The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1335

Rong Jing nodded with a smile

And they arose, and dressed themselves, and went out of the door.

Yun Qianyue was a little excited to join in the activities of pasting "Fu Zi" and "couplets". An hour later, the couplets, the characters of "Fu" and "window decorations" were pasted on the doors and windows of Zizhu courtyard, which was a time of extra celebration.

From the front came the sound of firecrackers, the whole heavenly capital can feel the joy of the new year.

Cloud shallow moon stands in the courtyard, looking at the sky, thinking of the spring year of the world before. She and Xiao Qi are two people. It is rare for them to get together. Most of the time, other people celebrate the new year, and they all have tasks. In a flash, the year passed. So far, there is no feeling of aftertaste.

Rong Jing hugged the cloud from behind and asked in a low voice, "what do you want?"

"I remember that every year before was boring." Cloud light moon road.

Rong Jing is gentle with a smile, "it will be interesting in the future."

Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

Since the dinner party is to be held in the palace, the sound of the afternoon is a family dinner. Yunqianyue naturally wants to return to the cloud palace. Rongjing takes her to Rong Laowang's place to ask for a blessing, and then she follows him to the cloud palace.

Let the old Wang Ye sighed after they left, "they all say that women are not in the middle of staying, but how can I look at this man who is not big enough to stay?"

Uncle Fu, who was waiting by the old prince Rong, said with relief, "when Miss shallow moon gets married, she will be able to celebrate the new year in our mansion. Now I have lived in our mansion for a long time. I should return to the cloud palace for the Spring Festival. "

Mr. Rong nodded, "Mr. Yun and I are two old men. One of us wants to have a great grandson, and the other wants to have a great grandson. They are all good wherever they are. As long as we can have a big grandson earlier."

Uncle Fu laughed and said, "the old prince is right!"

Today, the streets of Beijing are decorated with lanterns and decorations, and the front door of every family is filled with joy. All the carriages and carriages were written in red paper: "the carriage is thousands of miles away, and the people and horses are safe." Good luck. This heavy snow seems to wash away the Empress Dowager's funeral, and the heavenly capital is shrouded in the festivities of the new year. Everyone was wearing new clothes, and his face was full of laughter. When he saw his face, he said "Hi". It's a pleasure.

Cloud light moon under the curtain, looking at the busy street, heart also followed with joy, see interesting things, chuckle.

Rong Jing saw the appearance of the cloud and the moon, but also warm and smiling, with a little who can not understand the gentle and happy.

The carriage came to the gate of the cloud palace, and they got out of the car and went inside.

The cloud palace is also like the Rong palace, which is very festive and lively. The people in the mansion were very happy to see Rongjing and yunqianyue back to the mansion, and they went to see the ceremony happily. They do not look up to the scenery as they used to, and they dare not breathe. Now they are more daring.

They went straight to the courtyard of Mr. cloud. As soon as they arrived at the door, they heard faint voices and laughter coming from the room.

The jade bracelet came out with a smile on her face. After that, she said quietly, "jingshizi, Miss Xiaoyue, dye Prince and night princess are here. They are in the house now!"

"Cloud shallow moon mind frets," how did they come? "

"Miss moon, you may not have noticed before. Every year, little prince ran would send a gift to the old prince during the new year's festival. It started when he was a few years old. He came every year. Later, he left Beijing for seven years. No one could come, but he also sent someone to deliver it every year. This year, dye Xiaowang has returned to Beijing. Nature has come in person. " Jade bracelet road.

"Is it? I didn't notice Cloud light moon smile.

The jade bracelet took a look at Rongjing, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "you only care about jingshizi. You only remember the gifts from jingshizi every year."

"Yes, he has money in his family, and all the gifts are treasures. I love money. Naturally, I care about him." Cloud shallow moon smile way.

"The little prince of dye gives gifts every year, and the seventh prince gives them well." "You are not because of the gift, but because of the person behind the gift."

Cloud shallow moon funny, look to Rong Jing, see him hook the corner of the mouth, very happy, she no longer speak.

The jade bracelet opens the door curtain, and they enter the room.

As expected, there are night light dye and night light warm in the room. In addition to two people, there are Yunli and seven princesses. The room was warm and warm, and everyone had a smile on their faces. When they saw them coming, they stopped talking and laughing and looked at the door.

"Brother Jing, sister Yun!" The night was light and warm. At first, he called out to them happily.

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, and yunqianyue looked at the night. Although she knew it, she still asked with a smile, "how can you be here?"

"My brother used to come to see grandfather Yun every year. This year, I came back and followed him." The night was light and warm. She reached out and took Yun Qianyue's hand. She said with a smile, "sister Yun, you and brother Jing are late. I didn't hear my brother's story. We're laughing to death."

Rong Jing sat down and slowly raised his eyebrows. "Can you tell me a story? Do you have a cold little prince

Night light dye hums, "that is nature, Leng Shao Zhuo that broken paragraph where has this Xiao Wang's taste? But when you come, I don't want to talk about it. "

"Cloud old Wang Ye laughs and scolds," you this small thing just is still good, so the assembly son with ate the earth cannon like. " After saying that, he waved his hand to drive people out. "You've been sitting for a long time. Go back! The prince and the princess are waiting for your mealNight light dye stares cloud old Wang Ye one eye, "this weak beauty talent is your eye treasure, he came, you drive me out."

"You're such a fuss." Mr. Yun waved his hand.

Night light dye got up and stood up, looking at the cloud light moon, "little girl, today you can go to the palace to participate in the banquet, don't run out with some people, such a day without you, it's not proper."

"Yes!" Cloud shallow moon wave hand, the reason that mood is happy, mood also hanged a few minutes relaxed smile.

Night light dye Leng for a while, turn to walk.

The night is light and warm, close to the moon, and whispers: "sister cloud, tell you quietly that there are lanterns and fireworks in the palace today."

Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

The night light warm follows behind the night light dye, out of cloud old lord's courtyard.

"The boy and the girl are both good, but they were both born in the prince's mansion." Seeing that they were gone, Mr. Yun sighed.

Cloud shallow moon does not answer, the scene also has no words.

"The little prince dye is really good. Although he was a devil's temperament since childhood, he has never really done anything out of the ordinary." The seventh Princess whispered, "he went to see me in my palace the year he left the capital, and said some words of encouragement to me, otherwise I would not survive for ten years."

Cloud shallow moon thought move, look to seven princess.

Seven princess sighed, "although I cheated my father and mother, I didn't hide from three people. One is you, the other is dye Wang Ye, and the other is seven brothers. " After that, she took a look at Rongjing and added, "maybe there are king Shizi, but I haven't seen Jing Shizi, so I don't know." , the fastest update of the webnovel!