The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1305

"I know, sister!" The seventh princess's face became warm.

Cloud shallow month to her smile, got up and stood up, "I come back to see my grandfather today, know that the sixth princess has come, then come. You have been tossed about by her, don't move the gas, go to bed and have a rest

The seventh Princess nodded, "don't worry! I know how important it is. I have already lost my home. The cloud palace and Yunli have given me my home. This is what I have gained with ten years of hard work. No one wants to take it away. "

Cloud shallow month put heart, no longer say, got up to stand up, out of the West Maple Garden.

A gust of wind blowing, the leaves of two maple trees at the door made a rustling sound.

Yunqianyue looks back at the high wall of the West Maple Garden. Although she came late, she still listened to the six princesses and guessed about it. Here used to live in nanlingrui, lived in the cold cloud, now live in Yunli. Two of her three brothers left, and now one of them has stayed. Naturally, she does not allow anyone to make an idea of him. As long as she is in Tiansheng capital for a day, no one can do it, and the sixth princess is not qualified.

She turned her head and walked to the courtyard of Mr. cloud without any expression.

The jade bracelet was standing at the door when he came to the courtyard of the old prince Yun. He saluted her and said with a smile, "Miss shallow moon, you came back in time. The old prince heard that the sixth princess was coming. He was not at ease. He wanted to send his slaves to Xifeng garden. Later, he heard that you had come to Xifeng garden, and told the servants not to go. You are the villain, and all the other villains must stand aside. "

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, originally some anger was made smile by this words, angry way: "he is the villain."

Jade bracelet says with a smile: "the old prince is playing chess alone in the backyard."

Cloud shallow moon nodded and went back to the courtyard.

When she came to the backyard, she saw Mr. Yun sitting alone in the pavilion playing chess. She went over and saw a game of ancient chess. The old man pointed to the opposite board and said to her, "smelly girl, do you remember this chess game?"

"Why don't you remember?" Cloud shallow month sits down, "when I catch a week, you put such a game of chess for me."

Old cloud looked up at her and said, "you little girl is born with evil nature. You are born with intelligence. You act like a child, and you are not a child. Have you ever seen a child with full moon eyes staring at the ink on a book? And a thoughtful look? "

Cloud shallow moon stares at him, do strange face, "I am a monster, how did you not when I sink loose?"

"What a fart! My old man has never seen anything, and he is afraid of monsters? " "It's not surprising that you are gifted. After all, our surname is Yun. Thousands of years ago, the surname Yun was more noble than the present one. "

Cloud light moon blinked, "how noble is it? The world used to be the place where our surname Yun sat

"It's no better to sit on a mountain or a river!" Cloud old Wang Ye pushed a box of white pieces to Yun Qianyue, "if you play chess alone, it's boring."

"What about Uncle Meng? Isn't he a chess basket Yunqianyue picked up a white and fell on the chessboard.

"It's just a rotten chess basket." Cloud old lord way.

Cloud shallow moon funny, hit him, "your chess skills are not necessarily better than uncle Meng, where to go, half a dozen, but also put out the ancient chess game."

Cloud old lord hummed, "the ancient chess game everyone put, the more can't play chess, the more difficult it is to get into the devil."

Yun Qianyue agreed with this sentence and did not refute it.

"A few days ago, there was a nebula picture. Did you and Jingxiao see it?" As he settled down, he asked again.

Yunqianyue looked at him and nodded, "well, I see it! Did you climb to the roof to see it

"Lingyin, the most eminent monk in the world, was also wrong. His calculation date was one day later than that of the star cloud picture. Everyone believed in him, but he didn't want the nebula to come out the day before. Although people in Beijing all know that they are waiting for the once-in-a-hundred-year Nebula map, they believe too much in Lingyin and miss the time. Even the Regent was misled by Lingyin. They didn't wait that night. Only the next day did they know that the nebula map appeared. Very few people saw it on that day. But my old man knows that Jing must be the one he saw. " Cloud old lord way.

"Why didn't I know that the appearance of nebula images was pushed ahead of time?" Yunqianyue thinks that she is really half a silk ahead of time. She is suddenly dragged by Rongjing to see what Nebula map is.

"You don't believe in the words of God sticks. You hate monks and Taoists since you were young. Your ears listen to what you want to hear day by day. These days, you are locked in the Rong palace, and you are almost inseparable from the king. Who would run to you and say this to you?" Cloud old Wang Ye glanced at him and said, "but you don't have to listen to anything else when you're around Jing boy. Lingyin's bald donkey is not reliable indeed."

Yunqianyue said with a smile, "master Lingyin has been away from Tiansheng for half a year? How can you believe what he has calculated for half a year? "

"He is a half immortal. He claims to be able to see people's past and present life. Now he has a big fall. I don't think he can go back to heaven again. Let's have a cat in the East China Sea." Cloud old lord way.

Yunqianyue thought that because he claimed to be able to see people's past and present life, she hid from him, but she didn't want him to reveal her past life. What mountain and Taoism conference held in Donghai a few months ago was very lively. Monks, monks, nuns, monks and nuns all ran away. Even the snow mountain old man also went. She had no interest in saying Lingyin and no more words."What do you see?" Asked Mr. cloud.

"Forget it!" Cloud light moon road.

"Did you really forget? Or is it unsatisfactory? "

Cloud shallow moon glanced at the cloud old lord, "you are going to be an old man. What do you care about the nebula map? That's a hundred years from now. Are you sure you can live that long? "

"More than a hundred years later?" Mr. cloud looked at her.

"Cloud shallow month is carefree ground picks eyebrow," that how? In my opinion, it's just a bunch of beautiful and fleeting stars. From ancient times to the present, the long history, so a moment of starlight is nothing. There are so many unsatisfactory things in the world. I can't count them. Where can everything be perfect? I just need to know that Rongjing and I can be together. "

"Stinky girl, what kind of enchanting soup have you been infused by Jingxiao? So sure you'll be with him? " Cloud old lord picks eyebrow, hum one, "you don't tell me, I also know some, your mother also saw the nebula picture that day."

"She can pinch her fingers, too?" Cloud shallow moon accident, that woman is omnipotent?

"Her adoptive father knows astronomy and geography. He has a wide knowledge of ancient and modern times. He is a genius. How can she not? You little girl, don't look at some ability, but compared with your mother, it's still far behind. " Cloud old lord way.

Cloud shallow moon curled her lips and stretched her voice, "yes, my mother is very powerful. She is your good daughter-in-law!"

Cloud old Wang Ye raised his beard. "In short, it's better than the smelly girl who only knows how to annoy me every day."

Cloud shallow month no longer speak, grow up did not get him a few good words, she also does not expect him to be like other people's grandfather to hold in the arms, enjoy grandson. Of course, if the old man did that, she would have been cold.

Seeing that Yun Xiaoyue no longer spoke, he did not speak any more, so his grandparents and grandchildren began to play chess step by step.

In ancient times, the chess game was ever-changing. Every step of the game could lead to countless changes. It seemed to be a battlefield of thousands of troops. When the chess was played to one third of the time, Mr. Yun pushed the board and said, "no more!"

"No more?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"If you are old, you can't accept defeat." The old king of cloud took out a black book from his arms and threw it to Yun Qianyue, "this is the file of the eldest princess. When I was sorting out the books in the Imperial Palace, I found them by accident and put them away by myself. It is written in barbarian language. No one can understand it. If you can understand it, it may be useful to you. Here you are

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, reached out to take the black book. The book was very thick. Although the paper was yellowing, it was well preserved. She opened it and took a look at it and said, "this is the language of the Manchu people. I know it. This is not a file, but the handwriting of the eldest princess."

"It turns out to be the handwriting of Princess Dachang. She was injured and disappeared for a year and fell into a barbarian tribe. It was about that time that she learned the language." Cloud old prince nodded, "the files about the eldest princess have been destroyed. The reason why this note is left is that no one can understand it."

Cloud shallow moon does not speak, began to look up.

Mr. cloud stood up and went out of the pavilion.

Unknowingly, a note to see the end, the sky has ring noon, cloud light moon close the book, see cloud from the outside to walk in, she called out, "brother

Cloud from came, face warm, "King Shizi's carriage is waiting at the door, you go quickly!"

"Is the scientific examination over?" Asked the moon.

"Well, it's over!" Cloud from nodded, "Cang Pavilion first, Shen Zhao second."

Yun Xiaoyue raised her eyebrows, not surprised by the result. "Cangting was born in ten great families after all. The ten families have learned a lot. The family has thousands of volumes of books and has a deep foundation. Although Shen Zhao has learned a lot and is hardworking, it is still inferior to cangting's innate advantages."

"Shen Zhao is good already!" Clouds leave the road.

Yunqianyue nodded, reached into his arms, and put a token into Yunli's hand. "Brother, this is the order of three thousand hidden guards in the cloud palace. My father gave it to me a few months ago, and I can't use it. Give it to you today!"

Cloud from a Zheng, immediately refused, "you give me enough people, this you use it!"

"Originally, this token should have been passed on to the prince Yun's family. It should be yours. Besides, you should protect yourself and your sister-in-law for the sake of the cloud palace and the children in your sister-in-law's stomach. You have a lot of responsibilities. Three thousand hidden guards are around you. Even if someone wants to do anything to you, they should have that ability. I don't worry about it. Take it! " The moon waved her hand.

Cloud from smell speech no longer refuse, low voice way: "I just into the house when know six princess came, fortunately you are in."

"Even if I was not there, my grandfather would not let her bully her sister-in-law. A hundred years ago, how many times did our ancestors die for the emperor? This world is not just his night home. It's also our four princes' mansion. What if she is a princess? If she dares to offend you, it's just a small mistake. If it's a big one, you just kill her, and you don't have to be timid. " Cloud shallow moon mentions six princesses, the voice is cold."Good!" Yunli nods.

Cloud shallow moon no longer said anything, lifted out of the pavilion.

At the gate of King Yun's mansion, Rong Jing's carriage is already waiting there. When Yun Qianyue picks up the curtain, she sees Rong Jingwei close her eyes. With a slight vertical movement, she gets on the carriage and falls down the curtain. Seeing that Rongjing has opened her eyes, she puts the Black Book in her hand into his hand. "I don't want this good thing in my grandfather's hand, please have a look!"

Rong Jing picked her eyebrows, opened the black book in her hand and took a look. She was surprised, "the handwriting of the eldest princess?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rong Jing looks at it quietly, and yunqianyue doesn't speak. He lies down and pillows his head on his legs.

The carriage returned to King Rong's mansion and stopped steadily. Rongjing closed the book, pursed her lips, and suddenly chuckled, "it turns out that the eldest princess of Yeshi likes the ancestor Rong Wang." , the fastest update of the webnovel!