The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1306

It is clear that it is close at hand, warm and clear voice, but it seems to be from the nine heavy days, some floating.

Yunqianyue opened her eyes and looked at Rongjing. On this jade matchless face, she saw his cold smile. She sighed: "don't all the men in rongwangfu charm women all over the world? It is no exception that the eldest princess of Yeshi likes King Rong. "

Rong Jing put up a smile, looked down at the cloud shallow moon, cool eyes light into gentle, "is it?"

Cloud shallow moon nods, "nature! Take me as an example. I'm dead set on you

"I don't think it's a good thing to charm women in the world, but it's not a bad thing to make you die for me." Rong Jing throws away the black book in his hand and kisses the lips of cloud and moon.

Cloud shallow moon light open vermilion to cater to her, lips and teeth intertwined, toss and turn.

For a long time, Rongjing let her go and said in a soft voice: "Ye Shi used two women and the people of the world to control our ancestor Rong Wang, and one woman can make me overturn the world. Compared with the ancestor Rong Wang, I should not be Rong's descendant."

"Cloud shallow moon is funny," this is the fate of the day, where should not be? You are born to be Rong's descendants. If you want to change, you can only see it in the next generation. "

Rong Jing said, "well," in a low voice, "if I can, I'd rather not be Rong."

"If I can, I don't want to be surnamed Yun." Cloud shallow moon words fall, and funny way: "ancestors heard our words, it is estimated that they will jump out of the ground and strangle our unworthy descendants."

"Rong Jing chuckled," a hundred years later, about reincarnation. "

Yun Qianyue sighed, "the eldest princess died in order to save King Rong and burned herself. Empress Zhenjing was willing to commit herself to marry into the imperial palace for the sake of King Rong. The common people in the world owe the king Rong, but the king Rong owes two women. The eldest princess is also a strange woman. Unfortunately, she was born in the Yeshi family. No wonder the first emperor burned all the records about her. It turns out that there is still this one. "

"There are no records of empress Zhenjing." Rong Jing's voice was warm and cool. "The dead are dead, but the living are the most difficult. Empress Zhenjing can endure to stay in Ronghua palace day by day just for the sake of King Rong. If she lives, the king of Rong is alive. If she can't see, her heart will also die. "

Yun Qianyue nodded. Princess Dachang's handwriting recorded everything from her memory to her death. The first emperor burned all the books about Princess Dachang. She was afraid that she had written an autobiography for herself. This autobiography has revealed almost all the secrets of Yeshi, including the most important chants of tianlongyin and huofengyin.

Tianlongyin and huofengyin! That's what she needs to know. Cloud shallow moon exclaimed: "that bad old man also has some skills, such a letter should have been hidden in his hand for decades."

"Grandfather Yun's sagacity has gone. Otherwise, he would not have let the palace of Lord Yun live peacefully for so many years on the crest of the storm and replace his son's grandson with his grandson under the eyes of Yeshi." Let's have a warm smile.

Cloud shallow moon flat corners of the mouth, this life, her grandfather only toss children. I don't know whether I will be able to overturn my son and my grandson in the future. It's funny to think of this place.

They stopped talking, got out of the carriage and went to the house.

Rong Xiying came up with a smile on his face, "brother Shizi, Shen Zhaogang has just come back and is waiting for you in the study."

Rong Jing smiles, "cangting was born in the top ten aristocratic families. He has learned a lot. His family has thousands of volumes of books. He has a deep foundation. He fell in cangting and won the second place. It's already good." Or do you want to go back to Ziyun's study first

Cloud shallow month made a yawn, wave a hand, "I return to purple bamboo courtyard."

Let the scenic spot nod, release her hand, go straight to the study.

Yunqianyue returns to Zizhuyuan, enters the house, takes off her shoes, lies on the bed, covers herself with quilts, closes her eyes, and acts in one go. Qingchang learned that she came back, and then walked into the room, and saw that she had already fallen asleep. She was stunned and left.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue came to the door and met Qingchang. She said to the second person: "Miss shallow moon is tired."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue nodded and did not bother, Qi Qi retreated.

Cloud shallow moon closed her eyes, but there was no sleepiness. She thought of the notes of Princess Dachang in her mind.

The woman has been practicing fire and Phoenix chanting since childhood. It is located in the coldest place in the warmest place in the world, which is the cold pool of warm city. During the four seasons of cold and summer, she used the water of the cold pool to practice martial arts. She knew from a young age that she shouldered the responsibility of fighting the world. So when she was 15 years old, she took over the order of fire and Phoenix. Her only goal was to remove all the obstacles that prevented Yeshi from fighting against the Yangtze River. Of course, these were before she met the king Rong.

After meeting Rong Wang, she fell in love with him at first sight. King Rong was compassionate, tolerant and unwilling to kill. The eldest princess was gradually influenced by him and was unwilling to show his bloody side to him. She also began to question whether the original intention of Yeshi to fight for the people's happiness or for their own selfish desires. She thought over and over again, she had to admit that Yeshi's hundred year plan was to seize the world for her own selfish desires.The Murong family ruled the people of Li people and lived and worked in peace and contentment. If it had not been for the theft of the crown prince by the Ye family, the empress died of grief. The emperor missed the Queen's love for his son and abandoned his political career. A few years later, the Murong family had no successor. Later, the vassal king set off a war to seize the world, and the common people suffered. At this time, the Ye family rose up. The first emperor yezhuolan was a man of benevolence and justice, In order to win over the world, he made a great influence at that time. He made good friends with Yun Mo Yi, who had been famous in the world for a long time. Yun Mo Yi paid homage to Yan Huan mountain seven times at night, and invited Rongqi, the real disciple of Huagai, to come out of the mountain, which was later the king Rong.

After the king of Rong came out of the mountain, the whole world looked down on his face, the people respected him, and his benevolence belonged to him.

The eldest princess liked the story of King Rong. The first emperor learned that the first emperor wanted to marry her to King Rong. The emperor said that he had already wanted her. He had made an engagement since childhood and refused to marry. The first emperor was puzzled. Who in the world is better than the eldest princess? Under the pressure of questioning, the king of honor came out of the younger martial sister. At that time, the first emperor had already called himself king. He was the only one in the army, and the world would soon be reunited. He wanted to see the younger martial sister of Rongwang, because he had never heard that there was a female apprentice in Tiandi Zhenren. He thought that Rongwang was the reason for his refusal. He said that if there was no younger martial sister, he would marry the eldest princess to him. However, the king had no choice but to send someone to invite the younger martial sister out of the mountain.

Rong Wang's younger martial sister came to the army. At this time, many people knew that Rong Wang's younger martial sister turned out to be Yun Xiwu, the younger sister of King Yun.

When Yun Xiwu was invited to the army, he fell in love with many people. Including the first emperor yezhuolan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!