The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1331

Rong Jing takes a look at Nanling Rui, picks her eyebrows and doesn't speak.

Cloud shallow month holds a child to come in, stare south Ling Rui one eye, "you pour is leisure! Do you know what the hell's looking for you out there? Now I can't go back to Nanliang. "

"Tian Sheng is my family. If you can't go back, it's time to spend the Spring Festival here." Nanlingrui is very leisurely to eat melon seeds, while spitting melon seed skin side way: "little girl, this year brother accompany you to celebrate the new year, you should be happy."

Cloud shallow moon white his one eye, "this ten years did not use you accompany, I also live so big."

Nanlingrui was very sad when he heard the speech. He touched his hair and said, "ah, ten years in a flash, my little sister is so big in a twinkling of an eye, and my hair is a few white."

"Why didn't I see your hair white?" Cloud light moon is funny.

"White hair grows in the heart, you are shallow, naturally can't see." Nanlingrui loosened his hair and continued to nibble on melon seeds.

Cloud shallow month no longer pay attention to him, handed the child to follow in Qingchang, ordered: "take a bath for him with hot water, feed him rice soup, put some medicine to drive cold."

Qingchang took the child, nodded quickly, and went down with the child in her arms.

"The little girl Qingchang is not bad!" Nanling Rui stares at Qingchang's back slowly and leisurely.

"Think of your Luoyao! Don't stare at your eyes. It's a string song Cloud shallow moon horizontal his one eye, clearly not romantic, but to fake romantic.

"What a pity! The boy of string song can't see that he is still a quick starter. " Nanlingrui looked back sadly and sighed, "Luoyao beauty doesn't seem to miss me. There is no letter. What a sleepless sleep

Cloud shallow month raised a foot to kick him, "want her words to roll to the East China Sea."

South Ling Rui eyes a bright, a pat thigh, "yes!"

Rongjing Wensheng reminded: "now that the cities are under martial law, the Regent and the little prince ran have sent out all the Royal hidden guards to look for you and ordered all the cities to investigate, including those in the East China Sea. You can't leave Tiansheng, go back to Nanliang, or go to the East China Sea."

Nanlingrui's eyes were gray. For a moment, he was very happy. He said: "I didn't expect that I was so valuable to make them work hard. It's not in vain for me to make them work hard to make a trip to Tiansheng. It's worth it. "

Rongjing glanced at him and said in a warm voice: "brother Xiaorui has been cat in the Rong palace since today! You can't step out of the house. If you leave the house without permission, I won't protect you. "

Nanlingrui is used to Rongjing's brother. He can't get goose bumps. He takes a look at Rongjing and laughs sweeter than honey. "Don't worry, I'll help you look at that peach blossom. It's rotten!"

After a moment's silence, he took a look out of the window and said: "a few days ago, it was very cold. The mountains were covered with snow. The peach blossoms grew fast. Now there is no snow. The weather is fine, but it doesn't grow very long."

"It's in bud, it's good-looking!" Cloud light moon road.

Rong Jing suddenly laughed, "yes! I can't wait. "

Nan Lingrui takes a look at the two people, curls his mouth and continues to eat melon seeds.

On this day, the Regent ordered the city to be under martial law. At one time, there were many barriers, and no one was allowed to pass on. As the Spring Festival approached, they all rushed home. Now I can't go home. I've been complaining for a while. However, no matter how much they complained, they could not resist the Regent's orders, so the people who wanted to return home could only wait for the ban to be lifted.

The next day, heaven seemed to hear the words of Rongjing yesterday, and the heavy snow began to drift in the morning.

At daybreak, the roof houses, purple bamboo groves, everywhere has been covered with a thick layer of snow, the sky drift heavy snow, Susu and fall. The peach blossom in bud was also covered with a layer of snow, and the red powder seemed to be covered with a cloud quilt, which was beautiful.

Yunqianyue woke up and looked out of the window worried, "do you want to cover that peach blossom with something? Don't freeze it. "

"It's the first snow. It's not cold or cold. We'll enjoy it for a day, and then we'll cover it up at night." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon nods, although this snow falls heavily, but very cotton soft. Under the peach tree, a small shed was built around the tree body with thick cotton cloth. Inside, several stoves were placed to bake. The warmth rose from the bottom. The snow fell on the peach blossom and soon melted away. However, the peach blossom bone was watered with bright colors.

Rongjing looked at it for a moment, then held the cloud in her arms and said in a soft voice, "this snow falls in time. After it falls, this peach tree should open."

Cloud shallow month purses a mouth to smile, "hope to open."

"I can't help it." Rong Jing bowed her head and kissed her neck.

Cloud shallow moon dodges, he catches her not to let her hide, a time a room warm.

In the evening, there was a north wind. North wind whistling, rolling up the snow in the sky, a vast expanse of white, almost can not see people.

Because of the heavy snow, people's complaints were suppressed by the heavy snow. Even if the Regent did not order to block the cities, people could not walk on such a snowy day.

Zizhuyuan has a high door wall courtyard, a purple bamboo forest block, the wind and snow is smaller than outside.

Rongjing still went to the court every day. Although Rongjing and ye Tianyi fought fiercely behind their backs, they still had the same major issues concerning people's livelihood. Because many people were killed in the first two snows, they worked together to prepare materials and other materials. Soldiers were sent to the States and counties to build houses. When the heavy snow came, the early reserves and houses were sent It's useful. Therefore, whether it is the study or the conference hall, the memorials are not as snowy as they were a few days ago. It is reported that the situation in various places is very stable and there are almost no dead people.Yunqianyue continues to nest in the room, listening to nanlingrui's chatting with her about melon seeds. She sits on the bed sewing clothes and robes, or playing chess, or they are cooking tea around the stove, and they talk. Because of the south Ling Rui, cloud shallow month to do not feel bored in the room.

Brother and sister seem to have returned to their childhood pattern.

It has been snowing for five days, and every inch of the earth is covered with thick clouds. Even communication is blocked, even if the messenger pigeon can't fly.

Five days later, the heavy snow finally stopped and came to the end of the year.

Yunqianyue doesn't feel that the five days are boring, but nanlingrui has the posture to grow hair. He is a stuffy master. As soon as the snow stops, he suggests to yunqianyue, "little girl, isn't Xiaojing a jade snow flying dragon? Why don't we go out for a walk

Yunqianyue glanced at him, "I haven't seen that horse yet?"

"Isn't it tied in the stable of King Rong's mansion?" Nan Lingrui looks at her strangely.

"I didn't go to the stable of King Rong's house." Yunqianyue thought that, to be exact, she had forgotten the horse. She didn't mention these days, and she didn't remember. , the fastest update of the webnovel!