The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1307

When the eldest princess wanted to break her heart for the king of honor, there was another person who was worried about Yun Xiwu. That person was yezhuolan.

After a while, the eldest princess realized that marriage could not be forced, so she took a knife to cut her hair and no longer forced Rong Wang. And night zhuolan is not so easy, he wants to get yunxiwu.

Ye zhuolan's brother Leng Yiqiu, who was later the prince of filial piety, made a plan to let ye zhuolan use the long lost beauty poison on Yun Xiwu. Even though Yun Xiwu had martial arts skills, she could not resist it. However, she still split yezhuolan with one hand and came to the place of Rongwang. She happened to meet the eldest princess holding the king Rong. Yun Xiwu is heartbroken, and her beauty is poisoned. She hates her so much that she urges her skills to destroy herself. King Rong was shocked. In order to save Yun Xiwu, he sucked Mei poison into his body. He didn't want to see his beauty mixed with aphrodisiac. The poison was added to the poison, causing a kind of hidden poison which was suppressed in his body. It was out of control. The eldest princess did not hesitate to rescue King Rong. Huofengyin had a skill that could be extradited. She extradited the poison to her own body. After that, she forced herself to write the last stroke in her handwriting, "the most important thing in life is to depend on each other, and there is nothing to ask for except for the extraordinary. No fate in this life, nothing to do with the afterlife, after death, no more Rongqi! The last word

Pen down, fire phoenix burn body, big fire on the wind and smoke hall where she lives.

After that, there is no record in the notes here.

However, Yun Qianyue still knows something about the first emperor and empress Zhenjing from a secret history book in Rongjing study. When combined with this notebook, she can get a general idea. After the death of the eldest princess, Yun Xiwu learns that this is yezhuolan's plot. He is very angry and wants to take the unconscious King Rong back to Yan's mountain. But is controlled by the night Zhuo LAN, night Zhuo LAN hair ruthless, will cloud Xiwu secret to a place to ban. At that time, LAN Zhuo was fed by LAN Zhuo's poison, and she was not able to take advantage of her.

King Rong wakes up and learns that the eldest princess died in order to save him. When asked about Yun Xiwu, no one knows his whereabouts. King Rong wanted to withdraw from the army and go back to Yanhuan mountain to find his younger martial sister. However, the emperor decided to leave. At this time, the situation which was advantageous to the Ye family was reversed by the rebels. The people in the three cities were in danger. The king had no choice but to stay and save the three cities. Later, he found that Yun Xiwu was controlled by yezhuolan in Jiangshui City, and Rongwang went to the river overnight Water city, take yunxiwu to leave, the first emperor arrived, the king of Rong and his hand, the first emperor is not Rong Wang's opponent, watched him take Yun Xiwu to leave, in a rage, slaughtered Jiangshui city.

After slaughtering Jiangshui City, yezhuolan sent someone to Yanhuan mountain to send a message, saying that yunxiwu was already his man. If Rong Wang didn't bring him back, he would slaughter Jiangshui city today and all the cities captured tomorrow. Isn't Mr. ronghua compassionate? So, let's see whether a woman is important or whether the common people in the world are important.

At that time, the night zhuolan has been crazy into a devil, not to say false.

Ye's family has become one in the world, and no one else is its opponent. Ye Zhuo Lan's hidden guards are all over the world. What you want to do can be done.

If the king Rong had been fighting for many years, he would not have been able to withstand the war. The common people of the people would have died of cold and cold, and they would have been in rags everywhere. What's more, if he slaughtered the city one after another, we can imagine that the blood will flow into a river, the country will be destroyed, and the mountains and rivers will not be there. There is no paradise in this world except Yanhuan mountain, Tianxue mountain, ten mile peach blossom forest and skyscraper cliff.

The morale of the army was turbulent, and the people continued to raise doubts.

Rong Wang's hair was brilliant all night. Yun Xiwu could not see the pain of King Rong. He left Yanhuan mountain alone and returned to the army.

King Rong later pursued the army, and Yun Xiwu had already stayed by the emperor's side.

Later, it was the great unification of the world. The first emperor worshipped his brothers who followed him. After that, they married Yun Xiwu and became empress Zhenjing.

In order to save his sister, the king Yun slaughtered Jiangshui city in a rage, and all the people in the world attacked him. The first emperor not only won the world, but also remembered the generals and brothers who followed him, wantonly enfeoffment, promulgated many policies of benefiting the people, and won the reputation of the sage and benevolent king.

Then the world was settled!

The first emperor burned the records about Princess Dachang and empress Zhenjing, and ordered the Historiographer to write and revise the files. He built the ronghua palace for Empress Zhenjing, who was the only favorite in the harem. He planted a purple bamboo plant for her in the palace. He also collected rare treasures for her. Everyone in the world praised the love between the emperor and empress Zhenjing, and they never changed their hearts until they died. However, it seemed that they had forgotten the work of the former Prince ronghua and her younger sister Yun Qiwu Biyi. Gradually, a hundred years later, some people really believed that the first emperor and empress Zhenjing fell in love.

ronghua Palace on the day long lantern, Rong Wang Fu shadow until dawn.

Yunqianyue unconsciously thought a lot about it. The history of a hundred years ago restored the truth, so that anyone who knew the truth could imagine that at that time, it was afraid that there was a war step by step, and there was blood everywhere. Rivers and mountains are a bloody painting. One becomes a devil and drags people to fall into hell. However, history is written by successful people. Whoever is cruel will prevail. Whoever is kind will lose. This is the history and lesson of bloodstaining."What are you thinking?" Rong Jing lifted the bead curtain and went into the room, and walked straight to the bed.

Yunqianyue opened his eyes and stretched out his hand. He had just come in from outside. His fingertips were cold. She wrapped his two hands with her hands and warmed him. She looked at him without blinking. The look seemed to be afraid that he would disappear in a blink of an eye.

Rong Jing picked her eyebrows, looked at her and asked with a smile, "what's the matter?"

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "nothing, just miss you."

Rong Jing chuckled, sat down, and said in a warm voice, "I think about it. I think aunt Qing is still alive!"

"Well?" Yunqianyue looks at him.

"The jade flute must be brought back for you. At that time, the former Emperor and Princess Yun made an engagement and exchanged a love token. Unless one party repents, one can give up. After the death of the former Emperor, Princess Yun has been dead for many years. That engagement will become a tie that will bind you forever. Even if you and I get married in the future, people in the world will help us remember that you have an engagement with the Regent. It's really bad. I can't eat and sleep. In order to avoid my hard work in the future, so let's work hard for Aunt Qing! " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Cloud shallow moon funny, "if you can talk her, let the dead resurrect, I have no opinion."

"I'm going to write to Aunt Qing." Rong Jing gets up and stands up. He pulls his hand from Yun Qianyue's hand and walks to the table. , the fastest update of the webnovel!