The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1310

"The day when the fire burned the spring tower." Cloud light moon will pillow his head in his arms.

Rong Jing's eyes light slightly congealed, staring at the cloud and shallow moon for a moment, asked softly, "do you start the Phoenix robbery because you know my identity? It's not like what you said before, because you like me, in order to give us a chance, just started the Phoenix robbery? "

Cloud shallow month pursed lips, "I knew early on that the person I like is you, I am such a calm person, how can I not see my heart clearly? I have a full score in psychology. It's unreasonable to only analyze others, but not myself. " After that, she said in a low voice: "I had already made up my mind to Tell ye Tianyi that I would be with you when he came back. Even if you can't live too long, what's the matter? I'm willing to accompany you. But on the day of Wang Chun Lou, I stopped. "

Rong Jing also thin lips slightly pursed, no longer speak.

Yunqianyue continued: "wangchunlou is the stronghold of the Murong family who planned to restore the country in the capital city. The old emperor noticed it and ordered yetian to investigate it. He wanted to follow the vines to find the Murong's orphan. After the prince who was missing was stolen from the palace by the Ye family, he was robbed on the way and his whereabouts have been unknown. This is the heart disease of the Ye family. The Ye family seems to be stable and solid these years Then every emperor of the Yeshi clan could not be stable day and night. They were afraid that one day the descendants of Murong family would come out to seek their restoration. But on that day, the old emperor did not find out anything, but Wangchun building was completely burned by a fire. "

"The fire in Wangchun building was not set by me." Yung King Road.

"I know it's not you. It's the people in Wangchun building who voluntarily set fire to Wangchun tower. They would rather burn themselves than cut off the clues of the old emperor. But you secretly helped those people to leave. Otherwise, on that day, it would not be hundreds of people but thousands of people who were burned to death in Wangchun tower. " Cloud shallow moon light voice way: "if do not have you to help, the old emperor can't find anything."

Rongjing is silent.

"It's not until you go back to the mausoleum six years ago to find you buried in the mausoleum. Ten years ago, we met on the old emperor's 45th Birthday. The old emperor praised me for my modesty and virtue, and I would be a good queen in the future. You mocked me in your eyes. Later, I made a substitution for yetianqing and yetianyi. You saw me through. You deliberately led me to Yuanyang pool. Although you covered it very well, I could feel your disgust for ye. As well as the death of King Rong and Marquis Wenbo in those years, and later you were persecuted. All these killing moves are to kill the house of King Rong. Therefore, I have a vague guess that the Rong palace is related to Murong family. " Yun Xiaoyue said with a smile, pretending to be relaxed: "I don't have any other advantages, that is, I can associate with each other. The most likely guess is that the Rongwang mansion is originally the descendants of Murong family. Then Rongjing, you are not the descendant of the royal family. If you restore the country and plan secretly, I will think, do I still like you?"

Rong Jing looked at her, "then you figured it out and started the Phoenix robbery?"

Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, "have no idea, so just started Phoenix robbery. Yu Qingqing is worthy of the praise of the old man. There is a adoptive father who knows how to calculate, who knows astronomy and geography, knows all about ancient and modern times, and knows many evil ways. She got the true story and figured out that I would encounter a difficult problem one day. She used the Phoenix robbery, so she gave me the Phoenix robbery. I thought I couldn't use it, but I didn't think I would use it without hesitation. "

Rong Jing patted her head for a while, and gently said, "what jade Qingqing, that's your mother."

Cloud light moon knead the head.

"And then?" Rong Jing looked at her and asked, "you didn't hesitate at that time. Was it up to God to choose?"

Cloud shallow moon to him a smile, "not to the sky to choose, is to give you to choose. If you choose me, I will choose you. If you don't choose me, I will forget that there is nothing wrong with you. Maybe I can fall in love with Ye Tianyi when he comes back

"Dare you Rong Jing's voice implies anger.

Cloud shallow moon glared at him, "how can you not choose me? You like me for so many years. Did you like me at the first glance? Otherwise, with your black heart, you'd rather destroy me than kiss me. When you kiss me, don't you just decide to rob me with Ye Shi? "

Rong Jing Bo Nu faded and suddenly chuckled, "yes, how can I not choose you! As soon as you lose your memory, I'll do it! After ten years of serious illness, my first time out of the house is to protect you. " After that, he continued to smile: "I thought you were angry. I thought you and I had no purpose to take you for revenge. Then you forgot me. How can I allow you to forget me? Even if I live not long and die, I can't see you marry someone else. Later, I didn't want to be treated favorably by God, so that you could cure me

"Revenge on a person is to keep your heart. If you retaliate against ye, you are not qualified. So smart, how can you lose heart? For ten years, wherever I go, I can see your figure. I am close to you, but you leave again. This kind of indifference, dare and dare not, I accompany you to suffer together, enough of the sin. If at first you suspected that you had robbed me of revenge on Ye because of the failure of empress Rong Wang and Zhenjing and the daughters of several generations of King Rong and King Yun's residence, but now that it has been ten years, I can't doubt it. Like a person, the heart is not controlled Cloud shallow moon smile way.Rong Jing Mou Guang gently looked at her, "yes, like a person, the heart is not controlled. I don't understand how the Centennial ancestors could bear to have empress Zhenjing married into the imperial palace to help her steal the land and seize her love. "

"A hundred years ago, the world was full of war, the people were in dire straits, their bones piled up into mountains, and their blood flowed into rivers. King Rong was compassionate, and empress Zhenjing made a choice for him, because she knew that if she was with him and abandoned the people of the world, they would not be happy in their whole life. " Yunqianyue was about to be melted by his gentle eyes. Looking at him, she sighed: "it's not that Rong Wang doesn't love queen Zhenjing enough, but that she loves too much and doesn't want to be unhappy in the future."

"You know better than I do, and I'm not as good at it as you are." Rongjing whispered.

Cloud shallow moon white his one eye, "you black heart black lung, poisonous mouth poisonous tongue, where and on me?"

"Yes, I'm not as good as you." Rong Jing agreed with a smile.

Yun Qianyue put out his hand to beat him, and said to the truth, "when I started the Phoenix robbery, I thought, if you choose me, even if I lose my memory, even if you don't live long, as long as you go that step forward, if I don't want it, then I'll go to hell. Although I yearn for the world's great rivers and mountains, it's not that I haven't seen the spring scenery and scenery of this world. Although I help the night sky After all, he is not Xiao Qi. I have done my utmost to him. I can't pay for him in my life. In the previous life, I gave up my love for many years, and finally ended up with a life and death separation. In this life, if I repeat the same mistakes, then it is failure. If a man is merciless, what is the interest of living? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!