The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1344

Ling Lian blinked her eyes, suddenly suddenly suddenly realized, "ah" a, also immediately smile open.

Qingchang smiles and doesn't close her mouth and holds the night gift to her room. Ling Lian and Yi Xue follow happily.

Yunqianyue lies in the hot spring water in the dark room. The warm water surrounds her skin. She feels smooth and thin penetrating into the texture. She closes her eyes and blushes, thinking about the past. More than once, she and Rongjing's clothes were messy, more than once restrained, and more than once, almost unable to control, but after all, nothing happened. This day finally arrived, but she was inexplicably nervous and could not explain why.

Maybe it's because I've been waiting too long, and I'm afraid of my hometown.

But she didn't want to wait any longer, and she really didn't want to wait any more!

Xiao Qi of the previous life has been put down by her, and the son book of this life has become a person closer to her relatives. Among the familiar people, except for the scenery, no one can let her be moved, regardless of everything. This life only recognizes this person.

I think a lot in my mind, but I don't seem to think about anything.

I don't know how long after, there was a knock on the door outside the darkroom, Wen Run was familiar with the bone, "cloud shallow moon, how long do you want to wash? The dinner is cold. "

Cloud shallow moon immediately opened his eyes, and quickly answered, "this is out."

"Can I help you clean and dress?" Rongjing asked.

"No!" Cloud shallow moon quickly shakes his head. She dares to say that she doesn't have to eat.

Rong Jing seemed to sigh softly, "this inner lock, in fact, can't really lock me."

Cloud light moon quickly stood up, ignore him, wipe body, clothes, action a gas synthesis. Within a moment, he wrapped himself properly and hurriedly came to the door of the darkroom and opened the door with his hand.

Rong Jing looked out of the cloud shallow moon, chuckled, "the action is fast!"

Cloud shallow month horizontal he one eye, stretch out a hand to pull his sleeve to smell, dislike tunnel: "a smell of lampblack, quickly go in to wash." Words fall, do not wait for Rong Jing to speak, pushed him in, backhand to help him close the door.

My heart was pounding at that moment.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to cover heart, do deep breath, think to be afraid of what he does? He is like a painting. She had long wanted to get rid of him and crumpled up her research. Now that she got the chance, why didn't she try her best? Her strong concentration, but still can't control the beating heart, she has some helplessness, let the footstep light to walk to the table.

There was no sound in the dark room, but only her heartbeat was heard.

Yun Qianyue sits at the table and looks at three or four dishes on the table, including two bowls of porridge, two bowls of chicken soup, a pot of rouge and two pairs of chopsticks. Although the quantity is small, it is important to be exquisite. Like Rongjing's people, he does everything with delicacy.

She looked at the food on the table for a moment. Instead of moving her chopsticks, she picked up the wine pot, filled it with a cup, and tasted it carefully. The wine is fragrant and mellow. Rouge drunk, as the name suggests, just under the throat, her face will climb up a layer of rouge color.

How many years have not drunk Rouge?

Cloud shallow moon side aftertaste, at the same time poured a cup, slowly tasted, imperceptibly half pot by her to drink down.

At this time, the door of the darkroom was pushed open from the inside, and a clean robe came out of the room. It was the spring clothes made by yunqianyue. Tianchan silk brocade embroidered a few simple and elegant purple bamboo branches and leaves on the hem and cuff. The water vapor in the dark room came out with him, steaming like fog, making his whole person like a picture coming out.

Cloud shallow moon immediately infatuated, staring at the Rong Jing, unable to move his eyes.

Rong Jing stood at the door of the darkroom and looked at her quietly. Their eyes met in mid air.

After a moment, Rongjing took back his sight and walked up to him.

Cloud light moon suddenly felt the heart lift up, every hair of the whole body can feel his elegant breath, can't help jumping up, but still can't control the look in her eyes.

Rong Jing came to the cloud in front of the moon, took a look at the cup she was holding, reached for the wine pot, slightly picked eyebrows, "drank half a pot?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rong Jing put the remaining half pot in front of him, "this half pot for me to drink, no more of yours." He pulled out the cup in his hand.

Cloud light moon blinks an eye, very docile, "good."

Rong Jing picked up the corner of his mouth and sat down. He poured the first battle wine with the wine cup of yunqianyue and tasted it slowly.

Yunqianyue looks at his laryngeal knot moving and his sleeve brushing. The purple bamboo is shining, elegant and picturesque. Suddenly she put her hand over her eyes and lowered her head, thinking that she couldn't look any more.

Rong Jing glanced at her, did not speak, and continued to taste the wine slowly.

Cloud light moon calm for a moment, pick up chopsticks with vegetables.

Rong Jing pushed the chicken soup in front of her, "drink this."

Yun Qianyue's face was red with rouge. She wanted to push it back, but her hand couldn't move. She was staring at the chicken soup for a while and didn't make a sound.

Rong Jing smiles and moves another bowl of chicken soup in front of him.

Yunqianyue takes chicken soup and drinks it slowly.

It took a full hour to finish a meal. Both of them had no words. Three or four dishes, two bowls of congee, two bowls of chicken soup and a pot of wine were all eaten clean.After dinner, they both sat in their chairs and looked out of the window. The peach blossom was in full bloom.

On the eve of the lunar new year, the lights of all families are lit up, and the purple bamboo house is decorated like day.

Yunqianyue found that there were two big red lanterns hanging on the peach tree at some time. They hung high on the two highest branches of the peach tree, making the whole peach tree pink and gorgeous. She asked Rong Jing, "when did you hang two lanterns?"

"When you bathe," he said with a smile

Cloud shallow moon light cough a, red face low voice way: "big new year's Eve all ShouSui..."

"We watch the new year together." Rong Jing looks at her eyes, soft.

Cloud shallow moon coughed again, no longer speak.

Rongjing stared at her for a long time, then turned her head and continued to look out of the window.

The night was getting deeper. The fragrance in the house is curling, and the fragrance of peach blossoms outside the house is floating in. It's a little illusory.

Yunqianyue turned to look at the hourglass. It was almost midnight. She glanced at Rongjing and saw that he was staring out of the window. He had no intention. She didn't know what to say. She always felt that the time was too good for her to reach out.

"There are fireworks on the observatory tonight. Would you like to see them?" Rong Jing asked back.

Cloud light moon blinked, did not speak.

Rongjing got up and stood up and took her hand. "Let's go and have a look."

Yun Xiaoyue's hand shrank for a moment and then stood up with him.

Out of the door, Rongjing stopped her waist, toe light, such as a wisp of breeze, floating out of the purple bamboo forest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!