The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1330

Cloud light moon step a meal, look to the night light warm.

Everyone was silent, and her voice was particularly clear, and they all looked at her.

Looking at the carriage, Wang Rui ran away in front of the curtain

Ye Tianyi and ye qingran go to the carriage of the old lord Yun.

Cloud shallow moon under the heart of a tight, look to Rong Jing.

Rong Jing gave her a stable look, and she immediately settled down and walked over.

When he came to the carriage of old king Yun, he saw that night Qingnuan was holding the shaft of the carriage with one hand and uncle Meng's hand with the other. He looked at him expectantly, "nanlingrui, it's you, isn't it? You didn't forget that three months in warm city five years ago, did you? "

"Little princess, you've got the wrong person. The old slave is Yun Meng of the cloud palace." Yun Meng quickly explained.

"No way. Although you have changed, I can still feel your breath." Night Qingnuan took out that wooden sword and put it in front of Yunmeng, "you see, I have kept the wooden sword you gave me."

"Little princess, the old slave is really Yun Meng. How could he be the emperor of Nanliang? You are really mistaken. The old slave is a domestic slave of the cloud palace. He has been waiting on the old prince. Never left. It's true that the old slave also knew the emperor of Nanliang, but he was not the emperor of Nanliang from any point of view. " Yun Meng looked at the night with a bitter face.

The night light warm looks at him suspiciously, does not let go, "I cannot possibly make mistakes, your breath I remember most deeply. There is a subtle breath in you. "

"Well, I'm not." Yunmeng was helpless and asked for help from the old lord, "look, old lord..."

"Little night princess, he's my old man's servant. What's the bullshit of Nanliang emperor? How could he be in my old man's carriage The cloud old Lord made a voice and said to Ye Tianyi and ye qingran, who were looking at him: "you two boys come here, a good little girl, what are you doing with my old man's house slave? What a system! It's not right to recognize the wrong person. "

Ye Tianyi stares at Yunmeng and doesn't speak.

Ye qingran also looks at Yun Meng, looks her up and down, and asks, "are you sure? This is uncle Meng of the cloud palace. He has always been the servant of Lord Yun and used to be the housekeeper of Lord Yun's mansion. Now he serves grandfather Yun by his side. "

Night light warm looks at cloud Meng suspiciously, "but this breath, I can't admit wrong..."

"Come on, take uncle Meng to my carriage for examination." Night Tianyi speaks in a deep voice.

One person suddenly floated and fell, and he was the leader of the Royal hidden guard.

The night is light and warm to release uncle Meng. The Lord of the hidden guard took the place of night light and warm, clasped Meng Shu's wrist and pulled him out of the car.

Uncle Meng didn't resist. He followed the leader of the Royal hidden guard into the carriage of night Tianyi.

Cloud old Wang Ye looked at Ye Tianyi angrily, "boy, what do you want to do? Do you think my old man harbored the emperor of Nanliang? The emperor of Nanliang was emperor in Nanliang. He came here to play my servant

"Master Wang, don't be angry. Since sister Qingnuan points it out, it's OK to verify it in order to dispel her suspicion." Ye Tianyi said in a deep voice.

"If not?" Mr. Yun's beard is warped.

"If not, I'll make amends to you." Ye Tianyi takes a look at the warmth of the night.

The night is light and warm, some staring at the carriage of night Tianyi.

"Prince De, you can take good care of your daughter. My old man is afraid that she wants to be crazy about the emperor of Nanliang."

Prince De's old face is not very good, looking at the night light warm, "warm son, what's going on! It is clearly Yun Meng. How do you think he is the emperor of Nanliang

Night light warm lips, did not answer.

Mr. Yun stopped talking, and no one spoke for a while.

Cloud light moon holding night Tianci stood quietly, thinking that the night light warm is really keen, now she can almost no longer doubt that she is not dark Phoenix. Without certain martial arts and a certain keen sense of smell, it is impossible to find nanlingrui. But the night nature and the night light warm does not stop her behavior, is obviously to her ability certain affirmation.

Everyone looked at the carriage of night Tianyi.

After a while, the leader of the Royal hidden guard came out first, and then Yun Meng dressed in clothes and followed him out of the car. The leader of the Royal hidden guard bowed down to Ye Tianyi and said, "regent, he is indeed Yun Meng of the cloud palace."

"Not nanlingrui?" The night is light and warm.

"Go back to the little princess, No." The Lord of the hidden guard shakes his head.

The night is light and warm, looking back at the carriage of the old king of cloud. His eyes are still in doubt. It seems that there is some mystery that can't be solved.

"Little girl, it's good to like a person, but you should also like the right person. The emperor of Nanliang is a romantic seed. It's better not to like him. " The cloud old lord hummed to the night.

"Gentle and warm, make amends to Mr. cloud!" Prince De's face did not hang.

He nodded his head at night and bowed his knees to the old king of cloud. He said in a soft voice, "I'm young. I'm sorry."

"Forget it, my old man doesn't care about you, a little girl. Otherwise, it seems that my old man relies on his old age and sells his old age." "Mencius, get on the bus. My old man is so fresh that you are mistaken for your virtue. "Yun Meng got on the car in a proper manner, and the curtain fell down to cover their figure.

Mr. cloud gave an order to the coachman and the carriage started.

Ye Tianyi and ye qingran look at the carriage of old lord Yun leaving, and they don't speak again.

Rong Jing held Yun Xiaoyue's hand and said in a warm voice, "let's get on the bus, too! Today's time outside is not short. Don't freeze the new emperor. After all, he is only a child who has just been born. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, support by Rong Jing to get on carriage.

The curtain fell, the string song waved the whip, and the carriage followed the carriage of old lord Yun.

Night light dye suddenly reacts to something. She steps forward, stops Rong Jing's carriage, picks up the curtain and looks inside. There is only Rong Jing and cloud shallow moon and the night gift in her arms, his eyes light shows doubt.

Rong Jing picked his eyebrows, "what's the dye Prince suspecting? Is it possible that Jing's carriage hides the emperor of the southern Liang Dynasty? "

Night light dye did not speak, put down the curtain.

The carriage went on.

All the people were worried, and they didn't know which one was causing this. The emperor of Nanliang came to Tiansheng? Now Spring Festival is just a few days away, most people think it is impossible! Moreover, the emperor of Nanliang was not long after his accession to the throne, and he needed to stabilize the imperial court. How could he leave Nanliang to come to Tiansheng? There is no strong airtight in the world. Although Ye Tianyi and yeqingran blocked the night light and warm, and the golden palace wanted to send her as a gift to Nanliang, news spread widely in the past few days, especially her hunger strike in Prince Deqin's mansion. Everyone thought that the little princess should be trapped in love, thinking like crazy and hallucinating.

"Seven elder brothers, elder brother, my feeling won't go on a business trip. Nanlingrui must be here just now." The night is warm and low.

"I know!" Night light dye pats night light warm shoulder.

Prince de looked at his children and said nothing.

"What to do?" Night light dye asks to night nature.

Ye Tianyi narrowed his eyes and ordered in a deep voice: "from today on, martial law will be imposed in spring, and all gates will be blocked. All the Royal hidden guards were sent out and all the cities were closely investigated. "

"Will this make many people unable to return home? The people are full of complaints? " Night light dye hesitates.

"It's better than letting people go!" The way of night nature.

Night light dye nods slowly.

In the carriage back to the city, yunqianyue asked Rongjing in a low voice, "where's your brother? When did you bring uncle Meng back? "

"Yesterday ignored the light and warm night. When you gave him the illusion this morning, I felt that it was necessary to guard against it, so I sent a letter to grandfather Yun to let uncle Meng get into the carriage Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

"The night is light and warm, good sense of smell." The cloud is shallow and the moon is low.

Rong Jing smiles, "this time can confirm her identity."

Yunqianyue nodded, thinking about the little girl who was unconscious in three steps when she was a child. She went to warm city for six years. After returning, she was still innocent and sunny. If she had not seen the notes of the eldest princess Yeshi, she still could not know how difficult it was to practice huofengyin in the cold pool. It was hard for a little girl to imagine how perseverance she had to endure it. Now even if she can't even feel her breath, it's obvious that huofengyin has become a practice? Otherwise, Prince de would not call her back to the capital to help Ye Tianyi and yeqingran.

"This spring year, I'm afraid he will spend it in heaven." Yung King Road.

"Where is my brother now? Didn't you leave? " Cloud shallow moon inquires.

"I can't go. Ye Tianyi and yeqingran sealed off the gates and sent out all royal guards. " Rong Jingwen said: "if you don't want to be caught, you can't leave."

Cloud shallow moon frown, "let ink Pavilion and Red Pavilion join hands to send him, can't send away?"

Rong Jing seemed to weigh it and said with a smile, "maybe you can send it away, but the cost is too big and not cost-effective."

Yunqianyue thinks that Ye Shi has dark dragon and Dark Phoenix. She and Rongjing have Red Pavilion and ink Pavilion. If there is a contest, this year will not be over. "But if he stays in Tiansheng, what will Nanliang do? No emperor can celebrate the new year? "

"Isn't uncle yuan here? Don't forget that he was the national teacher of Nanliang, and he stayed in Nanliang for 15 years. After a while, he became the new emperor. Don't worry about Nanliang. " Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue thinks about it. Her father is in Nanliang, which is equivalent to returning to his territory. If you find someone to replace him, he will become the emperor of the southern Liang Dynasty. "Now he's back to the house first?" he asked

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, carriage to the city gate.

When he came to the gate, he saw that the gate was under martial law. After night Tianyi gave the order, the royal guards and the city guards moved very quickly. Even the old king of cloud and the carriage of Rongjing did not let go. They all investigated and were put into the city.

The two returned to the purple bamboo house of Prince Rong's mansion and entered the room. They saw Nanling Rui lying on the soft couch and eating melon seeds. , the fastest update of the webnovel!