The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1345

Yun Qianyue leaned against his arms, because the fragrance of rouge was in her belly, which made her feel like a fire burning. Instead of feeling cold at night, she felt cool and comfortable.

Within a moment, Rongjing came to the city wall with cloud and moon, floated and fell to the highest wall tower.

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, this just returned to God, "is not to see the fireworks of the star watching station? How did you bring me here? "

"This is the best place to watch fireworks." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows, the city is full of lights, streets are very bright, only this place, black paint, she curled her lips, "I did not see this is the best location."

"You'll find out in a minute!" Rongjing sat down with her in her arms.

Cloud shallow moon thought anyway also came, where to see fireworks is also the same, then no longer against.

Not long ago, the observatory set off fireworks, the entire sky seems to light up, fireworks fly to the sky, today there is no star, large fireworks are like stars, shining on the sky.

"You are right. This is the best place to see the stars. The fireworks from the star watching platform lit up the whole capital. This is the only place that is dark, but it is in the dark that we can see it most clearly. "

Rongjing "um" a, smile.

The moon stopped talking and looked at the observatory. The spark is bright, seems to have ignited her heart, her heart is also like a group of fireworks burning.

Rong Jing looks at the moon and clouds. Her beautiful face is like rouge. Her eyes are shining. His jade face is very warm.

It took about half an hour for the fireworks to stop. The cloud light moon can clearly see the figure of the observatory. Among them, several familiar figures stand in the front, and she takes back her sight and looks at Rongjing.

Rong Jing is also looking at her, suddenly said: "cloud shallow moon, are you pregnant?"

Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

"You're pregnant!" Rongjing repeated.

Cloud shallow moon some muddle, stare at him one eye, "what are you talking nonsense about? How can I get pregnant? " Want to be pregnant, has not started yet!

"You are pregnant Rongjing must be a tunnel.

Cloud shallow month looked at him up and down, really can't think of this person suddenly smoke what crazy, low voice angry way: "I am still a virgin!"

"I said you were pregnant and you were pregnant." Rong Jing ignores cloud shallow moon's exasperation, the voice is gentle again.

Seeing that he was addicted to wind and wind, he glared at him fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "I was pregnant, how can I not know? Whose child is it? Please excuse me and tell me. "

"Mine." Rongjing said without hesitation.

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, early all beautiful tension and other emotions completely flew out of the clouds, she sneered, "you hold me every day, how to pregnant? Mr. Rong, do you want me to give you some knowledge about pregnancy? "

"Yes, I can." Rong Jing's eyes fell on her stomach and said in a soft voice, "as long as you are pregnant, we will get married more smoothly."

Cloud shallow month suddenly, to now understand that he meant a false pregnancy want to marry, she dug her one eye, resolutely refused, "no, such a shameless thing I don't do, ruin my reputation."

"You and I have been sleeping together for so long, do you still have a good reputation?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Cloud shallow month a gas, angry way: "Rong Jing, you can be more shameless, how is your name not called shameless?"

Rong Jing lowered his head and seemed to think seriously, "if you like, this is the name of our future children."

The woman was temporarily aphasia.

Rong Jing thought for a moment, and then said slowly, "tomorrow I'll go to the cloud palace to hire my grandson. My grandfather will be very happy to take care of my grandson as soon as possible." After a pause, he comforted Yun Xiaoyue and said, "since you are pregnant now, you should guard against arrogance and rashness. Don't think about too many things. Don't run around. Be quiet for a few days, and be good to our children. When the baby is born in October, you will... "

Yunqianyue looked at him, her eyes widened a little, and finally it was as big as a copper bell. She couldn't help but roar, "Rongjing, you are really out of breath. Have you been hit by fireworks? I said I was still a virgin? I'm pregnant with a fart

Rong Jing was stunned, and his words stuck in his throat.

Yunqianyue looked at him with anger and smile. This person, want the child to think of magic barrier? Or was it stimulated by the gift of night?

Rong Jing was silent for a moment. He seemed to get out of the line from his thoughts. He reached for his forehead and rubbed it. He felt helpless and said, "Oh, you are still a virgin. I forgot."

Cloud shallow moon tengdi stood up from the wall, and suddenly ran away. She didn't want the scene which was possessed by something.

Rong Jing long arm a body, hook her body, funny way: "is some magic barrier."

Cloud shallow moon hums a, did not speak.

Rong Jing bowed her head, lips and kisses on her white and slender neck, and asked in a soft voice, "are you still nervous?"

Where will yunqianyue be nervous? The day's tension was not made by him, she shrunk her neck and glared at Rongjing."Shall we go back to the house?" Rongjing's voice is a little hoarse.

Cloud shallow month lowers head, "um" a, the voice is as light as mosquito fly.

Rongjing held her up horizontally and gently, leaving the city wall and heading for the palace of King Rong.

Cloud shallow moon buries her head in Rong Jing's arms, remembering the conversation just now, still can't help laughing. This man This man He is also nervous

It took me only a cup of tea to return to the palace.

Rong Jing floats down in the purple bamboo yard. Before standing firm, he walks to the house with the cloud and the moon.

The bead curtain crackled, especially in the night.

Yunqianyue was put on the bed, covered with warm colorful bedding, she opened her eyes. The bed account at the eye was red yarn, and the colorful quilt was Longfeng Chengxiang. The room seemed to have been newly decorated, all of which were completely new. She was a bit stunned, "what is this for?"

"Cloud light moon, I waited for ten years and half a year, waiting for a winter, waiting for a peach blossom to open. I can't wait to get married. " Rongjing leaned down and covered the cloud on the moon. Ruyu's hand touched her face and said in a soft voice, "let's get married in advance! How about that? "

Cloud light moon blinks, this is clearly in accordance with the layout of the new house, she can say not good?

"When your peach blossom is in bloom, it can only bloom in my arms." Rong Jing lowers his head and kisses the moon. His voice is hoarse and low.

Yunqianyue's heart suddenly softened, and she waited for a long time, but for this moment, the earlier tension and other emotions all disappeared. Her heart softened in an instant, opened her vermilion lips to cater to the scenery, and her hand also stretched out and caught his neck.

This kiss is different from the past, or crazy, or lost, or urgent, but with a different from the past.

Perhaps it is because of the dissolution of their engagement that their hearts are completely relaxed; perhaps it is because they have been imprisoned for too long that the two souls are released; perhaps it is because the night is too beautiful, the night is still, the fog is thick, and the stars are bright; maybe it is the rouge, the wine, the red candle, the mandarin duck brocade quilt, the red Luo soft tent, the picturesque person

In a word, there are all good things to interpret this kind of beauty.

Kiss gradually deep, meaning gradually thick, feeling gradually rise, two pairs of eyes light like fog.

Rong Jing leaves the lip of cloud shallow moon, looks at her, gently to untie her clothes button. He didn't know how many times she had untied her clothes. She was already familiar with her own clothes.

Cloud shallow moon gasps to look at him, in a moment, also reaches out to untie his clothes button. She made his clothes, so she was familiar with every link.

The buttons on their chest were untied to reveal their smooth texture.

Yunqianyue reached out to fasten Rongjing's waist, and Rongjing Ruyu's hand caught the ribbon around her waist. Both of them gently pulled at the same time. At the same time, the ribbon is released, and the brocade is opened like a picture.

Rong Jing leaned down and stuck it tightly on the soft jade skin of the moon and cloud, which made him sigh gently.

Yunqianyue feels that Rongjing's skin is close to her, too warm and slippery, too hot, too enchanting, she is also a sigh.

His lips fall and kiss gently, like spring rain, moisten his territory, and like a king above the king, he controls the spring soil under his control, leaving deep and shallow traces, such as plum blossom and peach blossom.

Nibble slowly, will ignite the flame into a raging fire, burning every corner.

Cloud shallow moon can not bear such a fine and romantic, can not bear such a dense network of tenderness, can not bear such a soul piercing taste, can not help but sing a voice, is never more delicate and soft.

When Rongjing heard such a sound, his body was slightly shaken, and his original fine soft kiss was in a frenzy. In an instant, it seemed that he was going to swallow up the delicate people under him.

The few clothes left were torn off and slid down the curtain to the bed.

Yunqianyue's brain is already faint and can't help herself. She wants to keep awake, but she doesn't know whether it's wine or affection. In short, her body has become a pool of water, and even her consciousness is no longer under her control. Feel like a fish, according to the people on their own preferences to make food, to eat.

I don't know how long after that, yunqianyue hears Rongjing's extremely hoarse voice, "yunqianyue, you are my poison..."

Yunqianyue's consciousness returned to him, and he couldn't help but retort, "Rongjing, you are my poison..."

With a smile, Rongjing suddenly hugged her waist and pulled her to him. Yunqianyue realizes something, suddenly wakes up. Rongjing reaches out to cover her eyes and murmurs, "it's not only in this life, but also in the afterlife. You can only be mine."

"Overbearing!" Cloud shallow month just scolds the exit, the body immediately spreads to drill the heart pain, she can't help but breathe softly.

Rongjing leaned down and held her lips, crushing her voice in his kiss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!