The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1334

Yunqianyue looks at the dark face of Nanling Rui and thinks that in order to make his face darker, she will be happy even if she marries tomorrow.

Yu Qingqing was also very happy, echoing Rongjing and saying, "Xiaojing is right. Maybe not only does her younger sister get married earlier than her brother, but maybe she also has a baby earlier than her brother." After that, she reached out and patted nanlingrui on the shoulder and said, "Stinky boy, you have to hold on! You can't be left too far behind by your sister

Nanlingrui snorted, grinded his teeth and didn't speak.

Rong Jing smiles and reaches into his arms. He takes out the dragon and Phoenix Pendant and hands it to Yu Qingqing. He says in a warm voice, "aunt Qing, it's up to you whether it's going to be or not."

Yu Qingqing took over the jade pendant, glanced at it, and sighed, "when I exchanged keepsakes, I wondered if my daughter would fall in love with the man in the Rong palace, just like the daughters of the cloud palace. I still can't get rid of my fate. "

"It's not fate, it's a destiny." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Yu Qingqing took a look at Rongjing and joked, "since I was a child, I have seen that although you look like a man of Rongwang mansion, you don't have the heart of Bodhisattva."

"Rong King slightly hook lips," Rong Wang Fu men, a hundred years will always appear outside the column. "

Yu Qingqing carried the jade pendant into her arms, and said in a depressed way: "I, a man who has been dead for more than ten years, has suddenly come to life, and I want to retire. This is not so easy to deal with. Even if things are done, from now on the cloud palace is even more afraid of going on the crest of the waves. "

"I'm not afraid of it! As long as it's done. " Yung King Road.

Yu Qingqing nodded! In those days, I exchanged keepsakes with the emperor in accordance with the rules of the ancestral precepts, but now this engagement can only be destroyed by me. " She got up and stood up. "I'll go back to my house to see your grandfather and tell him I'm back."

"I'll go with you, too." Nanlingrui is glued with jade Qingqing.

"Stinky boy, why don't you stay here and run around?" Yu Qingqing glared at nanlingrui, "Regent's house is next to cloud palace. Cloud palace is not safe. You stay here!"

"I'm with you. Who dares to do anything to me?" Nanlingrui does not let go.

Yu Qingqing laughs and scolds a word, can only let him, two people out of the room.

Yunqianyue looks at yuqingqing and nanlingrui out of the Zizhuyuan. She turns her eyes at nanlingrui and says, "children who don't grow up are really like emperors. If this is looked at by those officials of Nanliang, it is estimated that they will vomit blood three liters. "

Rong Jing was funny and raised his eyebrows and said, "it's nothing if he grows up or not. Don't you find that Aunt Qing is not big?"

Cloud shallow month suddenly smile, "yes, if we two stand together, do not know people will not be mother and daughter, will be sisters." Words fall, she thought of what, and then said: "you said mother appeared at the Spring Festival banquet, others will not believe her identity?"

"No! Naturally, aunt Qing has a way. " Rong Jing shook his head. "Although the first emperor is dead, the old courtiers of Prince de and King Xiaoqin are still there. Don't underestimate aunt Qing's influence in Beijing. When she married the worthless uncle of Yun Wang, she was not only the first emperor, but also many people, including my father

Cloud shallow month one Zheng, pick eyebrow, "your father king?"

Rong Jing nodded, "Well! The person he likes is not my mother's concubine, but aunt Qing. "

Cloud light moon blinked, suddenly said: "I seem to think that my aunt said that she likes Rong Wang, and there is a person in Rong Wang's heart, but not his princess."

"When he saw aunt Qing, he fell in love at first sight. Unfortunately, she had her own heart." Rong Jing said with a smile.

"I heard from Zishu that my mother and father had known each other for a long time. They had known each other for five years. He did not know that she was the princess of Donghai Kingdom, and she did not know that he was the son of the cloud palace. They have not asked who, nor to check who. Later, when his mother returned to the East China Sea, the king of the East China Sea heard that King Rong was the only one in the world. Although it was not as good as the ancestors of King Rong a hundred years ago, the men in the house of King Rong were among the best in the world. At that time, there were also a few princes in the capital of Donghai, who were not as good as king Rong. The king of Donghai loves his daughter so much that he naturally wants to find the best one for his daughter. He is very willing for her to come to Tiansheng to find Prince Rong's house to fulfill her engagement. Mother agreed at that time and came to Tiansheng with the agreement between donghaiguo and rongwangfu. Instead of revealing the identity of the princess, she went to live in an inn in the capital city. She got to know the prince of Tiansheng and the sons of rongwangfu, as well as various figures in Beijing, but she didn't have the chance to know the prince of yunwangfu. She didn't move, so she left with her engagement Cloud shallow moon smile way.

Rong Jing nodded, "she has installed people in her heart, and naturally won't be moved. At that time, Hou Yun Wang uncle seems not to be in the capital."

"You know that, too?" Cloud light moon looks at the scene.

Rong Jing nodded, "I listen to Uncle yuan! The father and uncle yuan had a good personal relationship. Uncle Yuan said that he didn't know that Aunt Qing was Donghai princess, but she was still the princess who came to fulfill the engagement. Later, he called her because he was forced to marry. The two people replaced the young lady of blue mansion with her and became a marriage relationship. Only later did he know that Qing Yi was Donghai Princess and that his father was in love with Qing Yi, but this was not acceptable 。 Uncle Yuan said that even if he knew that his father liked aunt Qing, he would not let him. You can wear one pair of pants, but not women. ""Cloud shallow moon is funny," if at that time father is in the capital, mother and he estimated that there would be no later steal the drama

Rong Jing nodded, "it's probably true."

"This is what you call the destiny of marriage." Cloud shallow moon sighed for a while, like her parents so loving and happy people, in here three wives and four concubines in the world can find out how much?

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, "so you don't have to worry about the Spring Festival banquet. Some people will not be forgotten even after more than ten years, and some people will be recognized as soon as she appears. Like aunt Qing. "

Cloud shallow moon let go of heart.

"No matter what kind of sensational or implicated consequences will be caused by the appearance of aunt Qing, the only thing I care about is to terminate your engagement." Rong Jing holds the moon in her arms and whispers.

Yunqianyue nodded with a smile, thinking that people who had died for more than ten years suddenly came back to life, which naturally caused a sensation and consequences. Night sky tilt and night light dye must be unprepared. Maybe he will punish the crime of deception, but as long as the engagement is terminated, it doesn't matter.

Two days passed in a flash.

This day, came the spring year.

Early in the morning, the palace of Prince Rong hung lanterns, pasted the word "Fu" and couplets, and arranged everywhere in a jubilant mood.

Yunqianyuelao was awakened by the bustle of the front yard and looked out with his chin in the bed account. Through the curtain gap, Qingchang, Linglian, Yixue, Qingchang, Xiange and others pasted window decorations and couplets, and faintly heard excited voices.

Yunqianyue looked at it for a moment, drew back her sight, saw Rongjing wake up and asked with interest, "shall we go out and help them paste it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!