The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1312

Cloud shallow moon see green shadow far away, he suppress the faint excited mood seems to be still in the ear. It is conceivable that he should have waited for a long time for the decision behind Rongjing's sentence, perhaps even longer than a long time. There should be a lot of people like him.

"If you repent now, there's still time." I can see her staring out of the window.

Cloud shallow moon glared at him, "am I such a person? You don't want to get me a queen's three thousand pink and white, peach blossom garden. What size scissors do I need to make to cut them off? "

Rong Jing chuckled, "I bring my own scissors, cut peach blossom."

Cloud shallow moon raised eyebrows with satisfaction, closed her eyes, praised: "this is not bad!" He added: "otherwise, I'll go to the East China Sea to find Zishu. Donghai people are outstanding, and there are some Fengshen Xiumu characters. I Well... "

Cloud shallow month said half, Rongjing then blocked her mouth, lips and teeth entangled, punishment like swallowing back what she wanted to say.

Cloud shallow moon's body is paralyzed in Rong Jing's arms, slightly moved to let him ask for.

Clothes scattered, there is an uncontrollable trend.

Outside the window came the voice of Qingying, who had regained his composure, "the son of the world, Du Zizhan is coming!"

Rong Jing kisses the cloud shallow moon, vaguely should a, the voice is a bit dull. The green shadow outside was stunned. There was no lamp in the room. It was dim and dark. But the voice came from the curtain. He suddenly stepped back.

Cloud shallow moon's face is a little red, stretched out his hand to push aside the scene, repressed gasping and complained: "what should we do in disorder? Don't you speak well? "

With a low smile, Rongjing let go of the cloud and the moon, gently calmed his breath, reached out his hand and held his forehead. He felt helpless and said, "I know how to eat pith Almost I wanted to Forget it... "

Cloud shallow month sees him murmur some funny, once again stretch out a hand to push him, "still don't go quickly!"

Rongjing "yes!" With a sound, he got up and straightened his clothes.

Cloud shallow month sees his dress is caught by him scattered, the face is some red, but still reluctant to leave the eyes.

Rongjing tidied up her clothes and looked at the cloud and the moon. In the dark, her beautiful eyes were glimmering and her face was gorgeous. He couldn't help but lower his head and gave her a kiss on her lips. Then he turned away and walked out.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing's figure and walks out of the room. The bead curtain collides and makes a crisp sound. She reaches out and pulls the quilt over her body and laughs. Rong Jing, in order to wait for the peach blossom to bloom, he endured very hard!

After lying quietly for a while, she suddenly got dressed, went to the table, held the lamp, and looked out of the window.

It is close to the end of the year, that peach blossom has a enchanting and open situation, afraid it will not take long to open.

After watching for a moment, yunqianyue suddenly remembered Tang Bohu's peach blossom poem, picked up the pen on the table, spread rice paper, and wrote.

Taohua temple in Taohuawu, Taohua temple under the Peach Blossom Fairy; Peach Blossom Fairy planted peach trees, and picked peach flowers to sell wine.

When you wake up, you just sit in front of the flowers, and when you are drunk, you will fall asleep.

I wish I could die in the flower and wine shop and not bow before the chariots and horses.

If you compare the rich and the poor, one in the plain and one in the sky; if you compare the poor and the poor, he must drive me to have leisure.

Others laugh at me for being insane, but I laugh at others for not being able to see through them; I can't see the tomb of the heroes of Wuling, and hoe the fields without flowers and wine.

After writing, she put down her pen, sat down and watched quietly. Maybe it was because of her mood that she wrote with flowing water, smooth lines, fragrant ink, and a trace of her little daughter's softness and elegance in her muscles and bones. She laughed. She used to like Tang Bohu's peach blossom poem best, but her mood has changed.

Who said that "the rich are rich, the poor are lucky."?

There is such a person, he was born rich, respect than the son of heaven, elegant cover prince. But I'm willing to endure ten years of cold and summer love for you, willing to give up your surname for a time, be willing to warm a peach blossom for you in the winter, and just hold you to sleep every day. What else can resist such a deep feeling? What reason did she have to retreat and let him back again and again?

The world of mortal life, but only a few decades, since what is alive, naturally to live a wonderful.

Rongjing should express his magnificent chapter.

In silence, Ling Lian's voice rang out, "Miss, letter from emperor Nanliang."

Yunqianyue was stunned for a moment and then wanted to laugh. After a few days from Prince Nanliang to Emperor Nanliang, she still couldn't adapt to it. I don't know if she can adapt to the scenery in the future. "Take it in," he said to the outside

Ling Lian comes in with a letter.

Yun Qianyue reached out to take the letter and opened it. There were a lot of miscellaneous notes in the letter, without any serious words. The main thing was that he became the emperor. It was really bad. He would not be a prince any more. If he had known, he would have to give it back to Yun Muhan. Now yundushan has become the king's husband. Two days ago, he had a house with Ye Qian. It is estimated that he will be able to hold his son soon. However, he does not even have a woman in the harem, which is very sad and shameless! After complaining for a long time, he finally said, "shall I give you something warm for the night? I don't remember. The beauty of Luoyao is very good. I miss you very much after leaving for a few daysAfter reading a letter, yunqianyue turned several white eyes. He is really free and does not need to purge the dissidents in the Qing Dynasty? Unexpectedly, I still know that people's cloud Twilight cold and ye Qian a few yen before the house.

However, the meaning of the last sentence is self-evident. He has no intention of warming the night and likes Luoyao.

Yunqianyue puts down the letter, which is funny.

"Miss, you have made a good poem!" Ling Lian looks at the poem on the table, reads it again, and praises the tunnel.

"I didn't do it. There was a man named Tang Bohu. He's a talent. " Cloud light moon road.

"Miss, have you sent this poem to your maidservant? How about it? " Ling Lian took the poem and asked.

"Take it!" The moon waved her hand.

Linglian sees that she doesn't immediately reply to nanlingrui, and happily walks down with the poem.

Cloud shallow moon dial the wick, picked up a book to read. The room is quiet, only to hear her turn over a book.

After a while, the voice of Qingchang rang out from outside, "Miss shallow moon, the son of the world said he would come back later and let you go to bed first."

Cloud shallow moon "um".

Qingchang goes down. Instead of going to sleep, she still turns over the pages of the book. Unconsciously, the night is deep. After reading a book, Rongjing still doesn't come back. She puts down the book and looks outside. The night is strong outside the window. She writes back to nanlingrui.

She used to write very short letters. Now, with the time, she also learned from Nan Lingrui and wrote a lot of miscellaneous things. Unconsciously, she wrote several pieces of paper. When she heard the familiar footsteps coming, she stopped and put down her pen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!