The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1311

Rongjing chuckled, Ruyu picked up a wisp of green silk beside her ear and asked with a smile, "since you know that I can't choose you, you also started the Phoenix robbery, let me do it. After all, did you choose me, or did I choose you? Well? "

"What's the point? This is the business of two people Yun Qianyue looked at the jade pendant, and Murong's two words were still very clear under the shadow of some light. She sighed, "maybe I've been waiting for this day for a long time. It's not guessing, not relying on various clues, not Peach Blossom Jade Phoenix hairpin, not Murong's mausoleum, but waiting for you to tell me, like this, these two words in front of me clearly tell me, you His surname is Murong. "

Rong Jing looked at her and said earnestly and clearly, "my surname is Murong."

Yun Xiaoyue laughed, stretched out a waist in his arms and sighed, "Murong, what a noble surname. After 100 years of subjugation, how many people have forgotten? For hundreds of years, the emperor of Murong, who was benevolent and benevolent, was the real sage and the emperor. The first emperor burned the records about the two women, but he could not destroy the long history of the origin, nor the glorious and admirable records in the historical records of the previous dynasty. "

"The surname Yun is more noble than the Murong surname." Listen to the gentle smile.

Cloud shallow moon eye light is tiny twinkle, raise eyebrow to ask, "so if I marry you, really should bend the body to marry below? Isn't it a climb? "

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, "it should be."

Cloud light moon shape like thinking for a moment, and then looked at Rongjing, eyes fell on his picturesque face, nodded, "that's it! I see that the young master is very good-looking, talented and well-off. He deserves me. "

Rongjing chuckles.

Yunqianyue took the ordinary jade pendant in Rongjing's hand and asked, "why use it to shine on it, and the jade pendant shows Murong?"

"It is pointed out that there is a kind of color material injected into it. When it meets the same color material, it will reflect light on each other." Rong Jing Wen Sheng explained, "so, the uncle of Southern Xinjiang should have seen the jade pendant you took out that day. He happened to meet the person who received you with this jade pendant. When he saw the word Murong, he kept up with you, or he had such a jade pendant in his hand that could verify the jade pendant."

Yun Qianyue sighed, "I know your things are not easy to take, so I dare not wear them on my neck and hide them on my body. I dare not take them out at will. On that day, there was only one person who took care of me in biyuzhai. There was no one else. My mother asked Yang Gong and Yang Po to help me purify the martial arts. If the martial arts of Nanjiang national uncle are in the dark, they should I can't hide it from me. How could he know that? "

"Don't forget that he can spell in southern Xinjiang. Temple City is a small town. If he uses magic, he can still see something he wants to see. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

"That's the only explanation." Yunqianyue was playing with the jade pendant and asked, "was he born in southern Xinjiang? Otherwise, how can you spell in southern Xinjiang? Shen Zhao was able to learn incantation because he was originally from southern Xinjiang. "

"Well, Murong's Hushi general was born in southern Xinjiang." Rong Jing nodded, "at that time, in addition to the East China Sea, the world four he, all surnamed Murong. Nanliang, the western extension of Southern Xinjiang and Beiqi are all vassal kings. "

Yunqianyue nodded and asked, "since uncle Nanjiang has come to the capital, what are you going to do? He can't fall into the hands of night nature and night light dye. Those two people have been staring at Shen Zhao. There are no people in his house. "

"What do you say?" Rongjing asked in a low voice.

Cloud shallow month looks at him, pick eyebrow, "really want me to say?"

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"I don't want to repeat the same mistakes. I don't want to be constrained by others. I don't want to be separated from life and death, and I don't want to see each other without a blind date." Cloud shallow moon eyes turn dark, word by word: "the reason why Rong Wang was unable to return to the sky, white hair overnight, is because he regretted that he went out of Yanhuan mountain, because he believed yezhuolan could be a good emperor, he entrusted the people's living and work in the hands of others, and finally night zhuolan was crazy, he paid for the Jiangshan and accompanied the women."

Rongjing did not speak.

"What I prefer to do is to hold the good things in my own hands, and I can't hold others in check. Even if it's hard, it's better than being controlled by others. " She said in a low voice, "call him to Rong Wang Fu!"

Rongjing held Yun Qianyue's soft body, put her head on her shoulder and said in a low voice, "yunqianyue, do you know what the consequences of your decision will be? At that time, a group of courtiers loyal to Murong family never gave up looking for Murong descendants. In the past 100 years, they continued their descendants and passed on from generation to generation. No one could have imagined that Murong's descendants were the meritorious officials who helped the Yeshi to build up their troops and seize their country. In the past hundred years, the palace of Lord Rong has been prosperous and attracted the attention of people all over the world. Therefore, they have never imagined that the house of Lord Rong is Murong, which is hidden in the city. Once you call for uncle of Southern Xinjiang, then you and I will start bowing and there is no turning back. They will not allow us to retreat into the wild again. "

"I know, how can I not know?" Yun Qianyue said in a soft voice: "you don't want to do something to Ye Shi, or you don't want to paint the mountains and rivers with your hands. It's for me. You know that I don't like your identity very much and I don't like the imperial palace. So for so long, you have avoided those loyal to Murong and worked hard in Chaozhong and ye Tianyi Zhou Xuan. But do you know that after I recover my memory, When I decide to be with you, I have made up my mind to wait for this day. What I don't like more than I don't like your identity and the imperial palace is that we are passive everywhere, and I'm afraid we will finally have a blind date. ""How? I have a black heart and a black lung. I'm selfish. No matter how heavy the world is, I can't weigh more than you. The ancestor King Rong was merciful to the people and the people, but I just want to pity you. Even if someone threatens me with the people of the world, it doesn't work. " Rong Jing shook his head, warm eyes have a trace of indifference and coldness, "if you don't like it, I have ink Pavilion in my hand, you have Red Pavilion, we can completely hide. No matter how bad it is, we can go to the East China Sea, where there is always a barrier. "

Yun Qianyue shook his head and sighed: "the descendants loyal to Murong clan have been looking for it for a hundred years. If you quit, they will be exposed. Ye Tianyi and yeqingran will not indulge and indulge them in order to protect the Ye family. How can we bear to let them all be slaughtered by Yeshi? It's not one person or two people. I'm afraid it's thousands of people or tens of thousands of people or even more. How valuable is the loyalty of generations? "

Rong Jing sighed and stopped talking.

"What's more, this piece of land has been riddled with holes, and the people have been displaced. If you open it with your hands, you will be picturesque, and the mountains and rivers under your feet will be picturesque. What a great achievement it will be? It's really good and precious for a man to love a woman, but how can it be worth the ink mountain and river, and how can it be so brilliant

"Do you really think so? Don't you feel aggrieved? "

Cloud shallow month laughingly looks at him, "why should I feel aggrieved? If you are unable to seize the river, I will suffer a lot if I suffer from you. If you are like Rong Wang, let Zhen Jing live in the deep palace, and I will feel wronged every day. If you get the three thousand pink balls in the palace, then it is the thing I worry most about. Someone else? "

Rong Jing was smiling, his chest and abdomen were shaking slightly, and he said in a funny way: "cloud light moon, you are really..."

"What is it?" Yunqianyue looks at him.

"It really makes me How can we not love... " Rongjing sighed and held her arm tightly. Word by word, he said, "I would like to overturn the mountains and rivers, and brush and ink, not for Murong ancestors, but for you. Who will compete with me? Three feet green front is waiting for you

Cloud shallow moon eyebrows and eyes bloom, shallow a curved smile, no longer speak. If there is no retreat and no escape, she would rather go ahead bravely. She was not a woman who lived in a high courtyard to teach her husband and children. In the world of men, there are also women's mountains and rivers.

Rong Jing such a man, he can write poetry, painting, writing articles, can also draw a sword, Lin Mo mountains and rivers. On a high altitude, he can climb the top of the mountain, enjoy the scenery of the world, wave freely, and overlook all living beings under the clouds. Put in the low place, how many gullies into dust, he will not fall on the dust, still elegant and calm, not as good as princes.

Although it is good to find leisurely under the dust, it will bring disaster to nature. He should be standing high!

The mountains are high and the scenery is still. He was born to be respected by the people of the world!

"That's settled." Rong Jing is silent for a moment, smiles, and sees cloud shallow moon nodding. He says to the outside, "Qingying, go to Shenfu and invite the uncle of Nanjiang."

"Yes There was a faint excitement in the voice of the green shadow. , the fastest update of the webnovel!