The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1249

Night light dye face a dark, "he so to you, throw you a few days no matter, how do you so quickly with him?"? Forgive him? That's what you're doing? "

"I have no ambition for a big woman." Yunqianyue doesn't want to get entangled with ye qingran here, waving her hand, "what should you do? Don't make any noise here. It's not easy for me to be here. Don't let people think that I really affected everyone's business because of you."

Night light dye choked for a while, looking at the cloud shallow moon no words.

"What are you doing here? Do you have something to tell him? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Night light dye shakes his head, slightly hums to Rong Jing, turns to walk. After two steps, he turned back to her and said, "Qingnuan haven't seen you for many years. I want to talk to you. Today I went to Rong Wang's mansion to find you. It's about a surprise." I went out.

Cloud shallow moon smile, did not speak, continue to read. Mind but thought of the night light warm body. The little girl had been away for six years. Now, in such a troubled time, Prince de took her back. I don't know whether it was because she was in good health and could come back, or because of some reason, she preferred to believe in the former.

In the afternoon, the half day passed quickly. Rongjing put down his pen and said to Yun Qianyue, "back to the house!"

Yunqianyue immediately put down the book and stood up.

Rongjing held her hand and took her out of the xi'nuang Pavilion. He met Ye Tianyi coming out of the dongnuang Pavilion. He took a look at them, but did not speak. He walked out of the meeting hall first.

After yunqianyue and Rongjing came out of the meeting hall, the sun was already to the west, and they went outside the palace.

At the gate of the Imperial Palace, a familiar carriage stopped there. The night was light and warm. It was holding the curtain to look out. Seeing Rongjing and yunqianyue coming out, they immediately cried out with joy, "brother Jing, sister Yun!"

Rong Jing and cloud light moon stopped at the same time, Rong Jing Wen said with a smile, "it turned out to be a little princess."

"Brother Jing, you're not interesting enough. How can I say that you and sister Yun can get well this time. How can you bully sister Yun and not even let me meet? The day before yesterday, I went to Rong Wang's house and was blocked by elder sister Yun's rest. Today, I went to Rong Wang's house and she was brought by you. The meeting hall was empty. Now I have to wait here. You can't help me to see her this time? "

Finally, she looked at Rongjing with pride.

Rong Jing laughed, "since the little princess has returned to Beijing, she will talk to her for a long time. It's a day and a half. "

"I miss sister Yun! I've been back in Beijing for several days, and I haven't talked to her properly Sitting in the car, he waved to the moon, "I don't care. Sister Yun wants to play with me tonight. Brother Jing, you must not object. "

Rong Jing said with a smile: "I can not object, but tomorrow uncle Yun Wang will be sent to Xiliang. She wants to get up early to send uncle Yun. Today, I can't be too tired."

"Well." Night light warm show eyebrows wrinkled, see cloud shallow moon has not spoken, to her way: "cloud elder sister, that tomorrow we play together?"

Cloud shallow moon smiles at her, "tomorrow if you have time also can."

The night is light and warm, see cloud shallow moon to agree, immediately cheers, to Rong Jing complacently looked at, "king elder brother, cloud elder sister can promise me! You must not obstruct tomorrow. "

Rong Jing laughed and said to her, "it's getting late. Go back to the mansion quickly." Words fall, then pull cloud shallow moon to his carriage to go.

Xiange immediately lifted the curtain of the car. They got on the car and the carriage started.

Night Qingnuan watched the black carriage go away, and spit out his tongue playfully. When he turned back, he saw that night qingran came out of the palace and called out, "brother, I'm here."

Night light dye frowned at her and got on the carriage. The curtain fell and the carriage went to Prince Deqin's house.

Rongjing and yunqianyue did not speak for a moment, and the carriage went quietly. After turning a street, qingti suddenly flew into the carriage with a note tied to her leg. Rongjing stretched out his hand and untied the note on qingti's leg, took a look at it, and whispered to Yun Qianyue: "after the soul of the goddess protecting the state of Xiyan has returned to heaven, the king of Xiyan is in deep sorrow and has committed suicide together."

Cloud shallow moon is startled, "as expected be you say right! But it's too fast. "

"I'm not happy either. The goddess of the protection of the country has been using medicine for a long time. I feel relieved to have her son accompany her for such a long time." Rongjing looked at the note and said: "before the king of Xiyan committed suicide, he wrote down the imperial edict in front of all the civil and military officials, and he succeeded him. Take the throne first, then mourn. To the people of all countries, only to seek stability. "

"Immediate succession?" Yunqianyue looked at qingti and analyzed: "now it takes a day for the news to come. So Xi Yanyue has succeeded to the throne today and has become the king of Xiyan."

"Well! The king of Xiyan had long been determined to die with the goddess of protecting the country. So after he returned to China, he paved the way for him. He killed his parents and children and quickly eliminated the Qing Dynasty. He even prepared the grand ceremony for his accession to the throne. " Rong Jing said in a warm voice: "it can also be regarded as making up for Xi Yanyue's suffering for many years. He ascended the throne in Xiyan. Although his time back home was still shallow and his foundation was still shallow, the king of Xiyan was vigorous and vigorous, and he never had any trouble. Now the government of Xiyan is clear and clear. He ascends the throne more easily than your brother in Nanliang, but he has to face the pain of losing his parents. I think he should have been prepared for these days. ""Gu Shaoqing said that my uncle also wanted to ban the princes on the birthday of the ten princes on that day, and to purge the Qing Dynasty for his elder brother. However, the elder brother thought that those were his own flesh and blood, so he joined hands with Gu Shaoqing to find out the dissidents, and preserved many blood of Nanliang." Yun Xiaoyue sighed, "now Nanliang, Xiyan and Nanjiang have changed new policies. This new situation is really coming. The world is still peaceful, but how can I feel the rain is coming and the wind is all over the building! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!