The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1252

It seems that after a long time, and seems to have passed a cup of tea time, cloud light moon suddenly stood up and went out.

"Miss moon..." The Begonia subconsciously called for the moon.

Yunqianyue stopped, looked back at the Begonia and said to her, "I will come to bury her later."

Begonia cried and nodded.

Cloud shallow moon went out, her step on the ground, fell a deep impression. She has been to the fourth Prince's house for countless times. Two months ago, she and yetian inclined together to promote yetianyu and Zhao Kehan. Now, two of the four people who were originally dead, one is in the cell, and only she is standing here.

When she came to the gate of the fourth Prince's mansion, the carriage which was light and warm at night came. When she saw the moon, she immediately cried out with joy, "sister Yue, I was just going to go in to look for you, and you came out."

Cloud shallow moon looks at the night light and warm, the woman is petite and bright, a face of sunshine, innocent, life is so beautiful, but some people can't enjoy it any more. She suddenly closed her eyes, waved and cut off the reins of her carriage. In the night's warm and startled voice, she turned over and mounted the horse. Her legs were sandwiched between the horse's abdomen, and the horse's hooves were raised. She went to the palace without saying a word.

At night, the light and warm carriage swayed and hit the ground. She held the shaft of the car, and her face was a little white. Some of them couldn't believe it. Seeing Yun Qianyue riding towards the palace, she turned her head and asked the soldiers at the door, "what's wrong with sister Yun?"

The soldiers at the door shook their heads.

Night light warm quickly out of the carriage, to the house, no soldiers stop her, she walked all the way to the inner courtyard.

Cry came from the hospital. The night was light and warm, and his face changed. He grabbed a maid and asked, "what's going on?"

"Side concubine The side concubine just died... " The maid sobbed bitterly.

The night was warm and startled. After walking for two steps, he suddenly remembered something and ran to the door. When he came to the door, he told a soldier, "quickly, quickly lead me a horse, and I will enter the palace."

The soldier went immediately, and soon brought a horse. He turned over at night and went to the palace.

Early this day, people on the street saw two horses galloping across the street, as fast as lightning. A purple like smoke, a white cloud like snow.

In the early morning, the cold wind blows on the face of the cloud and the moon, as if she didn't feel it. The people on the street saw the horse coming, they were scared to avoid, and some people who couldn't get away from it were all shaken away by her.

Soon came to the gate of the palace, cloud light moon did not dismount, straight into the palace gate.

The imperial guards at the palace gate were shocked. She was arrogant and domineering, but she had never seen her riding into the palace gate. The Imperial Palace symbolizes the majesty of the imperial power. At the gate of the palace, there is "the civil servants get off the sedan chair, and the military officer gets off the horse." In the end. All of them have a look at it. Commander Zhao of the royal forest army immediately takes a team of people to chase after the moon.

Yunqianyue went straight to the meeting hall, turned over and dismounted, and rushed inside.

There was no one else in the meeting hall except a few eunuchs. She remembered that she should be in the early days. She turned out of the Council hall and went to the Jinluan hall.

When she came to Jinluan hall, she went straight inside.

Someone at the door saw that she came to the golden hall and walked inside. Qi Qi stopped her, "Miss shallow moon, please Ah... "

Stop the person's words did not finish, the cloud shallow moon waved to lift to fly out, her face cold ground into the golden palace.

The seat on the Dragon chair in the golden hall was empty. A seat was set under the Dragon chair. On the top of the seat was the Regent night Tianyi, and below stood the civil and military officials. Rongjing ranked first on the left and Prince de was the first on the right. In the early morning, there was a man in the middle of the memorial. At this time, they all heard the sound of the door. Qi Qi looked back and looked out. When he saw the cloud and the moon coming in, they were all surprised. This is the first time a woman has broken into the golden palace.

Night Tianyi originally slightly lowered his head, at this time also looked up to the cloud light moon.

Rong Jing slowly side over the body, looking at the cloud shallow moon, the eye light has a trace of clarity and heartache.

Cloud shallow moon step by step, step by step, landing sound. The whole golden hall was very quiet, only her footsteps could be heard. She walked very steadily, and the place she passed was cold.

"Miss moon, you are..." Prince de looked at the clouds and the moon.

Cloud light moon ignore, straight to night Tianyi.

"What are you going to do, little girl?" Night light dye hands to catch cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue waved away from night light dye's hand, a strong air current, night light dye not only did not catch her, the body was also shaken back two steps by her, he stood next to the two ministers suffered disaster, unable to resist fell to the ground.

"Sister!" Cloud from a cry, but see the scene did not move, and did not go forward.

"Miss shallow moon, this is the golden palace. What can I do for you..." Prince Xiao also spoke at this time.

Cloud light moon eyes a blink does not blink, tightly stares at night Tianyi sitting above, step by step toward him.

"King Shizi, this Prince de looks at Rongjing.

The scenery is as if it were not heard.

Yunqianyue passed by Rongjing without stopping. He did not stop her. He watched her climb the golden steps and stood in front of night Tianyi. She was cold and cold, but night Tianyi had no expression, her eyes were dark, and she sat on her chair without moving. For a moment, cloud shallow moon suddenly hands, a strong wind out."Little girl!"

"Miss moon!"


The crowd exclaimed in surprise and looked at the cloud and the moon with wide eyes. Night light dye has already flew over to block the cloud and the moon, and is gently brushed by Rongjing's sleeve. A strong force blocks back. Those who want to go forward are blocked by this powerful invisible force, and can't get close to it.

Night light dye facial expression is white, angry way: "Rong Jing, what do you do?"

The scene does not catch a glimpse of the night, but looks up to the steps.

Ye Tianyi doesn't seem to feel the powerful power of the cloud and the moon. He still sits there.

In a moment, the gold chair on the top of which no one sat was smashed, and the gold chair made of pure gold turned into pieces of gold. It rolled down the steps, crackled and vibrated.

They watched in horror as the chairs that emperors of the heavenly sage Dynasty had been sitting for a hundred years were turned into rubble. They could not cry out. Many people's eyes were bigger than the copper bell.

Cloud shallow moon withdraws hand, coldly looks at Ye Tianyi, word by word tunnel: "Ye Tianyi, Zhao Kehan is dead!"

Night Tianyi nods, the bottom of the eyes is dim, it seems that there is not a trace of light, "her body oil, lamp dry, today's deadline."

"I have destroyed the golden chair of Tiansheng. Are you going to send me to the prison of the Ministry of punishment? Or on the spot? " Cloud shallow moon eye light has condensed ice, "can show your Regent's Supreme Identity?"

Ye Tianyi shakes her head and says faintly: "this chair has passed a hundred years. I want to destroy it for a long time. It's just right for you to destroy it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!