The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1304

Hua Sheng answered.

"Any news from my mother?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"The master also got the news of Luo Yu's disappearance. He only said that the little girl was as big as you and had a real skin. Who kept her would have a headache. Don't worry. He didn't tell his subordinates to look for him. He still took the fourth prince to the East China sea." Hua Sheng Road.

Cloud shallow month smiles, "yes, who raises her who headache."

"The uncle of Nanjiang left Nanjiang today and seems to be heading for the capital. According to the small Lord's earlier orders, I have been sending people to watch. Jingshizi's people seem to be staring at him Hua Sheng also said.

Cloud shallow moon should a, ask a way: "have Qin Yuning's whereabouts?"

Hua Sheng shook his head, "no, not only Miss Qin's whereabouts, but also the whereabouts of the imperial concubine of Ming Dynasty."

Yunqianyue said "yes", and Huasheng's voice disappeared.

Yunqianyue thinks that she still underestimates the power of some people. She even managed to get Luo Yu under the escort of Rongjing and yuzishu. She was afraid she would have been surprised if her mother hadn't mentioned the dark dragon envoy and Dark Phoenix envoy of Ye's family.

The carriage returned to the cloud palace.

Cloud shallow moon got off the carriage and saw a carriage in the palace at the gate of the cloud palace, like the carriage of the sixth princess. She glanced at the door and asked, "is the sixth Princess coming?"

"Miss back to the moon, it's the sixth princess!" The guard answered immediately.

Cloud shallow moon raises a step to walk toward the mansion.

Seeing her coming back, all the people in the palace of cloud were immediately saluted. They seemed to be relieved to see her one by one. She asked a person, "where are the six princesses?"

"The sixth Princess brought people to the West Maple Garden of the son of heaven." The man said immediately.

Cloud shallow moon not at ease seven princesses, toe light, to the West Maple Garden and go. Within a moment, she came to the West Maple Garden. She floated and fell at the gate of the courtyard. Looking inside, her eyes narrowed. The sixth Princess even brought the Royal hidden guard to the West Maple Garden.

Inside came a faint voice, six princesses in forcing seven princesses what, cloud shallow moon heard the name of cloud from.

There were about 20 royal guards. When they saw the moon coming, Qi Qi stopped her.

Cloud shallow moon squint eyes, sneer: "my door, when even I dare to block?"

The men looked at her and hesitated in front of her.

"Get out of here Cloud shallow moon light drink a sound, wave to open block in front of him hidden guard, carry step to go to the house.

The people in the room seemed to hear her voice and stopped talking.

Yun Qianyue came to the door. Through the bead curtain, she saw the seventh Princess sitting on the chair with pale face. The sixth Princess stood tall in front of her. She picked up her eyebrows and said in a cold voice, "what is the sixth Princess doing in the palace if she doesn't recuperate in the Palace? The noble in the palace is the place where you should stay. Are you afraid of polluting your feet in the mud land of the cloud palace? "

Six princesses cold hum a, "if it is not my sister in the cloud palace, this princess is not rare to cloud palace."

"Now you think your sister-in-law is your sister? She was closed in the palace for ten years. Everyone laughed at her stupidity. You, as a sister, hated her. Why didn't you think she was your sister at that time Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"I'm her sister, she's my sister, a mother, broken bones and tendons. Whether I want to or not, she is also my sister. It is not for you, an outsider, to intervene in our sister's affairs. " The sixth Princess raised her chin.

Yun Xiaoyue looked at seven princesses with ridicule, "my surname is Yun. Now my sister-in-law has married into the cloud palace. Since ancient times, she has always been married with her husband. She is also surnamed Yun. Compared with me, you are the outsider of the sixth princess." Words fall, do not wait for six princesses to open mouth, to guard at seven princess side two people command way: "throw her out!"

"Yes The two men were originally born in Fengge. Naturally, they listened to Yun Qianyue. They all stepped forward, one left and one right, and simultaneously made a move. Before the six princesses could speak again, they screamed and were thrown out.

The hidden guard brought by Princess six was just knocked down by Yun Qianyue. Yun Xiaoyue was bored with the Royal hidden guards and naturally would not show mercy. All of them were injured by her wave of hand. At this time, she saw the sixth Princess thrown out and rushed to pick it up. However, the two men who served the seventh princess had excellent martial arts skills, so they should not be underestimated under their joint efforts The six princesses couldn't bear it and fainted.

"Take her away! Today, I'll forgive you first. Later, I'll see her step into the door of Lord cloud's mansion, bring several people and kill several people. None of them, including her The cloud is shallow and the moon is cold.

Outside the Royal hidden guard smell speech, immediately with the six princesses knocked out of the West Maple Garden.

Yunqianyue turned to look at the seventh princess. Her face was still white, her body and hands seemed to be shaking violently. You can imagine how much the impact on her heart was. She did not speak, but sat on the chair opposite her.

After a cup of tea time, the seven princesses seemed to calm down, the tone was heavy, "how can I have such a sister!"

Cloud shallow month looked at her one eye, the tone is gentle, "I also have a lot of elder sister, also be like six princess, cloud fragrant lotus, you still remember? She died, no longer in front of me, I did not have such a sister. How many sisters can you have in gaomen courtyard? Not to mention the princess of the palace? You married your brother. He said that he only married you in this life. He was good to you. You were in charge of your family. From grandfather to servant, you were regarded as family. How many people envied and envied your happiness. Since you are happy, you should be envious. What's more, her brother should have married her. She didn't have that blessing. Now I'm afraid she's regretful. Seeing that you, who has not been her good since childhood, is better than her now, she naturally wants to do everything in her heart to make you bad. If you are deceived by her, you are really at a loss. "The sixth Princess sighed, "you are right. I can't be cheated by her. After all, I was too soft hearted. I always took her as my sister. When I was most angry and resentful, I just wanted to keep away from her. I didn't expect that when I dealt with her last time at the palace Princess 11, she could not teach her a lesson. Today I came to the cloud palace with people. "

"Sister in law, there is no sisterhood in the royal family. Maybe there is, but it is not the sixth Princess and you." Cloud shallow month looks at her, "you are pregnant now elder brother's child, should not again soft hearted let her come in. As long as you don't let it go, let alone that she has brought twenty or thirty hidden guards, even two or three hundred hidden guards, she will not be able to enter the cloud palace. "

"I know this time. Since she doesn't want to be half sister, I won't be polite to her. She won't come in again in the future." Seven princess seems to be really cold heart, pursed lip way.

Yun Xiaoyue nodded, reached out and held her hand, and said to her, "sister-in-law, you should always remember that you have the best man to be your husband, and you and his children are in your belly. You are the mother in charge of the cloud palace. Your grandfather likes you, my brother likes you, and I like you. The servants of the cloud palace know that the sixth princess is coming. Everyone is nervous about you and likes you. You are a member of the cloud palace. If others want to take away your happiness, you must not be soft hearted and ask her to pay the price of bloody stool. What people value is not to get happiness, but to keep happiness. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!