The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1328

Linglian has just gone outside the purple bamboo forest, and night Tianyi and night light dye have come in.

Ling Lian stopped them and saluted them. "Maid, please greet the Regent and the little prince dye. King Shizi knows that you two came to visit the new emperor, and ordered the maid to take them out."

Ye Tianyi picked her eyebrows and looked at the child in Ling Lian's arms and asked, "is he asleep?"

"Yes Linglian hangs its head.

"What is the weak beauty doing? What's the secret of sending you out to stop us so soon Night light dye looks at the night in Ling Lian's arms and looks at the purple bamboo forest.

"It's late, and King Shizi is tired. He plans to have a rest after dinner." Linglian is not humble and speechless.

Night light dye hums a sound, "just this small king and Regent King haven't dined yet." He went inside.

Linglian immediately stopped him, "dye little prince, please stay, King Shizi ordered to stop. When you see the new emperor safe and sound, you can rest assured. "

Night light dye pick eyebrows, up and down to look at Ling Lian, eyes like a torch, "this little Wang how to see you and a red Pavilion seven elders some like?"

Ling Lian was shocked, and her face remained unchanged. She said calmly, "if you are lucky enough to know the man in the mouth of ranxiaowang, I wish you could know him. I'm just a maid with some martial arts skills."

"Is it?" Night light dye stares at Ling lian to see, Mou Guang is deep, "can this Xiaowang how to see you how to be unlike a maid."

Ling Lian suddenly laughed, "who is waiting on the lady's side, who really looks like a maid? The little prince is really funny

Night light dye take back sight, no more words, wave open her, stride toward inside.

Ye Tianyi takes a look at Ling Lian and raises her step after night light dyeing.

Ling Lian knows that she can't stop them. She doesn't stop them. She follows them and returns to the purple bamboo forest with her baby in her arms.

The purple bamboo yard is on, and two figures appear in the window, sitting opposite each other at the table.

Ye Tianyi and ye qingran just appear at the gate of Zizhu courtyard. Eighteen hidden souls appear together and stop them.

Night light dye raises eyebrow, looks at 18 people, hum: "this Xiao Wang has not looked for a person to practice for a long time!" After that, he asked Ye Tianyi, "are you the same?" Ye Tianyi looks at 18 people and doesn't speak.

"Regent, Lord dye, it's not proper for you to break in like this. If you two want to see the son of a son, please go to the front hall. The maidservant will report to the prince, who will go out of the house to treat guests. It's not a matter of propriety for you two to break into the house like this. " Qingchang came out and saluted them. After that, she said politely.

"Every maid is so powerful! The son of heaven lives in Prince Rong's mansion. Does the king and Regent not even have the qualification to inspect? " Night light dye up and down looked at the green dress one eye, tough way: "this Xiao Wang must go in today."

Qingchang frowned and looked back at the room.

"Step back! Please come in the Regent and the little prince dye Rong Jing's voice came from the room.

Green clothes get out of the way, eighteen hidden souls all retreat.

Night qingran strides to the inside. Ye Tianyi's eyes fall on the peach blossom in the southwest corner. The flower bone of the peach blossom has grown to a very full state. He stares at the peach blossom for a moment, shifts his eyes and walks to the house.

Through the bead curtain, you can see Rongjing and yunqianyue sitting opposite each other, and the smell of food wafts in the room.

Ye qingran first opened the curtain and came in and raised eyebrows at them. "You are very comfortable. Before the remains of the Empress Dowager in the palace are cold, you have a big feast. These dozens of dishes are enough to feed the people who died of freezing? Weak beauty, you have a lot of money in Rongwang mansion

Rongjing leisurely way: "the son of heaven stay in the house of Lord Rong, the house of Lord Rong can not be shabby."

"Tell me, which dish can the emperor eat?" Night light dye suddenly happy, pointed to the table on the chicken, duck, fish, mountain delicacies, asked.

"Even if you can't eat, there must be regulations. The identity of the emperor is always the son of heaven." Rong Jing's voice changed. "Besides, Jing has been too hard-working recently, and his body is not able to support him. In order not to fall down before the Empress Dowager's funeral, he should pay more. These days, the Empress Dowager's funerals are all done by Jing himself. The Regent and the little prince dye only coax them with their children, but they haven't been coaxed yet. They have been sent to me. "

Night light dye hums, "not to send to you, is to send to the little girl."

"She's not in good health recently. It's very tiring to serve the son of God. It's also proper to reward her." The scenery is also a way.

Ye qingran takes a look at the room. Her eyes fall on the two pillows in the bed account, pauses, looks away, and asks, "weak beauty, is there any smell of strangers in the purple bamboo yard? Do you smell it? "

With a faint smile, "the Regent never set foot in the purple bamboo yard. Naturally, he is a stranger."

Ye Tianyi's eyes also fell on the two pillows in the bed account. They were a little heavy, and their voice was low and cold, "should Jing Shizi also pay attention to some identity? Does it pollute the eyes and ears of the world if you are unmarried and have the same bed? "

"I didn't feel it." Rong Jing shakes his head.

Ye Tianyi's eyes fell on the face of Yun Qian Yue, "Yue Er, I have a jade flute in my hand. Do you have a dragon and Phoenix match in your hand? Don't forget that you are a man of engagementCloud shallow moon looked up to have a look at night Tianyi, "sooner or later it will be lifted."

Ye Tianyi's face sank. "The first emperor and the cloud princess have passed, and no one can terminate our engagement. Whether it's me or you, on your own, you can't do it. "

When does the cloud shallow moon think about jade blue clear that woman after all when to come? How can we wait for the Spring Festival? She went back to accompany the old emperor of Donghai for the new year. She was a little annoyed and didn't want to talk about it now, so that he was prepared and stopped speaking.

Night light dye raised a foot to kick over a chair, put it in front of the table, in a moment, he sat down, "this little Wang did not eat, weak beauty, you will not be disrespectful?"

"If you don't mind if you don't mind us eating the rest, you won't." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

"Don't mind!" Night light dye says, then eat impolitely.

Night Tianyi looked at three people, also came over, slowly sat in the night light dye side.

"How can such a good dish have no wine? Weak beauty, bring two jars of wine Night light dye words fall, added: "four altar! We have one jar for each one. We don't have enough to drink. It's rare to come into your door tonight. I'm not going to be drunk

"There's no wine. Go after dinner." Rongjing has not yet opened his mouth, but yunqianyue interposes to refuse.

"Little girl, there is a lot of wine in Lord Rong's house. You haven't married yet, and you can't marry in. There's no need to save it for him now?" Night light dye see to cloud shallow moon, dissatisfied tunnel.

"My aunt will be buried tomorrow. Drinking will be a mistake." Cloud light moon road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!