The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1348

"Well! I just mentioned it. " Yunqianyue doesn't want to drink bitter medicine soup.

Rongjing stopped talking and hugged her quietly.

Yunqianyue didn't ask Rongjing about what happened in Chaozhong after she retired yesterday, what was being publicized in the outside world, and what yetianyi and yeqingran did today, she didn't want to know. She just needs to know that since yesterday, others have nothing to do with her, only the scenery has something to do with her. Involved in this life, never give up.

Two people sat at night, Rongjing holding cloud shallow moon on bed.

This night, the scene is very regular, only holding the cloud shallow moon to sleep. Even though yunqianyue had been sleeping for a day, she still couldn't resist fatigue. She leaned in his arms and slept soundly.

Rongjing wakes up once in the middle of the night, stares at the cloud shallow moon for a moment, and hugs her tender body tightly. He didn't tell her that ye Tianyi smashed the imperial study last night. He didn't tell her that night Tianyi had drunk a night's wine. Now he is afraid that he is still unconscious. He has not told her that night qingran took a group of people out of the city to hunt at night. Now he has not returned. He has not told her that Rong Feng painted a painting in the Marquis of Wenbo, and then burned it. He did not tell her that Leng shaozhuo called all the servants of Xiaoqin palace When they got together, they talked about the whole night's story, but didn't tell her that cangting practiced the sword technique all night

Those who are associated with her are venting in their own way.

If we say that the best sleep in tianshengjing last night is nanlingrui and yuqingqing. Even the old man in the Rong palace and the two old men in the cloud palace didn't sleep. Somehow they got together to play chess and drink and stayed up all night.

The night passed by in a flash.

The next morning, yunqianyue woke up and saw Rongjing still asleep. She looked at him quietly and reached out to touch his face. She saw that he slowly opened his eyes, and she immediately stopped.

"Awake?" Rongjing's voice is a little hoarse.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rong Jing looked out of the window, took back his sight, turned over and pressed the moon under him. He was surprised and said in a soft voice, "it's still early. You should not be tired, are you?"? What can we do... "

Cloud shallow moon just want to speak, he does not allow her to say, immediately occupied the dominant, will her control. She was speechless, saying that the early bird gets the worm, and the early bird catches the worm. They're either birds or worms, obviously. A warm dream of spring. Spring red into the mud, low love language, continuous love words, can not end, can not tell.

Yunqianyue finally sleeps back to sleep tired.

Rong Jing's idea is still not enough, holding her thinking, is not a little too much? He reflected on it for a moment, but he didn't think it was too much. It was her poor health that needed to be mended. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Cloud light moon wakes up again, already ring noon.

Rongjing has been dressed properly and sits at the table to deal with the secret letter. As soon as she wakes up, he notices it. He looks up from the secret letter and looks at her. Wen Sheng says, "finally, wake up. Let's go to the cloud palace with the betrothal gift."

Cloud shallow moon sour and weak, angry way: "do not get up."

"Do you want me to go alone?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows and seemed to be thinking and muttering to herself, "I haven't done such a thing. I don't know how to do it. Didn't you ask you what you didn't understand yesterday? You can always avoid mistakes if you follow me

Cloud shallow month speechless, "Rong childe, I see you understand very well."

Rong jinggou lip, put down the secret letter, came over, stretched out his hand to pull her up, "I just sent someone to cloud palace to pass a message to grandfather Yun. Now grandfather Yun is afraid to have been waiting."

Cloud shallow moon helplessly put on clothes, "if not you, I would not sleep to now."

"Well, my fault." Rong Jing admitted his mistake meekly.

"So, when someone laughs at me, you take it with you." Yunqianyue thinks nanlingrui will laugh at her.

"Well, I'll take it." Rong Jing is smiling.

Cloud light moon slowly dressed to get up, and lingered to clean his face and comb his hair, and then slowly followed Rongjing out of the purple bamboo yard. Her steps are still a little soft, the whole person is delicate and full of amorous feelings.

Outside the sun is just right, peach blossom is in full bloom, the whole Zizhuyuan is full of peach blossom fragrance.

Cloud light month a spring dress is rolled up by the wind, she feels that the wind seems to turn over the new year, overnight become soft and warm. Today is indeed a good day for employees.

At the gate of King Rong's mansion, a row of carriages stopped.

Cloud shallow month count, full of 20, and the car is full of silver foil Naxi things, she was surprised, "how to prepare so much?"

"It's not much!" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon frown, "too much! It's just a form. It's not. "

"As for. In my eyes, you are priceless. These are nothing. If it wasn't for grandfather Yun who said that the name of the cloud palace would be lost sooner or later, I would like to have more preparations. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Cloud shallow month hears speech no longer to oppose, since he is prepared, can only be like this.

When they came to the car, Xiange opened the curtain with a smile, "my subordinates would like to congratulate Miss shallow moon!"

Cloud shallow month glared at him one eye, "happy is the son of your family!""I have been happy for the son of God for a long time. Not only my subordinates, but all the people under him have been happy to him. You didn't see it. Yesterday morning, Xi folded and snowballed into the purple bamboo yard... " The string song is laughing.

Cloud light moon glanced at Rongjing, saw his eyebrows and eyes smile, she felt that from the new year's Eve to today, let her speechless things really much.

They got on the carriage, waved the whip with a string song, and went to the cloud palace happily.

The ceremony of 20 chariots opened up a long front and occupied half of the street.

People in the capital seem to have got the news that King Shizi is going to be employed in the cloud palace. They come out of their homes one after another, crowding in the street to watch. As the motorcade passed by, people could hear their joyful discussion. Most of them are saying that today, Miss shallow moon has also broken the engagement, and she and Jing Shizi have finally achieved a good result, which is justified. It seems that everyone is happy for them.

In the carriage, the cloud shallow month listens to the outside words straight to the ear to rise, she indignant Rong Jing one, "look at your means of buying people's heart, nobody can reach."

Rong Jing said with a smile: "this is not all my own credit, you also have a share."

Cloud shallow month thinks that if she has a share, it is also a small share, but not equal to his share. However, the voice of all people's blessing is more comfortable than swearing.

As the carriage passed a street, the sound of a pair of horses and men riding on them came from the front. The whole street was slightly shaken by the sound of trampling.

Xiange reined in his horse's rein and whispered to the car, "the son of the world, it's ranxiaowang who has come back from hunting!"

Rongjing gave a "yes".

Cloud light moon think night light dye big spring festival run out hunting?

Not long ago, a pair of men and horses head-on to stop the carriage, rein in the reins, night light dye cool cold voice came, "weak beauty, what are you doing?"

Rong Jing didn't speak. Xian Ge looked at the night and said, "don't you know the little prince dye? My son-in-law is going to employ him in the palace of Lord Yun. "

"Hired?" Night light dye eyebrows, a snow wind dust.

"Yes String song nods.

Night light dye sneers and stares at the carriage tightly, "weak beauty, she has just released her engagement. Can't you wait? I'm in such a hurry to be hired? "

"Yes, after ten years of waiting, I can't wait." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Before the night light dye hits the horse, the string song immediately pulls out the sword to stop him.

"This is the street. What do you think Ben Xiaowang can do? Do you harm your family? Don't worry, Ben Xiaowang is not his opponent. You can't hurt him. " Night light dye glimpses string song one eye, "I say a few words with him."

The string song stays in front of the car.

"String song, get out of the way!" Rongjing ordered.

Xiange put away her saber and staggered her body, but she was cautious when she saw the black clothes riding behind her.

Before the night light dyes, before he can lift the curtain, Rong Jing picks up the car curtain first, looks at the night light dye, and says with a smile: "dye Little Wang Ye goes out to hunt in the mountains, and the harvest is not small!"

Night light dye along the curtain gap opened by Rongjing, saw the cloud light moon sitting quietly in the car, her change, he can almost see at a glance. Or not only he could see it, but everyone who knew her. All of a sudden he was speechless.

Rong Jing picked his eyebrows and said, "is this the black clothes riding of little prince dye?"? Every one is excellent indeed. "

Night light dye's face changed a time, ignore the scene, staring at the cloud shallow moon spit out a word, "little girl, you are very good."

Cloud light on the night light dye a light smile, happiness in her face is so obvious, "yes, can't be better."

"You're so sure You... " Night light dye seems to want to say something, the backlog of emotions seems to be too much, let him say for a while, finally let out a cool sentence, "there are too many variables in the future, your decision is too early."

Yun Xiaoyue shook her head. "You don't understand me. I think it's late enough."

Night light dye calm face stare at her for a moment, this just look to Rong Jing, Feng eyes squint, Sen Han one, "weak beauty, she is not necessarily your purple bamboo forest bird, you don't too early show off your happiness, careful ashes."

Rong Jing said with a smile, "is it tired to hunt? I don't comment on who she is, and you don't have to comment. There will always be a day when heaven and earth are set. Let's watch it together. "

"Of course I will look at it!" Night light dye Leng hum, no longer stay, legs a clip horse belly, his body riding four hooves raised, to the prince de pro.

Behind him, a group of men and horses closely followed, rolling up a cold wind.

Rongjing dropped the curtain and put it away with a smile. He took a look at the cloud and the moon, and his thin lips pursed slightly. He said slowly, "he even lights up the black clothes that never came out of the world. Night light dye is no worse to your heart than the night nature."

Cloud shallow moon heart upset, do not speak.

Rong Jing held her in her arms and touched her hair. Her voice was gentle and cold, "if he dares to seize, I will dare to kill!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!