The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1333

Cloud shallow month mouth corner to draw, smile scold way: "really black heart!"

"What if you don't have a black heart? The peach blossom is going to bloom There is a secluded tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon light cough a, angry Rong Jing one eye, low voice asks, "where is she now? Are you in town

"Before entering the city, he sent me a letter and went to see my aunt at the imperial mausoleum." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon nods, no longer speak.

Rong Jing took her hand and went into the room.

In the room, nanlingrui is sitting by the fire and counting with his fingers. See two people come in, pick eyebrows.

"This morning, the Regent lifted the blockade of the cities." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

"South Ling Rui blinks an eye," Royal hidden guard withdrew? "

"Not yet." Rong Jing shakes his head.

Nanlingrui curled his lips and said: "he can't withdraw. He won't leave either. There are delicious, delicious, and serve people here. You don't have to work to deal with government affairs and immortals."

The cloud is shallow and the moon is white.

Rongjing looked at nanlingrui and said: "I don't want to tell you a bad news, but seeing your state, I think it's necessary to tell you. The day before yesterday, there was no fire in the moulu mountain camp, and ten barracks were burned with firewood. Tens of thousands of tons of grain were lost. "

South Ling Rui a high jump up from the ground, looking at Rong Jing, "what do you say?"

Rongjing looked at him and repeated it slowly.

South Ling Rui's face immediately sank down, "Qin Yuning that woman does?"

"Well, but Gu Shaoqing hasn't caught anyone yet." Yung King Road.

"Gu Shaoqing, a fool!" South Ling Rui hate to scold a, a moment again: "look down upon Qin Yuning this woman!"

Cloud shallow month hums, "I told you she is in Nanliang, how did you say that day?" She learned from nanlingrui's way of mouth that day: "Qin Yuning is conceited and intelligent, and runs to Gu Shaoqing's camp to hide it. She thinks that who doesn't know her. This woman has a good appearance and can't be used for a long time."

Nanling Rui took a look at the cloud and the moon. "She ran away. It's Gu Shaoqing. When you sent me a letter, I didn't have time to pay attention to that woman. I came to mourn for my aunt. If I go, where can I find her good fruit? "

The moon turned to Rongjing and asked, "now that the snow is so heavy, the world is covered. Nanliang, Nanjiang and Xiyan have not escaped the snow. How did Qin Yuning burn ten barracks in the heavy snow?"

"People have been planted in the camp of moulu mountain. Qin Yuning went to the moulu mountain camp just to draw Gu Shaoqing's attention. In fact, she did nothing. Someone secretly took advantage of Gu Shaoqing and was pulled away from Gu Shaoqing's sight and spilled oil into the barracks. Even if the heavy snow covered, but inside the barracks are all iron plate barrier, inside not a trace of blood, barracks naturally easy to fire. After waiting, it was too late for Gu Shaoqing to wake up. " Yung King Road.

The cloud is shallow and the moon suddenly appears.

"After drinking women's blood for several years, it is now planted in women's hands." Nanlingrui is very angry.

"However, Gu Shaoqing was not a waste. He found out in time and stopped Qin Yuning from leaving. He slapped her. Qin Yuning's hidden piles in the moulu mountain were exposed to the sun in order to save Qin Yuning. Finally, Gu Shaoqing wiped out all the hidden piles that Qin Yuning and his party had planted in the melu mountain military aircraft camp. Only Qin Yuning, who was injured, ran away 。” Rongjing said slowly, "do you know how many people Qin Yuning has planted in the moulu mountain? There are thousands of them out of 300000. "

South Ling Rui hears speech immediately a joy, "say so, that tens of thousands of tons of grain and grass destroyed also worth?"

"Finally, Gu Shaoqing counted the number of people. Apart from the thousands of hidden piles, the military aircraft camp lost only 200 hidden guards this time. Forty thousand tons of grain and grass have been destroyed, which is not a loss on the whole. If these hidden piles are to be kept until the day of the battle between Tiansheng and Nanliang, once they are properly used, they will not lose tens of thousands of grain and grass. "

South Ling Rui nods, "Gu Shaoqing is not rubbish yet!"

Yunqianyue looked at nanlingrui kindly, "you are the emperor. You hide here. Gu Shaoqing goes through life and death. Should you write something to comfort him?"

Nanling Rui snorted, "his military aircraft camp has been mixed with thousands of people. I won't punish him."

"Gu Shaoqing is said to have been injured by Qin Yu Ning." Yung King Road.

Nanling Rui suddenly nervous, "serious?"

Rong Jing took a look at him, "Nanliang is not my business. Where can I get you all the details? The civil and military officials of Tian Sheng wish Gu Shaoqing would die well. "

"That won't do. He's my humerus minister. " Nan Lingrui immediately went to the desk to write a letter.

Yunqianyue is funny. The relationship between nanlingrui and Gu Shaoqing is unprecedented. She takes a look at Rongjing. The corner of Rongjing's mouth is slightly crooked. She looks at the roof of the shed. Gu Shaoqing's injury is about yes, but if it is serious, it can't be seen. Apart from incantation, Qin Yuning is not as good at martial arts as Gu Shaoqing. At first, the evil power she gave him was not what ordinary people could fight against.Nan Lingrui writes with a brush.

Yunqianyue glanced at Qin Yuning for all the swearing words he had learned. After that, he scolded Gu Shaoqing again. Finally, he got to the point. It was nothing more than to save your life for me. After drinking so much blood from my people and women, you should make more contributions to the country. She was speechless as she watched.

Rong Jing tasted the tea leisurely, occasionally glancing at it without making a sound.

After Nanling Rui finished writing the letter, he threw it to Rongjing, "pass it on to me!"

Rong Jing picks eyebrow, "are you not afraid that I collude with your general Gu Shaoqing in Nanliang?"

"You'd better collude. Don't think I don't know what you're up to! If you can collude with him, maybe I'll save my heart in the future. " Nanlingrui touched his hair and said, "it's said that the East China Sea is very beautiful. It's full of beautiful people. I want to go and see the scenery! It's better to choose a fairyland in the East China Sea for a long time. "

Cloud shallow month can't help kicking him a foot, "put away this pair of virtue of you! Be careful that Luoyao won't marry you and fall in love with that new champion. You won't cry at that time

Nanling Rui snorted, "look down on your brother, I want her to come to me." The words fall, slanting at the cloud shallow moon, disdain to add: "we should train her to be the same as you this little girl, cling to the man, not let go of no good, no marriage, first with others live together, bed and pillow."

Cloud shallow moon stares, want to kick him a foot again.

"I admire Xiaojing's point. The way to buy off a woman's heart is brilliant!" Nanling Rui looks at Rongjing with admiration. Yunqianyue can't help it any longer. She kicks her foot in the past. Nanlingrui gets interested and dodges. In a flash, her brother and sister start to attract her in the room.

Rong Jing sat on the chair and drank tea, as if he didn't see the two people fighting together.

When Yu Qingqing came, she saw that her brother and sister were fighting happily. She waved her hand and patted one of them on her head. "Little bunny, do you know if your mother is coming? Is this a nest reversal

South Ling Rui immediately to jade Qingqing rushed in the past, a hug her, "Niang, stinky girl bully me!"

Cloud shallow moon grinds teeth, "the villain accuses first!"

"Son of a bitch, you're a brother. You don't look like a brother at all. You don't grow up when you become an emperor." Yu Qingqing said with a smile, pushing aside nanlingrui, "go away, I'm tired!"

Nanling Rui was pushed away and hugged Yu Qingqing's arm. She didn't let go, like a child who didn't grow up. Her mother didn't shout, "you woman, don't you celebrate the new year in the East China Sea? How did you come back? Do you miss me? Miss Dad? Miss a little girl? Yes, you finally have the consciousness of being a wife and a mother. "

Yu Qingqing laughs and scolds. After seeing Rongjing, who is still sitting on the chair, she says in a bad mood: "ask Xiaojing what the black hearted one is threatening me! Otherwise, I need to rush back to the east sea without a drink? "

"Well? What's threatening you? " Nanlingrui looks at Rongjing.

Rong Jing said in a leisurely way: "aunt Qingma is back now. There are two days to go before the spring year. You can have a good rest."

Yu Qingqing took a look at Rong Jing and said with a smile, "can't you wait so much? Can't wait for me to come back after the new year? "

"No!" Rong Jing shook his head and looked out of the window, "I've been waiting too long!"

Yu Qingqing sat down and looked out of the window. Suddenly, he was happy, "the peach blossom is going to bloom!" Words fall, she looked back to the cloud shallow moon, up and down looked at her, nodded: "well, it is also long opened a lot."

Cloud shallow moon face a red, stare jade Qing Qing one eye, "have you such a mother? Are you ashamed? "

"Xiaojing is not shy. What am I afraid of?" Yu Qingqing blinked.

Cloud shallow moon did not have words, only red face kicked Rong Jing a foot.

"You're not good at kicking people." Rong Jing sighed, stretched out his hand to hold her, wiped the sweat on her forehead, and said in a warm voice, "martial arts have improved a little."

"Why didn't you bring me that woman from Luoyao?" Nanlingrui has no bones and sleeps on yuqingqing's shoulder.

Yu Qingqing pushed him away and put his pillow on him. He used him as a pillow. He said angrily: "I tried my best to lead that little girl to Nanliang. I finally gave up her idea of marrying Xiaojing. Zishu, the child, helped you tie her to you. You just let her go. You deserve it! If your daughter-in-law is not available, I will not worry about you in the future. "

South Ling Rui was blocked mouth, a time no words.

Cloud shallow moon gloating at the south Ling Rui.

Rong Jing's mouth was slightly crooked, and he was more impolitely attacked. "After two days of Spring Festival night banquet, aunt Qing appeared to terminate the engagement with Ye Tianyi. In this way, the younger sister is married before the elder brother, isn't she? Big brother

South Ling Rui's face suddenly black. , the fastest update of the webnovel!