The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1251

The moon jumped out of the carriage. The curtain fell and Rongjing's carriage left the fourth Prince's mansion.

The fourth Prince's house has been heavily guarded since the day of the emperor's great funeral. It was about that night Tianyi had spoken in advance, so the guards opened the door to her as soon as the moon came.

Cloud shallow moon carried into the fourth Prince's house, only a few days, the fourth Prince's house has been desolate and desolate. She still remembers the bustle of yetian Yu's birthday when she came back from Qingshan city's flood control, as well as her wedding, red silk and flowers. But now the courtyard is cold and desolate.

I didn't see a few servants all the way. It should be that night Tianyu had been dismissed on that day. Some of them were loyal and unwilling to leave, so they stayed in the house.

A maid in coarse clothes came out and saw the cloud and the moon. Her eyes were red. She called out, "Miss shallow moon!"

Yunqianyue recognized the maid Haitang who was waiting for ye Tianyu. She nodded to her and asked, "where is sister Zhao?"

"The side imperial concubine's condition is not very good, the imperial doctor has come to see twice, took medicine also does not work, has been coughing." Malus hypoglossa.

"Show me to see her." Cloud light moon command.

Begonia nodded and walked to the courtyard with cloud and moon. Come to the main hall of the night sky Yu, push open the door, a strong smell of rotten gas came out, accompanied by the violent cough in the inner hall, which makes people tight.

Yunqianyue walked two steps to the inner hall. She only saw Zhao Kehan lying on the bed for a few days. She was skinny and skinny. Her face was pale and bloodless. She could hardly recognize her figure. She changed her face and called out, "sister Zhao!"

Zhao Kehan's cough voice pauses for a moment, nods his head, and continues to cough.

"Pour a glass of water Cloud shallow moon to Begonia command.

Begonia immediately poured a cup of water to the bed. Yunqianyue took it and patted Zhao Kehan's back to give her good Qi. After half a sound, she stopped coughing and said in a low voice: "sister Yue, you are finally here. I'm afraid that once I close my eyes, I can't wake up."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to her pulse, complexion a change, "how can such?"

Zhao Kehan shook his head and looked at her. His voice was so hoarse that he couldn't say: "I don't know..."

"How could you..." Cloud shallow month's hand some trembles, Zhao Kehan's pulse appearance unexpectedly is the oil exhausted lamp withers like, the old emperor died this just more than a month? She is such a strong woman, under how much pressure to marry Ye Tianyu, but she can't bear the pain of missing these days?

"Sister Yue, I'm not as strong as you think. I can't help loving someone. In particular, I clearly know that the person will not have a good end, but still moths to the fire. From married him, later miscarriage, slippery fetus, I was depressed in the heart, and then day by day is worse. Now I know I can't live without the doctor Zhao Kehan road.

Yunqianyue's eyes were wet. Yes, how did she forget that Qin Yuning had martial arts skills and could withstand the poison of Zicao's slippery fetus. However, Zhao Kehan had no internal skills. In addition, she was so depressed that she didn't take care of her body in time. She regretted that she had come early. I thought you were strong, but I didn't expect that

"Although it's closed here, I've heard about things outside. The Regent threatened you with thousands of lives. You can't come in early." Zhao Kehan shook his head.

Cloud shallow moon pursed lips, stood up, "Rong Jing has a millennium Ganoderma lucidum, I'm going to bring it to you."

Zhao Kehan holds cloud shallow moon's hand, shakes his head, "my own body I know, already medicine stone has no medicine. A thousand years of Ganoderma doesn't work. Don't waste it. "

"Don't you want to see ye Tianyu again?" Yunqianyue looks at her.

Zhao Kehan's face was dark.

"I'll take you to him! Even if we break the prison of the Ministry of punishment, we will let you see him. " Cloud shallow month reaches out to hold Zhao Kehan, want to take her to leave.

"No Zhao Kehan shakes his head, the cloud shallow month hand a meal, she low voice way: "no see! I can marry him, accompany him for some days, already satisfied. If I saw him like this, how could he survive? " After a pause, she whispered, "I want him to live."

How can you understand how smart she is? She thought of Rongjing's words, saying that she was not the Savior, and some things could not help her. At that time, she thought that Rongjing was afraid of Zhao Kehan and begged her to take her to see ye Tianyu, but she was soft hearted and agreed. Later, she was coerced by Ye Tianyi and ran to him to ask for instructions. She specially ordered him. But it turned out that Zhao Kehan's body was so dry that she could not control the life and death of human beings even though she had a good command of her hands and eyes.

"Sister Yue, you promise me that we must find a way to make him live! I just hope that one day he will come out of that cage and go to my grave every year, and I will be happy Zhao Kehan shook the hand of Yun Qianyue and said in a soft voice, "he is only nineteen. His life is still so long. There is hope to live and nothing to die. I really want to be with him, but I can't keep up with him... "

The cloud is shallow, and the lips close.

"Promise me, will you? My sister will be a cow and a horse in the next life... " Zhao Kehan prayed and looked at the moon.

Yun Qianyue tried to hold back her tears and nodded, "I promise you, I will let him live well. What are the mountains and rivers? What is that chair? You can watch the sunrise, enjoy the sunset, go boating, swim the lake, watch the snow and the moon. When he died, he cultivated loess and buried two handfuls of mud. In a few years, who will remember who you are. "Zhao Kehan said in a low voice: "if it is possible, let him marry a good woman early in the future. I don't want him to live alone, and I won't wait for him on the huangquan road. It's too tired to love a person. I don't want to love again in the next life. If I can, I will ask to be loved in the next life

"A good man like you must have an afterlife." Cloud shallow moon holds her hand.

Zhao Kehan smiles, pale face seems to be stained with some kind of light, in a moment, she slowly closed her eyes, holding the cloud light moon hand gradually lost strength.

Cloud shallow moon face color big change, stretch out a hand to push her, "Zhao elder sister!"

Zhao Kehan closed his eyes and stopped moving.

Begonia immediately cried, "side imperial concubine..."

Yunqianyue was shocked, she didn't think of herself. She saw Zhao Kehan for the last time. She came to listen to her last words. Her body was warm and warm. She just coughed. She also spoke to her. She called her sister Yue and asked him to let Ye Tianyu live. But in a flash, this person had no breath. She couldn't accept it for a while, and her body trembled.

"Miss shallow moon, the side concubine knew that she couldn't do it a few days ago. She was waiting for you with a breath, and wanted to tell you all she wanted to tell you, so she held on for a few days, otherwise it would have been..." Begonia choked and speechless.

Cloud shallow moon originally has tears in her eyes, but suddenly she has no tears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!