The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1248

Cloud shallow moon heart ponder, "what idea does he make again?"

Rong Jing suddenly laughed and whispered, "when did he not make up his mind?" After that, he patted Yun's head and gently said, "keep reading!" He got up, got up, went to the desk, sat down, and began to review the memorials piled on the table.

Yun Qianyue rubs his head. It's OK for his father to go. Anyway, his brother ascends the throne and needs help. Now she has nothing to do here. Her parents can go to Nanliang! It's just that ye Tianyi can't do anything without purpose. What his purpose is, we need to explore it.

Even though the people returned to the meeting hall, it was still quiet. There was almost no voice outside, and the sound of writing could be heard.

Yun Qianyue looked up at the scene, and saw that he looked at the memorials carelessly. The prime minister's duty is to reach the emperor and command all officials. Naturally, the memorials passed his hand first and then to the emperor. Now the new emperor has not been registered, so he is naturally the Regent. Although she did not touch the affairs in this, she could guess that it was not easy. It's rare that he's sitting here now, looking at ease.

"What's the matter?" Rong Jing turned his head to look at the cloud and the moon, "boring?"

"No!" Cloud shallow moon shakes head, pointed to the outside, "used to be so quiet here? Do your own thing? "

Rong Jing shook his head with a smile, meaning that "today is special."

Cloud light moon suddenly, it seems that she has the function of silencing the sound here.

"King Shizi, just now there is a rush from the military department. There are more than 50000 troops on the west border. It seems that there is a trend of military development." The soldier's voice sounded outside.

"Bring it in!" Rongjing ordered.

The Minister of the Ministry of war stepped in slowly and looked at Yun Qianyue quietly, holding a letter from the Ministry of war and handing it to Rongjing.

Rongjing took it, took a look at it, and said slowly: "King Xiyan is very concerned about the goddess of the state protection. Now the goddess of the state protection is seriously ill. The king of Xiyan has no intention of setting up a military force or managing politics. He is afraid that he wants to go with the goddess and die and be buried together. An additional 50000 troops will be added to the border to prevent others from taking advantage of the opportunity. "

The Minister of the Ministry of war was surprised, "the king of Xiyan will die for a woman?"

"It's no surprise that he took Xiyan River and mountain for nothing but the goddess of protecting the country. It's not surprising that he died for her now." With a faint smile, he handed the letter back to the Minister of the Ministry of war, "go and ask the Regent! Look at the Regent's point of view, whether it needs to be discussed by the ministers tomorrow morning. "

The soldier nodded and retreated with the letter.

Yunqianyue's face is a little dignified. It seems that the love between King Xiyan and the goddess of protecting the state really means that the king of Xiyan died for it. In that case, would not Xiyan Yue be left with himself?

"Don't worry about him! He honed in the Xiaoqin palace for several years. After returning to Xiyan, the king of Xiyan gave the prince a lot of gifts. He even killed two of the most powerful princes who competed with him for the throne a few days ago. Now, no one in the Xiyan Dynasty can compete with xiyanyue. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Yunqianyue nodded. When she saved him, she thought that he would go up to a higher place one day, but she never thought about it so soon.

Rongjing continues to review the memorials. He looks at all the memorials. He ignores the unimportant ones and doesn't need to be handed over. What is important is marked by him and orders people to move to dongnuang Pavilion.

Yunqianyue continues to read.

About with the Ministry of war's bodyguards to lead the battle, the next scene of xi'nuan Pavilion makes people's voices constantly. When he was free, he asked for advice on how to deal with important matters.

But most of the things he had a free word to make a decision, no need to ask about the night.

Therefore, the West warm Pavilion comes and goes, and the people's voice flows like a stream, while the East warm Pavilion is relatively quiet.

Cloud shallow moon sat tired, then lay down, until the sound of the afternoon, has been the matter. The lunch was served by someone. It was obvious that the moon was in the sky, and the weight was the weight of two people.

After having lunch, some people clean up, almost no rest, and then some people with memorials to report. There was no impatience in his face, but he was still leisurely and light, and he dealt with it carelessly.

Yun Qianyue frowned, and for the first time realized that the prime minister's work was not done by human beings. Can he stand it if he wants to go on like this? She is a little angry. Why is yetianyi so relaxed? Why should we work so hard? This is their home now! She didn't know how the Prime Minister of Qin used to be, but she decided not to be like Rongjing now.

Cloud light moon such a thought, facial expression more and more bad, more and more ugly. Even the whole xinuang Pavilion is filled with cold air. The minister who let in shivered with cold.

After a minister left, Rongjing put down his pen and asked with a smile, "how can you look so ugly?"

"You do it every day?" Cloud shallow moon calm face asks him.

Rongjing said with a smile, "the emperor's funeral day delayed a lot of political affairs. In addition, this year's flood brought disaster to all parts of the country, and the harvest was very poor. Then there was another heavy snow. You should know that a while ago, the heavy snow killed many people. Now it's warm and many things are coming. It's normal to have more. "Cloud shallow moon or dissatisfied, stretch out a finger to the East warm Pavilion, "why is he so relaxed?"

Rongjing suddenly laughed and was extremely spoiled. He came to hold Yun Xiaoyue in his arms and said gently, "Regent has Regent's affairs, prime minister has prime minister's affairs. What's the harm of doing more? It is a good thing that the people of the world can cover their bodies, eat and eat, be safe and stable, and work hard to save the people. I am not for the world of Yeshi, but for the people who live in the land of heavenly saints. "

Cloud shallow moon angry immediately receded, heartache tunnel: "but this is too tired!"

"When Shen Zhao enters the court, he won't be so tired!" Rongjing let her go, "he has the talent of Zafu, can help me."

The cloud is light and the moon is blinking.

"Don't let the air conditioner go, or nobody will dare to come." Rongjing bowed her head and kissed her on the cheek, got up, went back to the table and sat down.

Cloud shallow moon settle down, holding the book to continue to read.

"I heard the little girl came to the meeting hall?" Night light dye's voice suddenly spreads from outside, seems to just come back, some wind and fire, "where?"

There was no answer outside, so he approached the screen and entered the West warm Pavilion.

Rong Jing raised his head and looked at him leisurely. He didn't speak. Yun Qianyue thought of the broken screen, but he didn't speak.

"I went to the military aircraft camp for inspection today. I didn't believe it when I heard about it. Now it is." Night light dye comes near, looking at cloud shallow moon, "little girl, you stay here with him, don't feel stuffy?"

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "not stuffy." She added, "as long as I stay by his side, I'm not bored." , the fastest update of the webnovel!