The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1300

Cang Ting burst into a smile. "I really can't explain it to you. But miss shallow moon and King Shizi are both characters. Should you also be wary of your influence on others? Do you want all the people in the world since childhood made parents' orders, matchmaker's words of marriage engagement like a piece of waste paper? Can you ignore your fiance and make friends with others

Yunqianyue narrowed her eyes and looked at the Cang Pavilion coldly. "First, I am the legitimate daughter of the cloud palace, and there is the ancestral precept that the legitimate daughter enters the palace. Only then did my mother and the emperor make an engagement. Now that the ancestral precept is lifted, the engagement naturally has no basis. Secondly, there are two blank papers in the imperial edict of the former Emperor, and there are too many things to do about the engagement. Thirdly, there are more people who repent of their marriage. Isn't the blue and the wind family destroying the marriage? Luoyao and Rongjing, the princess of the East China Sea, have also ruined their marriage. The engagement between me and ye Tianyi is absurd, and it will be destroyed sooner or later. Lord Cang, today is a scientific examination, but you don't think about it. Standing here and saying such irrelevant words with me, what is your intention? "

Cang Pavilion leisurely smile, "I don't have any intention. I just think that Jing Shizi and miss Xiaoyue are too swaggering. Everyone has the right to denounce people who are not used to it

"Injustice?" Cloud shallow moon suddenly sneers, "Cang Shao Lord only saw this injustice, why didn't he see other unfair things? One hundred years ago, King Rong and empress Zhenjing fell in love. The first emperor broke up their marriage, took queen Zhenjing into the palace and took the wife of his ministers. This is unfair. A hundred years ago, King Yun saved the first emperor from danger several times. However, the first emperor finally let him bear the charge of slaughtering the city of Jiangshui. This is unfair. Ten years ago, King Rong did not die of miasma, but died in Tiansheng. Someone persecuted him with Shicao. This is unfair. It was also ten years ago that Marquis Wenbo's house was destroyed overnight. The murderer was the empress of Ming Fei in the palace, but she was covered up by the emperor for ten years. Now her whereabouts are unknown. This is unfair. Rong Jing and I have been assassinated by the dead several times, but the murderer can understand everything. We can't find out. There are few people in the world who can have such skills. As for who it is, I don't need to say? This is unfair. There are so many unfair things. What is such a small engagement? Do you still use me to list them for you

Cang Ting looked at the cloud and the moon with a smile, "Miss shallow moon has such a fierce mouth! Is it with this mouth that he coaxed Jing Shizi? I've known the power of Miss shallow moon for more than a day. Miss shallow moon can not see the emperor and imperial power in the eyes, naturally disdain this small engagement, but you do not observe the female boudoir, do not know the patriarchal clan ethics, you do not feel ashamed of the ancestors of the cloud palace? Don't you feel ashamed of the name Yun and the empress of Zhonggong in the world of mother Yi of all ages? "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly angry, she to who have shame, what matter with him?

"I don't know that God loves to fight with women!" Rong Jing saw that Yun Xiaoyue was already angry, and held her hand tightly. He slightly laughed at cangting Pavilion. It was a common saying, but it was fresh and pleasant to say from his mouth. It was like a spring breeze, which diluted the cold air around him in a moment.

"What a fight? Miss shallow moon and I have known each other for the next ten years. Today, miss Qianyue doesn't know anything. She's too arrogant. But nobody in heaven dares to say anything about her. Let me tell you something. I hope Miss shallow moon can change it, which can be regarded as an example to women all over the world. " Cang Ting laughs.

"It's just an old friend that I haven't seen on one side, so it shouldn't be regarded as an old friend. Even if she is an old friend, she is not qualified to preach to her The face is light, the voice is warm and cool, "Cang Shao Lord, don't forget your identity."

"Is Jing Shizi threatening me?" Cang Pavilion raises eyebrows.

"There is no one who can threaten the scenery. There is a man who is just the jade Prince of Donghai. " Rong Jing gently flicked his sleeve, and his voice was warm and moist, "Cang Shao Lord takes himself as a character too much! This is the examination room of the chief secretary. If you stop the assistant Prime Minister of the imperial court and say that these are not related to state affairs and argument, I can punish you for disturbing the scientific examination by expelling the examination room. "

"I'm telling you the truth. Is Jing Shizi angry? If you want to dismiss me from the examination room, I really have nothing to say, but can you stop me? You and miss Xiaoyue, regardless of their engagement, sleep and eat together. If it is publicized, such conduct is dirty and deficient, and the etiquette and law are regarded as nothing. Should the praise of the people all over the world be discounted? You also fail to live up to the praise of the people all over the world. Everyone says that King Shizi is a man of high sun, with unparalleled style, who knows poetry and etiquette. Those poems and books are for others to read. Etiquette and law, faith and righteousness, loyalty and morality, and quality and behavior are not learned into your heart. " Cang Ting laughs.

Rong Jing's eyes narrowed.

Thousands of people outside the chief secretary's examination room did not even breathe for a moment.

Yunqianyue was very angry. She thought that Cang Ting must have been prepared and had no plan to wait here today. She wanted to use her words to dispel these people's admiration for Rongjing and make him lose his reputation. Even if he didn't lose his reputation, he should not be used by Rongjing and join the team of night Tianyi. If we don't turn the tables today, the new officials will be controlled by Ye Tianyi in the future. The future is not good for Rongjing in the dynasty. Her hand is tight.

A moment later, Rongjing suddenly laughed, "Jing has never felt that he is higher than others. The Lord cangshao has praised me too much!" He looked around him, and his eyes lit up slightly. "Since Cang Shao Lord thinks that his conduct and talent are extremely high, he can be the great responsibility of his country and teach others a lot of things. If he does well and is respected by the students in the world, then Jing is willing to remove the position of prime minister, and let the virtuous and the little Lord have no name of Rongjing from now on What's the name of Cang ShaoWhen they heard the speech, they all took a breath of cool air. Everyone looked at Rongjing in surprise.

"Is king Shizi joking?" Cang Pavilion raises eyebrows.

"Rongjing never talks or laughs!" Rong Jing has a warm voice and a light complexion.

"Good!" The Cang Pavilion raised its voice and stood up from the wall.

Seeing Cang Ting's promise, they took a breath of cold air again. Rongjing was the first child prodigy of Tiansheng since he was seven years old. In the next ten years, Rongjing was more talented than Tiansheng's all previous literary and martial arts masters. No one could reach him. He was highly praised by master Lingyin, the first eminent monk in the world, and became an invincible existence even in the world. Every one of his poems and prose was read by the world. This is the first time he has been questioned. In addition to their surprise, they were all very excited. After all, such a thing is rare in a hundred years.

"Jingshizi, how about I start now?" Cang Pavilion inquires about Rongjing.

Before Rongjing opened his mouth, Yun Qianyue suddenly said in a clear voice: "wait a minute. Since the Lord Cang is coming for me today, he thinks that I am a woman with no talent, no virtue, and no moral integrity, I can't do anything without this gambling agreement, because he has polluted him with powder incense and dragged him into the filthy mire as I am? How about I do a piece of remonstrance? To compete with the Lord of Cang Shao. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!