The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1336

"That's two smart people, and it's ok if you don't hide it from them." Cloud light moon road.

"Later, when he left, he also went to my palace and said something to me. Although it was different from that of little prince dye, the meaning was almost the same. In the end, it made me stick to it." Seven princesses low voice way: "calculate, I also owe their affection."

"Between brothers and sisters, this is what you should do. If you are in trouble, it's nothing for them to help. You don't have to worry too much. " Mr. Yun waved to the seventh princess.

Seven princesses nodded.

Yun Xiaoyue took the seven princess's hand and said with a smile, "what my grandfather said is that you don't have to worry about it. If we say that we have helped each other, we will not be able to calculate. This time, that time. If only you had a baby in your stomach. "

"My sister said so!" The seventh Princess laughed a little.

Cloud away at this time took over the words: "grandfather, since King Shizi and his sister are back, they called the mother concubine to set the meal!"

Cloud old prince nodded and said to the jade bracelet: "jade bracelet, you go to see her sleep for two days, now wake up?"

The jade bracelet answered and went out.

"It's not easy for your mother these years. Donghai, Nanliang and Tiansheng are running at the same time." Cloud old lord way.

"I think she's full of energy." Yunqianyue doesn't care much.

Cloud old Wang Ye glared at cloud shallow moon one eye, "smelly girl! Although you have been by my side these years, it is not as long as the people who are not around me to accompany me

"Where am I not with you? Every time I come, you scold me away. " Cloud shallow month also returned to stare cloud old Wang Ye one eye.

"I don't know why. If you don't scold you, I'm not happy. If I scold you for running away, I feel better for a few days. "

Cloud shallow moon face a black, this is what fart hobby. Yunli and the seventh Princess laughed when they heard the speech.

After a while, Yu Qingqing came yawning. She was followed by a man with a light robe and beautiful eyes. She was somewhat similar to yuzishu, but her appearance was more tender than yuzishu.

Cloud light moon blink eyes, jade Qingqing behind that person blink eyes. Cloud shallow month turned a white eye, think of her mother, this is the south Ling Rui is straightened into whose appearance.

"The king of the East China Sea has two sons and three daughters. They are Zishu, Zixi, Luoyao, Lingyu and ziluo. This time, aunt Qing intends to appear as the princess of the East China Sea. She makes her brother Xiao Rui look like a Yuzixi. It's easy to let night escape

"In the name of Donghai, it's good to say that my mother alone is enough, but what's your brother doing? Is it OK for him to become a jade child's Eve? Can you make it through the night? " Cloud shallow moon frowns and asks.

"Aunt Qing's spiritual skill is high. She can use the whole spirit to make him look like a ghost. At the same time, she can hide his breath. Even if you check her body, you can't find out. Besides, who dares to check the body of the second prince of Donghai Yung King Road.

"Even so, nanlingrui is leaving after the new year? Will you let a second prince come out? " Cloud shallow moon frowns, "Niang's spirit skill is high, illusory appearance is simple. But I'm afraid it will be more troublesome to entangle another person

"Princess ziluo is missing. The king of Donghai is not in good health. Now Donghai is under the supervision of jade prince. Naturally, the jade prince cannot leave the East China Sea, but the disappearance of Princess ziluo is also a big event. Therefore, the jade prince sent the second prince of the East China Sea to Tiansheng to look for ziluo princess. He is the most suitable candidate. When Aunt Qing came, she took the seal letter of Donghai Kingdom, the letter of jade Prince and handwritten handwriting. There are also jade ornaments representing her identity as a princess, as well as a tiger amulet in the palace of Hua Wang. It's a great preparation. " Rong Jing said in a warm voice: "don't worry. I have discussed with aunt Qing. After the Spring Festival, aunt Qingyi takes brother Xiaorui back to the East China Sea as Yuzixi. It happens that he goes to discuss the marriage with Princess Luoyao. Princess Luoyao doesn't see his heart taking it out to her, so she won't marry her. When the time comes, he will leave Tiansheng openly. Ye Tianyi and yeqingran dare not offend the East China Sea, but dare not stop him. In this way, he could avoid his identity, compromise to the East China Sea, and then return to Nanliang from the two countries' envoys in the East China Sea. It's better. "

Yunqianyue nods, thinking that it is also a way to send nanlingrui to the East China Sea by the identity of Yuzixi. Otherwise, it is not easy to send him back to Nanliang even after this year. The compromise to the East China Sea, you can avoid their sight, very good.

While they were talking, the two entered the room.

Yunli and seven princesses quickly get up to give jade Qingqing a gift. At that time, in the ancestral ancestral hall, the old prince Yun did not avoid Yunli and the seventh princess. Therefore, they naturally knew yuqingqing and nanlingrui.

After they came in, the jade bracelet put food on it, and then walked out, closed the door, and took people to guard the gate.

"Little girl, what do you think of my brother now?" Nanling Rui went to the mirror and looked at it again and again. He said triumphantly, "this East China Sea is really outstanding. Everyone has a good appearance."

"Is Yuzixi like you?" Cloud shallow moon glimpses the south Ling Rui one eye.

"The prince of the East China Sea is not close to women, and the second prince is romantic. Isn't this just for your brother and me? " Nanling Rui sat down and said excitedly, "how can I not see such a big thing as your retirement?""Don't let it slip, and you can't be spared." Cloud light moon warning.

"Yes, little one." Nan Lingrui immediately arched his hand.

Yu Qingqing patted him and said with a smile: "the rules are a little bit. Your sister-in-law has seen your joke. No one looks like a brother. "

South Ling Rui light cough a, rules and regulations to cloud Li and seven princesses a gift, "let younger brother and sister see laugh."

Cloud from smile shake head, seven princesses laugh way: "elder brother since childhood is an active disposition, now ten years does not change."

Nanling Rui blinked, "people live a lifetime, how interesting how to live."

"Asshole!" The cloud old lord scolded a word, and asked everyone to sit in front of the table.

During the dinner, Rongjing, yunqianyue, yuqingqing and nanlingrui studied the possible situations and contingency measures to ensure that everything was safe.

After the banquet, the crowd chatted for a moment. Rong Jing and cloud light moon see that the sky is still early, so they return to the Rong palace. Yuqingqing and nanlingrui go out of the city by the tunnel of the cloud palace. Naturally, they want to be successful and come to the capital. Yunli and the seventh Princess advanced to the palace.

During the Shenshi period, Brunei came to Rongwang mansion to pick up the emperor.

Cloud shallow moon and Rong Jing holding night heaven gave out the Rong palace, to the palace.

Tiansheng capital is already full of lights, and there are fewer people on the street. All of them have returned home to have a reunion dinner.

Cloud shallow month sits in the car, light voice way: "say today it does not intend to attack its unprepared, hope to be able to."

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, and his voice was warm and cool. "Ye Tianyi was afraid that she would never have expected aunt Qing to live. Even if it was night light dyeing, Deqin palace, night light and warm, they could not expect it. As long as they don't expect it, we can take them by surprise. If you don't have the slightest preparation, you can win and lose. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, what they want is to win and not lose. They must terminate the engagement today.

The carriage came to the palace.

Rongjing and yunqianyue got off the train and saw many carriages of ministers and family members gathered at the gate of the palace. Although everyone's clothes are as plain as possible to match the Empress Dowager's great funeral, the fine silk and satin are still gorgeous.

Brunei called out, "the new emperor is coming!"

They all knelt on the ground and cried, "long live my emperor!"

Cloud shallow moon looked at the night gift in his arms, he just strangely looked at the people kneeling on the ground. She took out her veil to cover his eyes and looked at Rongjing. Rongjing nodded to her, and they went to the palace gate.

Brunei looked at the two people who had gone and waved to them, "the son of heaven said that he was flat." Words fall, he also quickly with the honor guard to follow in Rongjing and cloud light moon after entering the palace gate.

All of them got up and took a look at it, and then they went into the palace gate.

In the palace, the white sails which were hung for the great funeral of the Empress Dowager were removed. Although the decorations were festive, they could also feel the unusual atmosphere. The guards were strengthened three times.

Brunei was the one who took the time to meet the king Rong's house. Rongjing and yunqianyue were holding hands on the palace, so as soon as they arrived, they went straight to the golden palace where the banquet was held.

"The new emperor has arrived!" Brunei kept shouting all the way.

Rong Jing and Feng hongluan hold the place where the night God gave them, and everyone kneels down one after another. The sound of "long live my emperor" comes and goes, resounding through the palace. For a time, the quiet palace becomes lively.

When they came to the golden palace, a group of courtiers headed by the Regent, Prince De, Prince Xiao, and ye qingran had already been waiting here. Seeing the emperor approaching, they knelt down one after another, and the Regent began to kneel on one knee. The voice was quite high, "long live my Emperor! Thousand years old

Cloud shallow moon does not speak, looked at all one eye, holding the night sky gift, walked in along the way that everybody makes way for.

The arrangement of the golden hall was similar to that of the old emperor when he was forty-five years old. Although it is a simple evening banquet, it is also a delicacy with all kinds of delicacies. , the fastest update of the webnovel!