The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1303

When the bell rang, thousands of students stood in line with the test cards.

Night light dye greets Rong Jing and cloud light moon to enter.

Cloud shallow menstruation through Cang Pavilion so stirred a bureau, suddenly lost interest in it, today night light dye want her to come here, may be what idea, she also lazy to deal with again, partial head to Rong Jing way: "I don't want to go in!"

Rong Jing seems to know her mind, a gentle smile, "then don't go in!"

"Little girl, you're not going in?" Night light dye originally wants to go inside, looks back to the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "do not go in! I went back to talk to my grandfather for a while, but I haven't been back for several days. "

Night light dye stares at cloud shallow moon, "today's scientific examination preparation two rounds examination questions are very splendid, you do not want to see?"

Yun Xiaoyue shook her head, "I don't want to take an examination, and I don't want to be an official. My biggest goal is to teach my husband and my son in the future. For me, I'm not interested in that much."

Night light dye frown, "because Cang pavilion?" Words down, he looked at Cang Ting one eye, "you don't worry, I'm here, no one says anything about you."

"I'm afraid of being said?" Cloud shallow moon laughs, "I never fear people's words, just don't do what they don't want to do." Words fall, she no longer see night light dye, to Rong Jing way: "at night you go to cloud palace to pick me up!"

Rong Jing gently smile, "good!"

Cloud shallow moon no longer said, turned on the carriage, string song a whip, the carriage left the chief secretary.

Night light dye sees cloud light moon to go so, clean and neat, he frowned, turned to Rong Jing and said: "weak beauty, don't you want a little girl to participate in politics with you? Why did she leave like this? "

"Who said I wanted her to join me in politics?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows and said in a warm voice, "I'm afraid that the little prince ran may have made a mistake. She doesn't want to participate in politics with me every day, but only wants to be with me. If I was not in the Council hall, she would not even go to one of the doors. "

Night light dye purses up lip, tiny hum a, "you pour is tie dead her heart." He turned and walked in.

Rong Jing smiles and slowly walks to the inside.

Ye Tianyi looks at Rongjing's carriage carrying Yun Qianyue away from the chief secretary. He is expressionless and turns slowly without saying a word.

Prince de and Prince Xiao all came out when he read the admonishment book by Yun Qianyue. They were also surprised by Miss Qianyue's talent just like some students present. But at the same time, the old ministers who were generally loyal to the heavenly saints, headed by Prince De, were worried. Today, these students are obviously won by Miss shallow moon's "admonishment to the emperor". The praise for Jing Shizi has not been reduced, but even worse, which is not good for the future Dynasty.

The party entered the inner hall of the chief secretary with different thoughts.

The students outside are still excited, and they are sorry that yunqianyue left this way and did not participate in today's viewing. Shen Zhao takes a look at cangting and sees that he is still playing with his brush carelessly. What he wants to say, he stops and enters with a license with others.

At the entrance of the chief secretary, there were many students' family members or schoolchildren who had witnessed the events of yunqianyue and cangting. Within a short time, the incident spread through their mouths.

Half an hour later, the capital is known to all.

Tiansheng capital is an ancient capital, after three dynasties, a thousand years of history, here naturally gathered the most prosperous place in the world. Therefore, a little bit of wind and grass can be spread out in an instant, as we all know, let alone such a big event. At the same time, the identity of Wang Xiaoyun and Cang yuan, who are the masters of the world, have been paid close attention to. Therefore, we can imagine the sensational effect.

What's more, when Yun Qianyue's carriage drove out of the chief secretary and walked into the street, she could hear people talking about her "admonishment to the emperor" from outside. Praise was heard all the time.

Sitting in the car, Yun thought that the ancient times were not as advanced as modern technology, but the spread of rumors and news was not slow, and even some places were beyond the reach of modern people.

"Miss moon, you are so good today! If you steal chicken, you will not eat rice. " The sound of string songs is also exciting.

Yun Xiaoyue laughs and doesn't feel honored. In fact, she hates such things most. If she is not forced to do so, she is not willing to bully others with her own advantages. She says in a boring way: "where do I have any power, I just learned from my ancestors' articles.". If you let me do it, it may not be better than cangting Pavilion. "

Xiange was stunned for a moment, but he was still excited: "it's the truth that we should learn from well. Today, the Lord cangshao deliberately publicized the relationship between you and the son of a son of a son in bed and share a bed with the world. It's time to teach him a lesson, so as to be happy. After today, your talent will surely amaze the world. Everyone in the admonition Book praises you. All the students in the world look at you differently. No one will say that you are not worthy of the son of heaven. "

Cloud shallow moon "Puff Chi" a smile, "your family son originally bad conduct, black heart black lung, still afraid of people to say?"

String song light cough a, seem to be blocked to have no words, half ring just way: "the son of the world is not too black heart." Words down, it seems that their words do not have any convincing, changed the way: "is some black heart."Cloud shallow moon "ha" ground one, can't help but smile.

I can't help laughing.

The carriage went for another moment, and suddenly the voice of Huasheng was heard in his ear. It was solemn, "little Lord!"

Cloud shallow moon "um".

"Luo Yu is missing!" Hua Sheng Road.

Cloud shallow moon originally closed eyes open, immediately asked, "how to return a responsibility son?"

"News came from the hidden guard that Princess Luoyao and Luo Yu were secretly escorted by Jing Shizi's hidden guard. When they arrived at the East China Sea border yesterday, Prince Yu's men took over the two and boarded the ship, but soon after they got on the ship, they found that Luo Yu was missing." Hua Sheng Road.

"What's wrong with Zishu?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Hua Sheng said in a low voice: "I only got this news. I don't know whether it's the jade prince who has a problem."

"Zishu knows the current situation in the world. Luoyao and Luoyu can't have an accident. The people sent to meet them should be close and trustworthy. It's not his people, maybe it's the boat. " Cloud shallow moon pondered, "but no matter what, Luo Yu is missing. Under the joint efforts of Rongjing and Zishu, they can also get people and gods away without being aware of them. It is obvious that they have long planned."

"What should I do? Do you want to find Luo Yu's whereabouts? " Hua Sheng asked.

"Although Luo Yu is dressed in men's clothes, a discerning eye can tell that she is a daughter. Since she is known to be princess ziluo of the East China Sea, there are only a few people in the world. And those people are all in the capital. We don't have to look for Donghaizi's books. Maybe it's hard to find them. It's better not to work hard. " Cloud shallow moon thought for a moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!