The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1301

"Oh? Are you sure you're not kidding Cang Ting raised his lips and said with a sarcastic smile, "Miss shallow moon is really capable. Should she even do the admonition book? Do you know that women can't discuss politics? "

"Two thousand years ago there was a female emperor, a thousand years ago there was a female emperor, and now there is a female emperor in southern Xinjiang. The fact that women can't discuss politics is just the discrimination and restriction on women stipulated by the emperor of heaven, which shows the dignity of the first emperor. It is not a conclusion from ancient times! " Cloud shallow moon looks at Cang Pavilion coldly, "in the eyes of Cang Shao Lord, women should not enter this chief secretary, and should not enter the hall of elegance. But who says that women can only be fragrant

"In this case, Miss shallow moon wants to make a bet with me just like Jing Shizi?" Cang Pavilion raises eyebrows.

"I don't make a bet, I just write an article. Although your bets with Rongjing are related to me, they can also have nothing to do with me. I don't interfere in gambling. I just write an admonition letter before you. Dare you let me be a woman The moon is staring at the pavilion.

"Since Miss shallow moon has such an elegant interest, we students also have ear blessing! Why not? Miss moon, please Cang pavilion a smile, "but shallow moon miss can't sing" remonstrance letter "into the sound of decadent affection. Except for Jing Shizi, we people can't digest it. "

The eyes of the light, who does not know? Is God born of a man? I always think that it is the most difficult and the greatest thing for a woman to have a baby in October. It seems that the little Lord has no such consciousness. "

Cang pavilion looks cold.

Yun Qianyue pulled back a game, looked at him, and said in a clear voice: "the minister hears that those who seek the elders of wood will consolidate their roots; those who want to flow far away will dredge their springs; those who think about the security of the country will accumulate their morality and righteousness. If the source is not deep and the flow is far away, the root is not solid and the wood is long; if the morality is not thick and the country's security is concerned, although the minister is stupid, he knows that it is not possible, let alone be wise? The king of man should be the most important artifact and the largest one in the world. He will worship the preciseness of the heaven and keep the boundless rest forever. He does not want to think about danger in times of safety, abstain from extravagance and thrift. He does not live up to his thick morality, and his feelings are too strong to satisfy his desire. He also cuts down roots in order to make the trees luxuriant, and he wants to grow long by cutting down the source If you are a gentleman, if you can be sincere, you will know enough to abstain; if you will do something, you will be able to stop thinking; if you think about high risk, you will think about being modest and rushing; if you are afraid of overflowing, you will think of rivers and rivers; if you are happy, you will think three drives; if you are worried about slack, you will start thinking carefully and respect the end; if you are worried about obstruction, you will be able to accept empty heart; if you are afraid of calumny, you will think about being upright to detract from evil; if you are kind, you will be able to reward falsely; if you are kind, you will be rewarded falsely; if you are kind, you will be punished As far as we can see, we can't get angry and abuse punishment. In general, the ten thoughts are based on the nine virtues, which are simple and can be chosen. If you choose to follow the good, the wise will do their best, the brave will do their best, the benevolent will benefit them, and those who believe will obey their loyalty. If the civil and military struggle, the monarch and the officials will have nothing to do, they can enjoy the pleasure of traveling, raise the longevity of Songqiao, play the piano and hang the arch. Why bother to think so hard, to serve the wise ears and eyes, to lose the way of inaction? "

Yun Qianyue moved out Wei Zheng's ten thoughts on remonstrating Taizong. It's not that she bullies cangting, but cangting is too hateful. For five or six thousand years in China, she did not think that any piece of "admonishing the emperor" could be better than Wei Zheng's ten thoughts on Emperor Taizong. She did not think that cangting could make a better article than this one.

Her voice is clear, calm, calm, every word, a "admonishment book" half a pause.

More than a thousand people outside the chief secretary listened in silence, including Rongjing.

The voice of the cloud and the moon fell, and suddenly a loud drink came from the chief secretary

Sound familiar, excited, excited, but also with joy and admiration, it is night light dye.

Yunqianyue turns back and sees ye qingran standing at the gate of the chief secretary. Ye Tianyi stands beside yeqingran, with a handsome face and a pair of Phoenix eyes staring at her, as black as a deep pool. Her heart was tight, and then Rongjing's hand reached out and firmly grasped her. Her heart was instantly stabilized.

"Good!" Shen Zhao yelled in the crowd, excited and excited.

"Good!" Shen Zhao's voice dropped, and a series of shouts were heard around him.

Within a moment, the shouts of more than a thousand people converged into a line. Everyone's eyes at Xiangyun Qianyue are excited and excited. They can't see the earlier startling, looking at, doubting, even disapproving, criticizing and disdaining. They are all convinced by her admonishment book, especially when she stands there, with Qinghua temperament, Qingli, calm eyes and noble posture. In sharp contrast to her reputation as a dirty dandy. For the first time, those who have had a different view of her under the stigma that has been circulating for years, will completely change her outlook for the first time.

Everyone thought, it turned out that Miss shallow moon was so talented.

At the same time, she thought that her talent was not only that she played a song of Phoenix to ask for a wife on the 55th birthday of the former Emperor, but also that song that no one knows the name of Qin Qu Qing song from the purple bamboo forest, but that she could make a "admonition letter" that even the great scholars in the world could not match.

In fact, the fame of those dandies who don't know big characters, poetry, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, calligraphy and painting is all because she doesn't respect the imperial edict and disobeys the emperor's order, openly beating the imperial concubine, princess, throwing a cold face, destroying the imperial edict, and going into and out of the Council hall a few days ago There are too many arrogant things about storming into the golden palace to destroy the Dragon chair. It sounds too domineering, so her talent is covered up.This moment of cloud shallow moon, so amazing attention, can not move the line of sight.

At this moment, more than a thousand people present witnessed her talent and calmness, and finally understood why King Shizi, who was "looking back and smiling at the world", only fell in love with her. Finally, they understood the rumors about the Regent, the little prince dye, the son of Rongfeng, the prince Yu, and the prince Leng who liked her. How can such a woman be unpleasant?

Thousands of students outside the Chief Secretary seemed to be ignited with dry firewood or boiled water. For a moment, the sound was loud. From the beginning of the "good" word, gradually turned into "shallow moon Miss" words.

Some places of the ancients were more romantic and open than modern people. Also than modern people have the courage to express their own likes and dislikes.

Hearing the deafening voice, Yun Qianyue thinks that she was wrong. The weak scholar is also a man of three feet. You can look down on other places, but you can't underestimate this voice. Her ears are crumbling.

But the heart is still a sigh of relief, listen to such a voice, this game was pulled over by her!

Even if cangting does a better admonition book than this one, she can't slander the seeds she planted in these people's hearts. From now on, at least these people will no longer question Rongjing's conduct because of her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!