out her arms and hugged him. She felt that he must not be allowed to put this into action. Then she would have no bones left. She asked for mercy and said, "it's a beautiful scene It's a killing thing. I don't know which bastard made it. I learned it, and I won't watch it later... "

Rong Jing stopped and picked her eyebrows. "Really?"

"If so." Cloud light moon guarantee.

Rongjing looked at her, and for a moment, she began to smile. She lowered her head and once again dropped a kiss on her red and bloody lips. She slipped down from her body, hugged her and closed her eyes, "since you know your mistakes, you can correct them I'll spare you tonight

The cloud shallow moon breathes a sigh of relief, also did not have the strength to speak, completely at ease to sleep in the past.

Rongjing looked at her, even breathing sound came out, she was really tired, he thought of the words of Uncle yuan, he still thinks it is very right, "their own women should adjust themselves." You really have to teach yourself.

The cloud moon wakes up again, and it is the evening of the next day.

She opened her eyes. There was no one in the room. She reached out to touch the bedding beside her. It was very cold. It was obvious that the man had been up for a long time. She thought of his madness last night. Her face turned red and she swore. She sat up slowly. Though her body was sour and soft, it was not so painful. Moreover, she was clean when she was asleep. She was massaged to loosen her muscles and bones. She wrapped up the quilt, staring at the dragon and Phoenix auspicious embroidered quilt on her body for a moment, and began to dress.

At this point, the door is pushed open from the outside.

Cloud shallow month raises an eye to look at the door, see Rong Jing to come in, see her rise, his face like jade smile like spring breeze, eyebrows slightly raised, there is a kind of peerless Qing Yan, gentle voice, "wake up?"

Cloud shallow month sees him spring breeze is full of, she is like frost hit eggplant, dissatisfied ground used nostril to hum a.

Rongjing came over and sat down beside her. He grabbed her clothes and put her in his arms. He said in a soft voice, "it's so late. It's time to have a rest. You don't have to get up at all."

Cloud shallow moon face a red, dug a Rong Jing one eye, "it's all your harm."

"Yes, I did." Rong Jing chuckled, lowered his head to kiss her lips, and said in a soft voice, "but I still want to do it again."Cloud shallow month hit him with an arm, grind a tooth to ask a way: "by what you are lively, I can't get up bed?"

After hearing the speech, Rong Jing thought for a while and said in a warm voice, "it's about that this is a natural difference."

Yunqianyue thinks that men and women are really different. She leant lazily in his arms and said no more.

"Hungry? I let Yao Lao stew chicken soup, you drank too little chicken soup last night. Aunt Qing said that in addition to making more supplements, you can practice the ninth skill in the Phoenix Sutra, which is helpful to cultivate your body. Grandfather Yun said that you don't have to pay New Year's greetings. He's waiting for his grandson. " Rong Jing looks down at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon face a bit black, "they Do you know? "

"It's a big thing to know." "Well, at the end of the month, I didn't know much about it, so I didn't know if I was too tired to see her at the end of last month

When you stare at the dark cloud, you will not be angry? I know better than them. Do you need to ask them one by one? "

Rong Jing looked down at her, "do you understand?"

"Nonsense! I've learned so much in my previous life. Although I didn't get full marks in medicine, it's more than enough to deal with you. " Yunqianyue thinks about how she forgot to educate this man and let him go out to shame.

Rong Jing blinked, her long eyelashes trembled, and she looked innocent. "I don't know you understand. I think you are the same as me."

Cloud shallow moon completely lost words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!