The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1302

About a cup of tea, the excited voice of thousands of students stopped.

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow to look at Cang Pavilion, "Cang Shao Lord, it's your turn to do it!"

Cangting's face is as usual. Even when he finished in yunqianyue, even if he heard so many people's cheers and shouts, he did not have any change. Now when he heard Yun Qianyue ask him, everyone looked at him and he gave him a faint smile, "miss Qianyue is a woman who is not inferior to a man. Such a" admonition letter "is already excellent. I can't do it any more. I'm willing to bow down."

It's so easy to admit the loss, no resentment, unwilling, can not fall off the table, turn over and so on. It surprised thousands of people.

Yunqianyue thinks that it is cangting Pavilion in the end, and the loser does not lose the array. Although he was defeated, he also backed back and did not let himself fall into an embarrassing situation. She picks eyebrow, "Cang Shao Lord won't say that women are the fragrance of fat and powder again?"

"No more!" Cang Pavilion nodded.

Seeing him admit defeat, yunqianyue also lost the interest of pursuing after winning. If she still bites and forces him to bow and bow again after winning a game, she will not be able to get down. Even if she will force people to die, she will lose her status and let those who have said yes say she has a small stomach and chicken intestines. She is willing to fight for a reputation of tolerance and magnanimity. People here are not blind and tolerant of others. Such things do not suffer losses in the face. So she moved her eyes, stopped looking at cangting Pavilion, and gave a playful smile to Rongjing. "Your little writing is really not suitable for being a prime minister, that is, you can slightly surpass me as a woman and control me. Or you'd better resign and take off your armor! Anyway, there are a lot of capable people here, and you are not bad at all. You only know how to talk about love and not like the government. "

All of them were dazzled by her smile, and suddenly felt that she was so beautiful. This reminds everyone of Miss Xiaoyue's beauty. However, because of her other fame, she is too beautiful to be mentioned. Even today, everyone thinks that her calm voice when she is doing the admonition is more beautiful than her appearance at this time.

Rong Jing sniffed the speech and chuckled, and his voice was soft and sweet, "you are right!"

"Little girl, are you demeaning yourself or us? You are a woman who can make such a "admonishment letter", and the weak beauty is better than you. Are you not qualified to be Prime Minister Night light dye came over, glared at cloud shallow moon one eye, "let you come to watch, how do you do it yourself?"

"I can't help it. I'm a pleasant person. People like me in other ways everywhere." Cloud shallow moon looked at the Cang Pavilion, the voice means quite deep.

When they heard this, they suddenly realized that their feelings were the top ten aristocratic families. The young master of Cang family also liked the young lady of the cloud palace. They couldn't make love, so they made sarcastic remarks and made difficulties. Looking at the Cang pavilion's eyes, all of a sudden, there are many other colors, and even show pity for it.

Cang Ting slightly lowered his head and could not see his expression. He only turned the pen in his hand gently, one circle after another. He did not deny the words of yunqianyue, nor did he show that he liked the embarrassment of her being broken.

This kind of pavilion just let people explore more about today's affairs.

"Ha ha, little girl, you are really popular!" Night light dye laughs, glanced at more than a thousand people, Yang voice way: "today, the people in this can be doomed to be sad people."

All of them are together, and their heads are down. A woman like Miss shallow moon is not something everyone can afford.

"Let's go! Go in! The time is coming. I believe that you have a piece of "admonishing the emperor". In today's scientific examination, people here can make good articles. " Night light dye looked at the Cang Pavilion and asked Rong Jing with a smile, "weak beauty, don't you think so?"

"Nature! I am a great country with many talents. " "It's a pity that Tian Sheng doesn't have a female official system. Otherwise, the carefree master around me can also rely on her talent of bluffing to seek a position."

Yun Qianyue rolled her eyes. She did take things from Wei Zheng, but he had to cooperate with her to frighten people. When she recited this piece of advice to Taizong, he was stunned? Later, he also lamented the loyalty and benevolence of Emperor Taizong. Now that he made trouble for cangting, he changed it into "admonishment book". Didn't he ask her to recite it in front of these people and bluff others again, so that cangting would be convinced and accept the hearts of these students? Because his reputation has been praised for ten years. Even if he wins cangting Pavilion, it is no longer surprising. But she is different. Her reputation has been ruined for many years. Now when she shows her talent, it is naturally shocking. Her appearance is thousands of times better than his appearance. Now thanks to him, he dare to speak out. She was speechless for a moment.

But people obviously don't know the twists and turns and the black heart thinking. Thinking that miss Qianyue can make such articles, Jing Shizi, who is better than her, is naturally even better, and looks at Rongjing with more reverence.

"The little girl's talent is not only a little bit. Maybe one day, Tian Sheng will set up a female official system." Night light dye laughs.

Cloud light moon mind move, look to night light dye, night light dye to her blink eyes.

At this time, the time for the entrance of the scientific examination had arrived, and the bell rang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!