The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1332

"You are really a monster. You have ruined the jade snow flying dragon." The south Ling RUIZHAO cloud shallow month's head knocked once, stood up, "after such snow, just walk the horse, let's have a look at jade snow flying dragon's heroic posture." Cloud shallow month one pulls him, "do not go! Don't forget that night light dye and ye Tianyi are catching you

Nanling Rui snorted, "I ride jade snow flying dragon, they can't catch it."

"You think jade snow flying dragon can fly? So you can fly to the sky all at once? Even if they fly to the sky, they can shoot you down with their bows and arrows. Stay in the house for me Cloud shallow moon reprimands him.

"The new year is just two days away. Where do they have time to meet me? " Nan Lingrui frowns.

"All over the country have been prepared for this heavy snow. They may have been idle now. Or that is to say, knowing that you are in the Rong Wang mansion, they didn't find anyone that day, so it's not easy to come again. Just waiting for you to throw yourself into the net Cloud shallow moon attitude is tough, "do not go."

South Ling Rui excited face collapsed, "little girl, you can really hit your brother my interest."

Cloud shallow month hums a, "did not speak."

"Don't you want to go for a walk on a Jade Snow Dragon?" South Ling Rui looks at cloud shallow moon, "it is said that jade snow flying dragon can only reflect his value after such heavy snow."

Yun Qianyue was said to be a little moved, nodded and pondered: "you're right, it's time to take a walk. You can't go out, but I can go out! "

South Ling Rui immediately opposed, "no, if you want to go out, take me."

"You must be honest! If you're bored, go to the night Cloud shallow month says to rise, walk outward.

"Dead girl, suffocate your brother and me, isn't it just a night of nature and night light dye? What are you afraid of them doing? " South Ling Rui is not happy to shout, "night God gives that kid, I am not rare!"

Cloud light moon stopped to look at him, "it's not only night nature and night light dye, you think about night light and warm. If there was no scene on that day, I thought that I would change things from day to day for you. Now you may have been caught by the light and warm night and fell into the hands of night Tianyi. In that case, you can have good? The old ministers of Tiansheng hate you and Nanliang "Oh, your brother, my charm! The night is warm and the little beauty is really scratching my heart and liver for me Nanling Rui is not only not worried, but proud, "the feeling that the beauty likes is always good, although it is a broken Poison Sword."

"Poison you!" Cloud shallow moon looks at his appearance, speechless ground stares at him.

"Well, go by yourself! In order not to let the night warm, that little beauty makes a promise to me, I still want to keep some innocence to my Luoyao beauty. If she catches her and loses her body, I will not be able to explain to my Luoyao beauty. " Nan Lingrui waved to the moon.

Cloud shallow month horizontal he one eye, some funny, walked out of the door.

Just out of the door, I saw Rongjing coming back from the outside. She looked at the sky in surprise and asked, "didn't you just go to the court? So early? "

"The next morning is early today, and there is no need for early morning in the next seven days!" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly, "Oh, so you also have annual leave!"

Rong Jing chuckled, "didn't you complain a few days ago? The world doesn't even have a holiday. Now it does. "

"Is the Regent's ear? Did you hear my complaint? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Rong Jing gave her a meaningful look. "You said it before! The Regent only said that he would not go to court in the next seven days. In the past year, too many things happened to Tiansheng, and all the ministers were tired. They needed proper rest. Just go to the palace on New Year's Eve to attend the new year's banquet. Although the first emperor died one after another, the old prince and the Empress Dowager died one after another, so they could not have a big feast, but they could gather together to pray for the heavenly saints in the coming year. Naturally, the Regent's proposal did not appeal to the ministers. "

Cloud light moon blinks an eye, remembering that she once said such things with Ye Tianyi. The emperor is the most tiring work in the world, and there is no holiday all year round. He asked what the holiday was, and she explained the rest day with him in a popular way. She pursed the corner of her mouth, then left it aside, pulled the sleeve of Rongjing and asked, "shall we go out to race?"

Rong Jing raised eyebrows, "you mean jade snow flying dragon?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Yuxue Feilong was infected with cold yesterday, and now he is drinking medicine!" The scenery is slow and leisurely.

Cloud shallow month a Leng, "it also dyed cold?"

Rong Jing is funny, "why can't it get cold?"

Cloud shallow moon thinks also, horse is an animal, how can't dye cold? Looking forward to the face depressed down, "it dyed cold how so bad."

Rong Jing smiles and stops talking.

"Forget it, I didn't want to go out. It was all inspired by the guy in the room." The moon waved her hand.

"I can't go out to race, but I can tell you good news." Rong Jing sees cloud shallow moon to look at him, smile low voice way: "green aunt is back!"

Cloud shallow month one Zheng, "you say Niang? She came back from the East China Sea so soon? "Rongjing nodded.

Cloud shallow moon looks at, even purple bamboo courtyard is full of a thick layer of snow, outside refers to how the snow sealed mountains, cold weather it! She's crazy. "When did she come back?" he asked? East China Sea to heaven after riding a horse, but also to ride a horse, the fastest is also more than 20 days? How long has she been away? Is there a month? Can you walk back and forth in a month? She flies with wings? "

"Maybe it's flying." With a smile and a warm voice, Rongjing said, "Prince Donghai jade has a big eagle, which hovers in the East China Sea all year round. It is the sea searching envoy of Donghai kingdom. You know that? "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly, "you say she rode a back and forth with carving?"

"About, the big eagle can carry people." Rongjing nodded.

It's no surprise that yunqianyue thinks that if Zishu keeps an eagle. The sculpture can carry people. She looked up at Rongjing, "did you write to your mother that day and put down some cruel words, or did you negotiate with Zishu and the old emperor of Donghai? Otherwise, how could mother come back so soon? It's estimated that they haven't breathed a breath. Now it's Spring Festival, how can they let people go? "

Rongjing put a smile on her ear and said in a low voice: "I told the old emperor of Donghai that if you don't let aunt Qing come back and withdraw your engagement, you will never be able to go to Donghai all your life. It is impossible for him to see you in this life. Yuzishu said that ye Tianyi proposed to marry you every time he saw you. You were very depressed. Now the world has been noisy. He also knows that it is natural that he will not stop him. And I told aunt Qing that the lady who liked uncle yuan was out of the mountain again and was looking for uncle yuan. If she didn't come back as soon as possible, I would tell her the whereabouts of Uncle yuan. Naturally, she came back in a hurry. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!