The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1250

On this day, yunqianyue still lived in Rongwang mansion, but stayed up all night.

In the morning of the next day, Rongjing and yunqianyue left the Rong palace, and did not go straight into the palace. Instead, they turned to the cloud palace.

At the gate of King Yun's mansion, Lord Yun has already equipped himself with a gift and is ready to leave. There are six carts for the gift, which shows the great treatment of nanlingrui's accession to the throne.

Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue's carriage arrived. Yun Xiaoyue jumped out of the carriage with the package in her hand. She said in a low voice to her, "I sewed a robe for my brother all night, not to mention a gift. I felt that I had torn his sleeves in my sleep last time. I felt sorry to accompany him."

Yu Qingqing took a look at her and scolded, "Stinky girl!"

"Tell him that being the king of Nanliang is also my brother. When I can't get along in Tiansheng, he has to give me some support. Besides, don't always look at my uncle's face and be kind. Some softhearted people should stop at the right time. If they are too soft hearted, they may not be beneficial to him, or even give people opportunities to take advantage of them. " Cloud shallow moon road.

Yu Qingqing nodded, "that smelly boy is not stupid. He knows it in his heart."

"Dad, it will take you at least half a month to go back and forth? Be careful on the way. You can protect my mother. I don't know what ye Tianyi's idea is, but no matter what he thinks, your safety is the first. Don't think you can do anything. The older generation is not good at fighting with the younger generation. You think about my brother, think about me. After so many years of separation, I finally meet you. Don't die before you share the happiness of your family. In that case, I won't burn paper for you Cloud shallow moon is serious to cloud Lord Ye way.

"Dead girl, do you curse your parents like that?" Yu Qingqing shines on the cloud, and the moon beats her head.

King Yun reached out and touched her head, smiling genially, "we know that your mother and I have no other strengths. We are the best at running. How can we live a few more years to see our grandchildren and grandchildren. Don't worry

Cloud light moon cough a light, think grandson can have first, grandson

Lord Yun turned to Rongjing and patted his hand. "This little girl is not cold sometimes. It's hot. Well, it's just like you lost your temper that day and ruined the boy's cloak. I think it's very good. She can't get used to it. "

"Yes, don't get used to her. Don't do everything for her. Let her do it by herself. " Yu Qingqing answered.

Yunqianyue rolled her eyes and wanted to study whether they were her parents or not.

Rong Jing nodded with a smile and said in a warm voice, "I'll never get used to her again."

Cloud shallow month turns a face not to look at them, stretch out a hand to hold Rong Jing rudely, some indignant, "get on! If you delay further, you will miss your morning

Rongjing no longer talks, and laughs and gets on the car with the moon.

With a whip of string song, the carriage left the cloud palace.

King Yun and Yu Qingqing both laughed and scolded Yun Qianyue, and then they got into the prepared car, and the motorcade began to walk.

Cloud shallow month sits in the car still indignant ground, "Rong Jing, they are your father and mother? Am I a daughter-in-law? "

Rongjing chuckled, "about it."

"I've never seen such a father and mother selling girls!" Cloud shallow month denounces cloud Wang Ye, "mother in law looks at her son-in-law more and more pleasing to the eye, this is just it, but why does my father follow suit?"

"In Uncle yuan's heart, aunt Qing is the first." The scenery is slow and leisurely.

Yunqianyue wants to refute, but she has to admit that he is right. She is even more angry and dissatisfied like a child, but before the discontent comes out, Rongjing whispers softly: "in my heart, you are the first. After we have children, you are also the first."

Cloud shallow moon's face Teng ground red, "who wants to have a child with you?"

Rong Jing looked at her, "in order to let uncle yuan and aunt Qing hold her grandson early, we need to work hard."

Yunqianyue put out his hand to cover his face, and suddenly let go, and his eyes were smiling at him. "You are respected by people all over the world. You are omnipotent in the hearts of the common people. How powerful you are. Everything can be done. There is nothing that is difficult for you. Even I adore it. You have done the baby thing alone?"

Rong Jing's face was black. He stretched out his hand and pulled the moon into his arms and looked down at her. "Uncle yuan is right. You need more discipline. You can't get used to it." Then he lowered his head and bit her lips.

The cloud shallow month "Oh" then did not have the sound, will her a belly smile all swallow back.

Until the cloud shallow moon beg for mercy, Rongjing just let go of her, voice slightly dumb, "after you don't obey, some methods punish you."

What does yunqianyue want to say? She touches the light of Rongjing's warning eyes, gasps and swallows back to his stomach. She coughs and laughs: "in fact, I'll ask you what you can't do. I'll I want to say I can do it. "

Rong Jing looked at her, angry and smiling, took out a piece of Juan PA Gai on her face, spit out two words, "wait!"

Cloud shallow moon body tremble, feel shake but he, still calm some! So he didn't dare to move again under the cover of Juan PA.

The carriage continues to move forward, Xian song sits in front of the car, wants to smile, dare not smile, suffocating his face red.After walking for a long time, a carriage in front of him met Rongjing's carriage. Brunei's voice rang out, "King Shizi!"

"What's the matter with Mr. Wen?" Rong Jing asked in a warm voice.

"The Regent said that the fourth Prince's side concubine had been ill for several days, and now it's even worse. Since King Yun has recognized her as her adoptive daughter, Miss shallow moon's righteous sister, he should go to see her and talk about his own feelings." Brunei, be careful.

Cloud shallow moon face suddenly sink down, annoyed way: "the person she wants to see is not me, it is night day Yu. Don't the Regent understand? Did the Regent allow me to take her to see yetianyu? "

Brunei did not dare to speak.

"What else did he say?" cloud asked, suppressing her anger

Brunei shook his head. "The Regent said nothing more. He only told the slaves to convey them."

Cloud light moon looks to Rongjing.

"I'll take you to the fourth Prince's house."

Although the cloud shallow moon resents night Tianyi, but also felt that really should go to see Zhao Kehan, then nodded.

Rong Jing ordered, the carriage turned to the fourth Prince's house. Brunei was relieved and returned to the palace.

When the carriage stopped at the gate of the fourth Prince's mansion, Rongjing looked at Yun Qianyue and said, "you are not the Savior. Some things can't help you. The failure of the fourth prince should have been a dead end. Why the Regent left him is not only to restrain General Chen's subordinates and gain a reputation for his brother's benevolence and righteousness in the hearts of the people, but also because of you and your maintenance of him. "

"I understand!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"If you want to stay here, stay here today. If you don't want to stay, go to the palace to find me or go back to King Rong's house." Rongjing will not say more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!