The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1337

When you enter the golden palace, the night gift is the emperor's honor, so you should be seated naturally.

Cloud shallow moon holding night Tianci to see to Rongjing, Rongjing smiles at her and nods, she holds night Tianci and sits in the first seat. This dragon chair has never been held by a woman since ancient times. She is regarded as the Regent of Tiansheng historical records. The eldest princess of Donghai kingdom is said to have lived deep in the Imperial Palace and later in the palace of Hua. Now it's all of a sudden, and it's this time. I'm afraid it's not the right person. " Prince de looks at the way of night nature.

"Yes, the eldest princess of Donghai Kingdom didn't come early or late. It happened that she came at this time and never heard of her story. It is said that she was a sick princess with weak health. At that time, she wanted to come to Tiansheng to find the house of King Rong to fulfill her engagement, but later she gave up because of her long illness. Later, she married Xianghua, the cloth Secretary of Donghai state. It is a perfect match with the sick king of Donghai. She and the second prince of Donghai Kingdom have come here all of a sudden. They must have some plans. " The filial piety prince also immediately said.

"Sick seedlings?" Night qingran snorted, "don't forget that the Regent ordered the city gate to be closed, and the ban was opened two days ago. It snowed for five days and nights. After the heavy snow, the snow was several feet high, the road was blocked, and it was difficult to walk. But they suddenly appeared in the gate of Tiansheng. Who dares to treat her as a disease? Can ordinary people come to Tiansheng so unexpectedly? Can't it come down from the sky? "

"If the mountain is blocked by heavy snow, you can't underestimate it. It is said that the second prince of Donghai was more romantic than the new emperor of the southern Liang Dynasty when he was the crown prince Prince de said again.

"King Shizi, guess what the eldest princess and the second prince of Donghai Kingdom want to come to Tiansheng now Ye Tianyi ponders for a moment and looks at Rongjing.

"Jing can't guess." Rong Jing shakes his head.

"When the jade Prince of Donghai kingdom was in Beijing, he always lived in Rong Wang's mansion. King Shizi and jade prince had a good relationship. Now the eldest princess comes here not only with Prince Yu's handwriting, but also with the seal of the emperor Donghai. Can't you guess? " Ye Tianyi stares at Rongjing's eyes.

Rong Jing's eyes were calm and calm. "King and Prince Yu are just private friends. Since the princess and the second prince of Donghai are holding the handwriting of the king of the East China Sea, it's a state affair! How can state affairs and personal relations be confused , the fastest update of the webnovel!