The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1329

"It won't be a mistake." Night light dye shakes her head.

"Not so! Get out of here as soon as you've finished your meal, or you'll take your little things back to watch. I haven't had a good rest these days Cloud shallow moon is not polite to drive people.

Ye qingran heard that he was asked to take the night gift back and stopped immediately.

Ye Tianyi takes a look at Yun Qianyue and doesn't speak.

Next, night light dye shut up again don't mention the matter of wine, talk about a matter of funeral tomorrow. Rong Jing once in a while night Tianyi said nothing. Although there was no smoke in a meal, it was also a bit dull.

After dinner, it was completely dark.

Ye qingran and ye Tianyi leave the purple bamboo yard and leave the Rong palace.

After the two left, yunqianyue called to the inside, "people are gone, come out!"

Nanlingrui walked out of the hot spring pool with a gloomy face and said angrily, "these two guys have mixed up my good meal. When they fall into my hands, they will starve them for ten days and eight nights."

Rong Jing smiles and says to the outside, "Qingchang, take this away and go back to the table."

Qingchang immediately answered, and quickly came in to clean up, and soon put on a table again.

South Ling Rui is obviously hungry, and immediately gobbles it up.

Yunqianyue lies lazily on the soft couch, looks out of the window and says, "I'm afraid it's very vigilant for the night to be elegant and light to dye tomorrow. If you appear in the funeral procession, be very careful. "

Nanlingrui snorted, "I'm afraid that they won't work!"

"The new year is coming. I don't want to have a bad new year because of you!" Cloud shallow month waited for south Ling Rui one eye, "so you'd better give me some peace, don't give me trouble, don't let them find you."

"It has been found out. Otherwise, you think they will come to the Rong palace to eat leftovers when they are full?" Nanlingrui raises her eyebrows.

"It's one thing to discover, another to grasp the present." Cloud light moon road.

"Then you can do something about it! Anyway, it's a heavenly saint. I can't afford to avoid their joint pursuit. " Nanling Rui ate while not mumbling: "I can avoid the Royal hidden guards from all levels. It's good to come here!"

Cloud light moon looks to Rongjing.

Rong Jing thought about it for a while, and said in a warm voice, "you can make a magic appearance for him with your spirit skill."

"That's a good idea!" Nanlingrui is happy.

"Do you agree with me now The cloud and the moon raise eyebrows to Rongjing.

"According to Aunt Qing, you have benefited a lot from Lingshu in the mountains and forests of Southern Xinjiang, and Qingying has also benefited from you. It doesn't hurt to use a little bit. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

"The root system of the cloud palace is here, and the little girl is a person who has been enlightened by the six senses since she was a child. It is you who are too strict with her." Nanling Rui said to Rongjing, "I heard about the last time. In order to come back to see you, a horse died. You didn't care about her for three days and nights."

"It's just to give her a memory." Yung King Road.

"Long memory?" Nanlingrui asks yunqianyue.

Cloud shallow moon lazy way: "long, where dare not long."

"Not promising!" Nanling Rui chided.

Cloud shallow month no longer pay attention to him, the success of this kind of thing, worth a few money, two people's love, such as drinking water, cold and warm know.

Rongjing stopped talking.

After dinner, Nanling Rui is obviously involved, Qingchang takes him to the next room to have a rest.

Cloud shallow moon asked Rong Jing, "who is more appropriate for tomorrow's illusion of elder brother?"? Ling Lian and Yi Xue are short and unsuitable. The words of familiar people are not safe, and the words of strangers are more conspicuous. "

"Tomorrow, grandfather Yun will go too. Let him be uncle Meng! I'll be with my grandfather Yun. " Yung King Road.

"Uncle Meng has bent his waist." The cloud is shallow and the moon frowns.

"Camouflage Yi Rong, the emperor of Nanliang, learned a lot from his aunt Qing. He was as good at arranging array as he learned from Uncle yuan." Rong Jing said, "it's just bad looks. If you make another appearance, there will be no change of appearance. It should be safe. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, "that is Meng uncle!" He asked Rongjing, "did you talk to my grandfather? Grandfather knows my brother is coming? "

"Well!" Rong Jing nodded.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, the matter is so settled.

The next day, at five o'clock, Rongjing and the moon rose. Nan Lingrui also yawns. Cloud shallow moon to his illusory appearance, in an instant covered up his original appearance, changed to Meng Shu's appearance.

Rong Jing has already prepared the clothes that uncle Meng usually wears. After Nan Lingrui put them on, his charismatic and dignified demeanor suddenly changes, and he is really a perfect uncle Meng.

Cloud shallow month satisfied to see south Ling Rui one eye, smile way: "good."

Nanling Rui picked her eyebrows with pride.

Yunqianyue holds the night's gift, and the three avoid the people in the house and use their lightness skills to come to the gate of the house. Nanlingrui and the two get on the car directly. The curtain falls, the string song waves the whip, and the carriage goes to the cloud palace.Come to the cloud palace, cloud old lord's carriage has stopped at the door, Yunli and seven princesses also got on the carriage.

Nanlingrui takes advantage of no one's attention and gets into the carriage of old prince Yun, and the carriage goes to the palace.

When they come to the palace, Rongjing and yunqianyue take the night sky and get out of the car. Uncle Meng, who is the South Lingrui illusory Rongcheng, gets out of the carriage with the help of old king Yun. Cloud from the support of seven princesses off the carriage, a group of people into the palace gate.

When we came to ronghua palace, all the funeral affairs were ready.

Ye Tianyi, yeqingran, Prince De, Prince Xiao, Leng shaozhuo, Rongfeng, Shen Zhao, cangting and others have arrived in Qi. The civil and military ministers and family members of the court have also arrived in Qi. The princes and princesses are not bad. After seeing Zheng Taiyi's head that day, the sixth princess had a lot of rules. She didn't dare to be arrogant again.

Cloud old lord appeared, night Tianyi and night light dye and others came to see the ceremony.

Mr. Yun nodded, supported by nanlingrui, and threw two pieces of paper to the Empress Dowager. After that, the funeral procession left ronghua palace, left the palace gate and went to the imperial mausoleum.

On the road, the cloud light moon holds the night gift to walk in the front. She thought of the last funeral of the old emperor. She helped her aunt to walk in front of her. Now things have changed. She has become a funeral for her.

Today's weather is a little cold, even if the night was wrapped in three layers of quilt, or cold face red. Children seem to know something, a small face rigid, small mouth close, do not cry do not make, no longer babbling.

All the way to the imperial mausoleum was very peaceful.

Ringing the bell and burying were very smooth.

When he wants to leave Yulong Mountain and return to the city, the night is light and warm, and suddenly makes a sound, and his tone is joyful and cries out, "nanlingrui!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!